I’m all in favor of solar panels on individual homes, geothermal units to heat and cool your home, basically what ever gets the individual off the grid that they would like to use. Hell, set up your own wind turbine in your yard. We’ve figured a lot of that out. However, there is NOTHING in the foreseeable future that can do the heavy lifting in our economy like fossil fuels. NOTHING. You’re not gonna power 18 wheelers, locomotives, barged, tankers, freighters, heavy construction equipment, etc. on batteries, wind or solar power. It will be oil and gas. It will always be oil and gas. Why do you think Buc-ees is expanding at rapid fire pace with the most gas pumps anyone has ever seen??
The sooner the left and the dems get out of their fantasy world of “everything electric”, the better off we will be. It’s a fools errand. And the .gov needs to get the f*** out of the way, open up our domestic oil production again and reinvest in nuclear energy as well. This admin and the GND crowd need to stop being so proud of bending us over, pi$$ing down our leg and telling us it’s raining. So, let OPEC cut production and the dementia patient keep groveling. Let oil go into the stratosphere. Seems nobody can learn a damn lesson unless it’s through blunt force being applied. But yeah, let’s blame it on oil companies while disregarding their enormous capital expenditure on a daily basis to bring oil and energy to market. Sorry, I woke up salty. Where’s my coffee??