Opec cutting oil by 2 million a day

what do you mean here?
Our economy is like 1/7 of the global economy.
Our navy is like 1/4 of the ocean worthy global total of navies.

It's about the same ratio for all of Europe combined. A little less than us.
Our economy is like 1/7 of the global economy.
Our navy is like 1/4 of the ocean worthy global total of navies.

It's about the same ratio for all of Europe combined. A little less than us.

You talking numbers of combatant ships and subs or tonnage?
This depletion of Strategic Oil Reserves is disgraceful and probably intentional
Bad timing as well

I expect this clown admit to drain the SOR completely.... then want to drain another 10 MM bbl.

Gets told there is no more oil in the SR and clown admin replies "just drain another 10 mil and the next admin can pay it back"
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I expect this clown admit to drain the SOR completely.... then want to drain another 10 MM bbl.

Gets told there is no more oil in the SR and clown admin replies "just drain another 10 mil and the next admin can pay it back"

Where does the money go from these releases?
Our economy is like 1/7 of the global economy.
Our navy is like 1/4 of the ocean worthy global total of navies.

It's about the same ratio for all of Europe combined. A little less than us.
Ah gotcha.

Yea, we displace twice as much as China & Russia do combined. I doubt Europe combined is that big though. Britain, France, & Italy combined might be 1/4 of US tonnage.
I am thinking it was tonnage. And this was exclusive of littoral ships.
Even counting all of China’s littoral Frigates & Missile Boats - we still substantially outweigh them.

Makes for a big number on paper, though.

They have started producing some high end pieces here recently, but most of their fleet is quantity (which definitely counts in the Pacific).
The issue with this is that without the west the east doesnt have the money to put those resources to use. Or at least they would face a truly massive retraction as the number 1 and number 2 markets, by dollar amount, disappear.

If your point is that the only use of the West is that of controlling the present credit system, well, I would agree. Obviously, there are less dollars in the system, but its also obvious that the East is trying to work around that problem.... I don't believe they will be successful. In the meantime, generally speaking resources will continue to flow East... its where they will do whatever it takes to get it. There is no magic switch the West is going to have to rebuild trade, alliances, pipelines, etc. for raw materials including energy.

I disagree with Putin on the issue of just moving to a new system, that would just trigger reset. Of course, as the United States continues down this insane path... there might not be much of a choice for the East than to just go ahead and hit the reset button.

Its hard to envision how this will work out well for everyone at this stage.

Europe is complete **** probably for the remaining of my lifetime, and I would expect to be alive another 3-5 decades. The United States has completely ****ed Europe.
I would also hope you are a Johnny Depp fan. Because you can say hello to "Pirates of X Sea" about a dozen times. Our navy is even bigger relative to the rest of the world than our economy. And does a crap ton of anti piracy the world over.
We just don't like competition...

If you are being serious and really concerned about crime on the high seas, that is a responsibility that shouldn't just be carried by the US because we simply cannot afford it. Let these other regional powers take care of their own spheres of influence. The Middle East, India, China, Australia and Japan could easily come together and perform the same duties.
I am thinking it was tonnage. And this was exclusive of littoral ships.

Well the LSC are not much tonnage anyways and guess what, being scrapped. They spent $60B on that program and disaster. $13B for a Ford when a Nimitz was $5B. Surprised we have a USN at all. Although the Arleigh Burkes are the savior, just like the F-16 was for the Air Force..from a success and capability front..not cost.
If your point is that the only use of the West is that of controlling the present credit system, well, I would agree. Obviously, there are less dollars in the system, but its also obvious that the East is trying to work around that problem.... I don't believe they will be successful. In the meantime, generally speaking resources will continue to flow East... its where they will do whatever it takes to get it. There is no magic switch the West is going to have to rebuild trade, alliances, pipelines, etc. for raw materials including energy.

I disagree with Putin on the issue of just moving to a new system, that would just trigger reset. Of course, as the United States continues down this insane path... there might not be much of a choice for the East than to just go ahead and hit the reset button.

Its hard to envision how this will work out well for everyone at this stage.

Europe is complete **** probably for the remaining of my lifetime, and I would expect to be alive another 3-5 decades. The United States has completely ****ed Europe.
It's not the US, even if you want to believe we 100% control them. Anyone would have them facing the same issues unless they were still colonial powers. They dont have the resources anyone needs for modern life.

The issue in the east is the resources needed for modern life require a lot more money per capita than the east, even China, has to spend. It wont matter that they have the resources if they cant use them.
Well the LSC are not much tonnage anyways and guess what, being scrapped. They spent $60B on that program and disaster. $13B for a Ford when a Nimitz was $5B. Surprised we have a USN at all. Although the Arleigh Burkes are the savior, just like the F-16 was for the Air Force..from a success and capability front..not cost.
The USS Ford is a remarkable platform.

I would focus on expanding the number of platforms we have to deploy by increasing via Arleigh’s, Frigate FFGx, and other lower end options.

Essentially smaller platforms, but in greater numbers.
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We just don't like competition...

If you are being serious and really concerned about crime on the high seas, that is a responsibility that shouldn't just be carried by the US because we simply cannot afford it. Let these other regional powers take care of their own spheres of influence. The Middle East, India, China, Australia and Japan could easily come together and perform the same duties.
No they really cant. At least not to the same degree we are. Sure they could guard their coastlines and some of the choke points in SE asia, Sri Lanka, south africa. But they arent patrolling the Pacific Isles, the coasts of africa, heck even the gulf of Aden and gulf of Oman. We see issues their now with our navy present. And if you think it will be a small time affairs remember one ship in the Suez Canal effed half the world's trade.

Then you add in a collapsing world economy and you will see more people turn to piracy and fewer nations able to defend what they have.

How are we going to trade with everyone if our shipping is being hit at every corner?
Let's be honest, this has been a problem for quite some time. And governments are doing it at the State and local levels... let alone foreign countries. The same countries fighting the endless wars are the same countries installing anti-energy policies, and have all these mutants running things. Mostly white leadership countries, same ones over and over.

People need to toughen up... the bad times aren't even here yet.

Yep, those leaders and power players will never fell the affects of high gas prices or utility prices. They disconnected from the middle class. Sadly people like EG, LG AND Septic think this perfectly fine.
The USS Ford is a remarkable platform.

I would focus on expanding the number of platforms we have to deploy by increasing via Arleigh’s, Frigate FFGx, and other lower end options.

Essentially smaller platforms, but in greater numbers.

They should of implemented incremental change IMO..They still are not reliable platforms and cost 2.5

I agree about distributed platforms..modern combat is just too lethal. Kind of like the USMC changing their mission. You put some Amphibious Task Force in a hostile sea..5-6 missiles annihilate
Nobody seems to focus on this BS John Kerry and this administration support for Iran. Pissing OPEC off. And yet we are taking in Venezuelan oil..Unreal off the charts. This is a cluster**** administration.
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The USS Ford is a remarkable platform.

I would focus on expanding the number of platforms we have to deploy by increasing via Arleigh’s, Frigate FFGx, and other lower end options.

Essentially smaller platforms, but in greater numbers.

We need smaller but more aircraft carriers instead of a complement of 90-100 aircraft need carriers that only have 30-40.
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