Opinion from a 17 year old Vol fan ( long)


VFL 24/7

Jan 21, 2012
I'm about to be a senior in highschool and I am friends with several freshman on the team and several recruits committed or be recruited by UT. You ask why am I starting a thread? I am starting a thread so you can see what I think about social media, new uniforms ETC.. Because I guarantee I have the same or close to the same interests as many of the current players and players we are recruiting.

First topic- new uniforms
I realize the traditionalist hate change what so ever but if you want to impress the kids of today you have to keep up with the times. What Butch is doing with our uniforms is great because he isn't going Oregon flashy but he is bringing a new style to them, which I can tell you first hand by talking to my friends who are on the team love it. I can also tell you there is more to come with the uniforms. You guys haven't seen anything yet.

Second topic- "Rocky Top"
To those of you who want "rocky top" gone.... go ahead and take your orange and give it away. I absolutely love Rocky Top and in my opinion it should never even be in question to get rid of it. There is nothing like hearing 100,000 + fans screaming such a great song.

Last Topic- Social Media
To the people thinking its weird and ripping other posters on here for following recruits on twitter because you think its creepy... just stop. We teens absolutely love the attention and I for one is very involved in Twitter, Instagram etc. So keep up the good work VOL fans because trust me every teen loves getting attention anywhere we can get it, and social media is a great tool for VOL fans to show who the best fan base is to these recruits. Like I said before, if we want to win we have to keep up with the times, and Coach Jones gets that as he makes sure his whole staff and himself are very involved with social media.

This tread was for just in case you wanted to know how the younger generation felt about some hot topics on this board. Because after all I am the same age and I think the same as most of these recruits. How do I know that? Because I have 3 friends currently freshman on the team and 2 friends committed and 1 friend getting recruited by UT.. But I will probably get ripped by some of you but I don't care, at least you know how the younger fans think. So with that I say GO VOLS!! Hopefully we can shock some people this year and build some momentum going into the year the 2014 class (my class) comes in! :hi:
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I'm about to be a senior in highschool and I am friends with several freshman on the team and several recruits committed or be recruited by UT. You ask why am I starting a thread? I am starting a thread so you can see what I think about social media, new uniforms ETC.. Because I guarantee I have the same or close to the same interests as many of the current players and players we are recruiting.

First topic- new uniforms
I realize the traditionalist hate change what so ever but if you want to impress the kids of today you have to keep up with the times. What Butch is doing with our uniforms is great because he isn't going Oregon flashy but he is bringing a new style to them, which I can tell you first hand by talking to my friends who are on the team love it. I can also tell you there is more to come with the uniforms. You guys haven't seen anything yet.

Second topic- "Rocky Top"
To those of you who want "rocky top" gone.... go ahead and take your orange and give it away. I absolutely love Rocky Top and in my opinion it should never even be in question to get rid of it. There is nothing like hearing 100,000 + fans screaming such a great song.

Last Topic- Social Media
To the people thinking its weird and ripping other posters on here for following recruits on twitter because you think its creepy... just stop. We teens absolutely love the attention and I for one is very involved in Twitter, Instagram etc. So keep up the good work VOL fans because trust me every teen loves getting attention anywhere we can get it, and social media is a great tool for VOL fans to show who the best fan base is to these recruits. Like I said before, if we want to win we have to keep up with the times, and Coach Jones gets that as he makes sure his whole staff and himself are very involved with social media.

This tread was for just in case you wanted to know how the younger generation felt about some hot topics on this board. Because after all I am the same age and I think the same as most of these recruits. How do I know that? Because I have 3 friends currently freshman on the team and 2 friends committed and 1 friend getting recruited by UT.. But I will probably get ripped by some of you but I don't care, at least you know how the younger fans think. So with that I say GO VOLS!! Hopefully we can shock some people this year and build some momentum going into the year the 2014 class (my class) comes in! :hi:

Who on God's green earth? Surely you must have misheard a few people.
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I'm about to be a senior in highschool and I am friends with several freshman on the team and several recruits committed or be recruited by UT. You ask why am I starting a thread? I am starting a thread so you can see what I think about social media, new uniforms ETC.. Because I guarantee I have the same or close to the same interests as many of the current players and players we are recruiting.

First topic- new uniforms
I realize the traditionalist hate change what so ever but if you want to impress the kids of today you have to keep up with the times. What Butch is doing with our uniforms is great because he isn't going Oregon flashy but he is bringing a new style to them, which I can tell you first hand by talking to my friends who are on the team love it. I can also tell you there is more to come with the uniforms. You guys haven't seen anything yet.

Second topic- "Rocky Top"
To those of you who want "rocky top" gone.... go ahead and take your orange and give it away. I absolutely love Rocky Top and in my opinion it should never even be in question to get rid of it. There is nothing like hearing 100,000 + fans screaming such a great song.

Last Topic- Social Media
To the people thinking its weird and ripping other posters on here for following recruits on twitter because you think its creepy... just stop. We teens absolutely love the attention and I for one is very involved in Twitter, Instagram etc. So keep up the good work VOL fans because trust me every teen loves getting attention anywhere we can get it, and social media is a great tool for VOL fans to show who the best fan base is to these recruits. Like I said before, if we want to win we have to keep up with the times, and Coach Jones gets that as he makes sure his whole staff and himself are very involved with social media.

