Open Letter To Justin Worley

Weird? Letting a kid know he has fans and PAYING contributors behind him? I spend at least 5 grand a year in donation and tickets, not to mention a grand every weekend I come up for a game. Weird to let a kid know we care about what he does for UT? Then I'm weird and you sir are an ASS!

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Haha! Nice try Volnal... It is a little creepy but I get what you were trying to do. If I were you I'd cut my losses and not try to defend yourself. I've noticed these guys can be relentless (and hilarious) when they get on a roll.
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Yeah, you're right, let's tear down our starting QB and tell him we want someone else.... Makes perfect sense, The Kid played his ass off last game and lets see how far he can take us before we start screaming for someone to take his place. Why didn't I think of that.......

You mention your youngest son, a college student athlete waving at him which impressed you, and the avatar you chose is a female cheerleader bending over.

Think about that.
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Haha! Nice try Volnal... It is a little creepy but I get what you were trying to do. If I were you I'd cut my losses and not try to defend yourself. I've noticed these guys can be relentless (and hilarious) when they get on a roll.

Yeah, cut my losses and not defend myself and let others make fun of trying to let a kid that plays in orange know he's appreciated? Yeah, lets do that.... NOT. Justin, get it done buddy!
Weird? Letting a kid know he has fans and PAYING contributors behind him? I spend at least 5 grand a year in donation and tickets, not to mention a grand every weekend I come up for a game. Weird to let a kid know we care about what he does for UT? Then I'm weird and you sir are an ASS!

You spend a grand every weekend and that is after you already bought tickets? You sir are pretty wealthy.
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Yeah, cut my losses and not defend myself and let others make fun of trying to let a kid that plays in orange know he's appreciated? Yeah, lets do that.... NOT. Justin, get it done buddy!

Haha don't let these message board blowhards get to you. It was a good sentiment.
It puts the lotion on its skin.. Is that you Buffalo Bob?

I just Joking, you seem like a devoted fan.
Weird? Letting a kid know he has fans and PAYING contributors behind him? I spend at least 5 grand a year in donation and tickets, not to mention a grand every weekend I come up for a game. Weird to let a kid know we care about what he does for UT? Then I'm weird and you sir are an ASS!

I've got 70,000 posts. Most people figured out I was an ass after a few hundred. Hell, my wife knew I was an ass before message boards were invented. But the great thing about being an ass is that you know how to identify other asinine things ... like open letters to players where you think they remember you because they once waved in your general direction. I'm not tearing down Justin Worley. I'm pulling my hair out over yet another god awful thread idea.
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Yeah, cut my losses and not defend myself and let others make fun of trying to let a kid that plays in orange know he's appreciated? Yeah, lets do that.... NOT. Justin, get it done buddy!

hehe! OK, don't be so damn sensitive lol. I'm on your side on the debate. I liked the sentiment. :peace2:
First off,, you did nothing except take your team to victory last Sat. You threw no inceptions, you had everyone in position before each and every snap, you conducted the offense like a field general, and you didn't have a single penalty against you. You managed the game and the plays in a manner that let's me as well as others know you can do what is asked of you.

Please do not for one second listen to those talking about another QB to take your spot. The coaching staff said you were the man, so be the one and take us to the promise land doing what you did last week. A strong presence in the pocket, a smart take on the game, and a cool demeanor that doesn't get your team in trouble.

I have been a fan since you signed with UT, and was the lone fan you waved to at the Peyton Manning Passing Academy, while my youngest son was attending there. You are a class act and I can think of no one I want leading my vols son except you! Do us proud!!!!!! I know you want to succeed and I'm with you 100 %

Play your game and I have faith in you and that the coaches know your the one to lead us. Justin, my family is behind you in everything you do son. Make yourself proud and the rest will follow. Go Big Orange!!!!

Quote: You threw no inceptions

Definition: The beginning of something, such as an undertaking; a commencement.

Quote: I can think of no one I want leading my vols son except you!

Comment: Not sure what this means.

But I gave you a like because our players need support instead of the rabid putdowns certain fans vomit on this board. :thumbsup:
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It was a nice open letter...glad you did it...the raptors biting at you go away when you don't react or lose your cool...Fade runs when you throw a ball of yarn :)
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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You mention your youngest son, a college student athlete waving at him which impressed you, and the avatar you chose is a female cheerleader bending over.

Think about that.

I'd be willing to bet that 99% of all straight males from about 12 years old and up are in to college cheerleaders (female). We are all dogs at heart, lol.
I've got 70,000 posts. Most people figured out I was an ass after a few hundred. Hell, my wife knew I was an ass before message boards were invented. But the great thing about being an ass is that you know how to identify other asinine things ... like open letters to players where you think they remember you because they once waved in your general direction.

Like I said, I was in the parent area when Justin walked by, He saw the colors and the hat and knew I was a Tenn fan, Also I talked to him earlier that morning which brought on the wave, but that is null and void. This kid played his ass off for us and I for one am behind him, he hasn't proved he isn't the starting QB, I support my vols and I'm not in favor of changing out our QB in a week that we need him to step up. You want to tear him down, go ahead, but until he shows me he isn't the guy, I'm all Worley. Sorry so long
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Like I said, I was in the parent area when Justin walked by, He saw the colors and the hat and knew I was a Tenn fan, Also I talked to him earlier that morning which brought on the wave, but that is null and void. This kid played his ass off for us and I for one am behind him, he hasn't proved he isn't the starting QB, I support my vols and I'm not in favor of changing out our QB in a week that we need him to step up. You want to tear him down, go ahead, but until he shows me he isn't the guy, I'm all Worley. Sorry so long

Again, you're in the parent area, but you think your avatar of this young woman is appropriate?
I'd be willing to bet that 99% of all straight males from about 12 years old and up are in to college cheerleaders (female). We are all dogs at heart, lol.

To my shame I must confess that it took me three attempts to read the OP. My eyes kept wandering to his avatar. :redface:
First off,, you did nothing except take your team to victory last Sat. You threw no inceptions, you had everyone in position before each and every snap, you conducted the offense like a field general, and you didn't have a single penalty against you. You managed the game and the plays in a manner that let's me as well as others know you can do what is asked of you.

Please do not for one second listen to those talking about another QB to take your spot. The coaching staff said you were the man, so be the one and take us to the promise land doing what you did last week. A strong presence in the pocket, a smart take on the game, and a cool demeanor that doesn't get your team in trouble.

I have been a fan since you signed with UT, and was the lone fan you waved to at the Peyton Manning Passing Academy, while my youngest son was attending there. You are a class act and I can think of no one I want leading my vols son except you! Do us proud!!!!!! I know you want to succeed and I'm with you 100 %

Play your game and I have faith in you and that the coaches know your the one to lead us. Justin, my family is behind you in everything you do son. Make yourself proud and the rest will follow. Go Big Orange!!!!

Love, Your Dad. :whistling:
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I'd be willing to bet that 99% of all straight males from about 12 years old and up are in to college cheerleaders (female). We are all dogs at heart, lol.

I don't have a problem with that. But quit preaching your "kid" values. That's all I'm saying. He should've left his kid out of it, imo.
Again, you're in the parent area, but you think your avatar of this young woman is appropriate?
Omg..... Really??? You're a female and asking me that? My avatar has nothing to do with my content........ Typical response.

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