Opec cutting oil by 2 million a day

Yeah, the whole trying to enforce monetary damages on countries is basically a dead end for the most part. What we are seeing is globalization going bye bye for the white countries (western).

Resources will go where they are appreciated i.e. East.

White countries are involved in a massive suicide pact.


We need smaller but more aircraft carriers instead of a complement of 90-100 aircraft need carriers that only have 30-40.
Couldn’t agree more.

I’d love to see us develop a Lightning Carrier with a smaller complement. Maybe even develop one with the Japanese and flood the Pacific with them.

There’s still an important mission for our super carriers, but they don’t need to be the entire fleet anymore.
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They should of implemented incremental change IMO..They still are not reliable platforms and cost 2.5

I agree about distributed platforms..modern combat is just too lethal. Kind of like the USMC changing their mission. You put some Amphibious Task Force in a hostile sea..5-6 missiles annihilate
The Ford is an amazing platform.

You’re right about the Marines though. Those huge gator Navy amphibs make juicy targets.

And yes - Distributed Lethality is the new strategy.
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Couldn’t agree more.

I’d love to see us develop a Lightning Carrier with a smaller complement. Maybe even develop one with the Japanese and flood the Pacific with them.

There’s still an important mission for our super carriers, but they don’t need to be the entire fleet anymore.

Yep, still need a few large ones but need more LCs as you say.
Would these people be talking with so much confidence at these clowns if the US had leverage on them? Or if Russia, China and the rest of the rest of the world didn't agree with them?

He should of said..Lets Go Brandon.

This Biden led progressivism is gonna be the end of us.
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Saudi Arabia loves Trump. Get him back into office, and everything will change with these countries. Gas prices will go back below 2 dollars again.
Biden will keep the tap open on the SOR. Midterms are around the corner.
Even counting all of China’s littoral Frigates & Missile Boats - we still substantially outweigh them.

Makes for a big number on paper, though.

They have started producing some high end pieces here recently, but most of their fleet is quantity (which definitely counts in the Pacific).
There are 2 carriers in Norfolk in for upgrades. Biggest tents ever.
I mean if we only had a president the world respected and could actually form coherent sentences. But instead we have a demented circus monkey who is more worried about America not having a too 25 airport and how young girls like his hairy legs.
If the intent is to destroy people and people's ability to live their normal life maybe they do know what they are doing?

Moving under the assumption that this isn't the desire result might be a mistake.
What I am getting at is they have no experience governing. They do things without a plan or a clue to deal with any consequences.

I do agree it is intentional.
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What I am getting at is they have no experience governing. They do things without a plan or a clue to deal with any consequences.

I do agree it is intentional.

Its a plan, its just nobody is going to like the plan.

With that said, after the jobs numbers today.... more rate hikes coming. Probably more oil cuts in due course.
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All I know is that I'm going to vote Democratic from now on because they're looking out for my wallet by trying to reduce gasoline prices
I do love the myth that gas would be under $2 a gallon if a republican was in the white house. It's cute.

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