Open Letter To Justin Worley

Yeah, you're right, let's tear down our starting QB and tell him we want someone else.... Makes perfect sense, The Kid played his ass off last game and lets see how far he can take us before we start screaming for someone to take his place. Why didn't I think of that.......

Edit: better explanation below.....
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I've got 70,000 posts. Most people figured out I was an ass after a few hundred. Hell, my wife knew I was an ass before message boards were invented. But the great thing about being an ass is that you know how to identify other asinine things ... like open letters to players where you think they remember you because they once waved in your general direction. I'm not tearing down Justin Worley. I'm pulling my hair out over yet another god awful thread idea.

I farted in Bray's general direction once, does that count?
Like I said, I was in the parent area when Justin walked by, He saw the colors and the hat and knew I was a Tenn fan, Also I talked to him earlier that morning which brought on the wave, but that is null and void. This kid played his ass off for us and I for one am behind him, he hasn't proved he isn't the starting QB, I support my vols and I'm not in favor of changing out our QB in a week that we need him to step up. You want to tear him down, go ahead, but until he shows me he isn't the guy, I'm all Worley. Sorry so long

You have a mancrush on JW, we give you crap, and by some sort of weird relationship, we are tearing JW down? Kinda pompous don't you think?
So you and Worley supposedly had a conversation and then he waved at you, but you think he would be more likely to remember a wave? And you thought the best way to describe yourself to him was by saying "i'm the one you waved at" and not "we had a conversation"... etc. Not Likely

And you keep talking about your child values or whatever, which you clearly are only using as a bs means to defend yourself and make everyone else out to be jerks when you came off as quite creepy. That's the consensus among the majority here, so it's quite obvious and you should count your losses but you don't SO,

I hope your son never brings a date, girlfriend, friend who is a female, etc. over when he is 18-22 because based on your avatar, your creepy ass will be lurking about trying to catch a glimpse every time she bends over. The evidence in insurmountable. You, sir, are a creep.

Dog, I hope Justin Worley never reads your "letter"
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For the love of god, can VolNation members stop with the creep ass letters to players?
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Yeah, you're right, let's tear down our starting QB and tell him we want someone else.... Makes perfect sense, The Kid played his ass off last game and lets see how far he can take us before we start screaming for someone to take his place. Why didn't I think of that.......

Did you call in to an radio show crying last week???
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No I'm not a female.

Not a female with vollygirl as your name? How about my avatar now... My son getting his picture taken with Johnny Majors, is that acceptable with you now? Really? what a joke..... My avatar had nothing to do with my content but you chose to make it a point to down grade my response.... now what is your point? Guess I'll be banned huh?:blink:
So a guy starts a thread in support of our starting QB, and it seems most everyone needs a tampon in here. Seriously... what's the big deal? So maybe you disagree with the context of his post? Get over hit! His sentiment certainly seems genuine so how about cutting him some slack.

I'd rather see posts like this everyday compared to those that do nothing but insult our players.
You mention your youngest son, a college student athlete waving at him which impressed you, and the avatar you chose is a female cheerleader bending over.

Think about that.

Really, WTH did my avatar have to do with my post? Really? I used a more docile avatar to my reply now , but it HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH MY POST,, at ALL.....Because I use a photo I took I'm deemed UN-knowledgeable because you don't like my avatar? Really? Vollygirl, and you try and tell me you're not a girl with that name, I call BS!
I think Worley could be more aggressive in his blocking assignments.

He needs to finish the play.

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