This tread was for just in case you wanted to know how the younger generation felt about some hot topics on this board. Because after all I am the same age and I think the same as most of these recruits. How do I know that? Because I have 3 friends currently freshman on the team and 2 friends committed and 1 friend getting recruited by UT.. But I will probably get ripped by some of you but I don't care, at least you know how the younger fans think. So with that I say GO VOLS!! Hopefully we can shock some people this year and build some momentum going into the year the 2014 class (my class) comes in! :hi:
Solid post.
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You're not an adult so your opinion doesn't mattet.

Jk just a few years older than you myself
solid post young man and thanks for the input.

I guess I am considered a old timer being in my late 50's and I can say that I am not against change, traditions have to start someplace. New uniforms done right I think would be great.
I personally would like to see a new type of intro music for when the team comes on the field and runs through the T. Maybe something like AC-DC Thunderstruck or some kind of hard hitting music, something to really get the fans and the team fired up. (the fans could bring the Thunder )

Traditions are great and I am all for them , but we have to keep up with the times also.
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lol, guess we gotta keep up with the jones as the old saying goes. i am old school myself and probably the youngest old schooler on this board. GO VOLS!! just win!
Well said young man. Stick with the old traditions, while starting new ones. Keep your head screwed on straight, and you will go far.
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I'm about to be a senior in highschool and I am friends with several freshman on the team and several recruits committed or be recruited by UT. You ask why am I starting a thread? I am starting a thread so you can see what I think about social media, new uniforms ETC.. Because I guarantee I have the same or close to the same interests as many of the current players and players we are recruiting.

First topic- new uniforms
I realize the traditionalist hate change what so ever but if you want to impress the kids of today you have to keep up with the times. What Butch is doing with our uniforms is great because he isn't going Oregon flashy but he is bringing a new style to them, which I can tell you first hand by talking to my friends who are on the team love it. I can also tell you there is more to come with the uniforms. You guys haven't seen anything yet.

Second topic- "Rocky Top"
To those of you who want "rocky top" gone.... go ahead and take your orange and give it away. I absolutely love Rocky Top and in my opinion it should never even be in question to get rid of it. There is nothing like hearing 100,000 + fans screaming such a great song.

Last Topic- Social Media
To the people thinking its weird and ripping other posters on here for following recruits on twitter because you think its creepy... just stop. We teens absolutely love the attention and I for one is very involved in Twitter, Instagram etc. So keep up the good work VOL fans because trust me every teen loves getting attention anywhere we can get it, and social media is a great tool for VOL fans to show who the best fan base is to these recruits. Like I said before, if we want to win we have to keep up with the times, and Coach Jones gets that as he makes sure his whole staff and himself are very involved with social media.

This tread was for just in case you wanted to know how the younger generation felt about some hot topics on this board. Because after all I am the same age and I think the same as most of these recruits. How do I know that? Because I have 3 friends currently freshman on the team and 2 friends committed and 1 friend getting recruited by UT.. But I will probably get ripped by some of you but I don't care, at least you know how the younger fans think. So with that I say GO VOLS!! Hopefully we can shock some people this year and build some momentum going into the year the 2014 class (my class) comes in! :hi:

Usually, nothing GOOD happens after midnight when you are a teenager. Well, something good happened after 2 AM this morning. Good post.
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VFL 24/7 - Would you share your impression of how much or little recruits read message boards such as volnation? If they do read these, how much does the constant negative talk from a vocal minority affect the recruits impression of UT? Thanks!
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I'm 51 and agree completely with your post, keep it up....
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Goof post man, nice avatar too.

1) anyone thinking we don't need Rocky Top....well I'm not even gonna go there.

2) uniforms changing are fine by me. I liked the black and found it hilarious when people were moaning about tradition when black is part of our tradition. As for the new unis....I love them, especially the state emblem above the name. But to say we've seen nothing yet...I'm not gonna lie, that makes me a bit nervous. They don't need much done to them. That's something I've always admired about Tennessee, Bama, ND, Penn State, USC, and a couple other teams. They are unique in that they have stayed true to their roots. Every team I named looks like old school, hard nosed football teams when they take the field IMO. Winning brings recruits. And the other tradition laden powers like UGA, Nebraska, ND, and Michigan all looked like assclowns when they did try to spiff it up a bit.

3) Tweeter...well that's an argument that will never die. I'm sure the younger generation does love it. But when you get my age and have a teenager yourself, chances are your gonna wanna be cautious about who your kid is associating with. Even if they are a recruit. And I think that's where the debate comes in. I don't pick up the phone calling teenagers. I don't pick up my phone and tweet them. But it's fine if someone else does, I just don't.

Again, fabulous post young man! Hope you post more! And my comments are not to down yours. Just trying to give a younger dude like you a look into why us old farts are so stubborn on these topics. Just as you did a great job giving this dude some perspective of what the youngsters now days think. Good stuff.
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I can deal with most of that but you'll never convince me that 50yo men tweeting personal stuff to 16yo recruits isn't creepy.

and no one is seriously considering getting rid of Rocky Top. It was just a writer scraping the bottom for something to write
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I can deal with most of that but you'll never convince me that 50yo men tweeting personal stuff to 16yo recruits isn't creepy.

and no one is seriously considering getting rid of Rocky Top. It was just a writer scraping the bottom for something to write

Personal stuff yes, but just sending messages like "Enjoy your visit on Rocky Top and I hope you join the VFL family" or something like that is fine. IMO.
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