Opinion from a 17 year old Vol fan ( long)

VFL 24/7 - Would you share your impression of how much or little recruits read message boards such as volnation? If they do read these, how much does the constant negative talk from a vocal minority affect the recruits impression of UT? Thanks!

Oh they definitely read message boards, a lot read Vol Quest but they think VolNation is by far the most entertaining message board. So to your question yes they do read what you guys say haha
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Why does BAMA keep getting brought up? Their uniforms, SABAN/BRYANT, and record is theirs and has zero to do with Tennessee.
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Why does BAMA keep getting brought up? Their uniforms, SABAN/BRYANT, and record is theirs and has zero to do with Tennessee.

Because people keep making the ignorant argument that in order to recruit the best players, our uniforms require an update. Alabama has won 3 or the past 4 NC's and wears uniforms that are almost indistinguishable from what they were wearing 50 years ago, so citing them as an example is the easiest way for people to quickly show that that argument holds no water whatsoever.
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Oh they definitely read message boards, a lot read Vol Quest but they think VolNation is by far the most entertaining message board. So to your question yes they do read what you guys say haha

Hope you habitually negative posters pay attention to this!

You beach and complain about everything because its not as good as 1998. 1998 was due to very tallented players.

Your vocal attitudes are partially responable for keeping some tallent from joining the program! Find a way to be constructive instead of destructive.
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I appreciate the post. My more focused question is : how does the 'comments' by posters on recruiting boards affect the recruiting process and recruits and associates perspective? To say that there are some unrefined perspectives would be an understatement.

Personally, I limit usage of the social media due to personal and career impact. I know two companies that focus on background verification (and use one). The results are astounding and have resulted in loss of employment and lack of opportunity. So, to the attention craving groups, be wary that everyone is really interested when you got a beer, when you go / what you did on vacation, and who your friends are, but sometimes not for the reason you think.
Why isn't Bama the best example? They have dull ugly maroon unis that look like they're from the 50's. They have the top class in the country every year. It's winning.

If Bama isn't a good example, then let's use Oregon. They have the best variety of unis in the nation. How come they rarely have a top 15 recruiting class? They're success has been due to a top 3 coach.

I think you forgot about Alabama's new LB and his first full of dollars. Cold hard cash is always in fashion.
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I'm about to be a senior in highschool and I am friends with several freshman on the team and several recruits committed or be recruited by UT. You ask why am I starting a thread? I am starting a thread so you can see what I think about social media, new uniforms ETC.. Because I guarantee I have the same or close to the same interests as many of the current players and players we are recruiting.

First topic- new uniforms
I realize the traditionalist hate change what so ever but if you want to impress the kids of today you have to keep up with the times. What Butch is doing with our uniforms is great because he isn't going Oregon flashy but he is bringing a new style to them, which I can tell you first hand by talking to my friends who are on the team love it. I can also tell you there is more to come with the uniforms. You guys haven't seen anything yet.

Second topic- "Rocky Top"
To those of you who want "rocky top" gone.... go ahead and take your orange and give it away. I absolutely love Rocky Top and in my opinion it should never even be in question to get rid of it. There is nothing like hearing 100,000 + fans screaming such a great song.

Last Topic- Social Media
To the people thinking its weird and ripping other posters on here for following recruits on twitter because you think its creepy... just stop. We teens absolutely love the attention and I for one is very involved in Twitter, Instagram etc. So keep up the good work VOL fans because trust me every teen loves getting attention anywhere we can get it, and social media is a great tool for VOL fans to show who the best fan base is to these recruits. Like I said before, if we want to win we have to keep up with the times, and Coach Jones gets that as he makes sure his whole staff and himself are very involved with social media.

This tread was for just in case you wanted to know how the younger generation felt about some hot topics on this board. Because after all I am the same age and I think the same as most of these recruits. How do I know that? Because I have 3 friends currently freshman on the team and 2 friends committed and 1 friend getting recruited by UT.. But I will probably get ripped by some of you but I don't care, at least you know how the younger fans think. So with that I say GO VOLS!! Hopefully we can shock some people this year and build some momentum going into the year the 2014 class (my class) comes in! :hi:

As a member of the older generation, I thank you, young sir, for your post. As to the uniform changes, I am one of the older fans that feel just because the same old uniforms have been worn a long time doesn't mean your generation shouldn't be allowed to put your own stamp on it. All the older folks should ask of you kids is to keep it tasteful, honor the good traditions, and make all Tennessee fans, young and old, proud. Of course, that goes for a whole lot more than football uniforms.

As to Rocky Top, I didn't know anyone wanted it gone. There are many great songs the band plays. Fight Vols Fight, Down the Field, and The Tennessee Waltz March. Play them all with pride, and hopefully, one of you younger guys or girls might add to that tradition by writing a new powerful song to add to that rich catalog of songs.

Finally, thanks for telling folks that the recruits appreciate the tweet from fans. Some people have lives that are so small and insignificant that they actually have no better use for their time than going online and berating fans for encouraging young men who, as you stated, want that said encouragement. Do an old man a favor and tell those buddies of yours that they make me proud to be a Vols fan. Don't just shock "some people", young sir. Shock the whole stinking world. GO VOLS!
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Why isn't Bama the best example? They have dull ugly maroon unis that look like they're from the 50's. They have the top class in the country every year. It's winning.

If Bama isn't a good example, then let's use Oregon. They have the best variety of unis in the nation. How come they rarely have a top 15 recruiting class? They're success has been due to a top 3 coach.

Do you even know what you are arguing anymore?????
I hate Alabama but their unis are not dull and ugly. I never said we HAVE to change unis so we can get the top recruits. GO BACK and read.
solid post young man and thanks for the input.

I guess I am considered a old timer being in my late 50's and I can say that I am not against change, traditions have to start someplace. New uniforms done right I think would be great.
I personally would like to see a new type of intro music for when the team comes on the field and runs through the T. Maybe something like AC-DC Thunderstruck or some kind of hard hitting music, something to really get the fans and the team fired up. (the fans could bring the Thunder )

Traditions are great and I am all for them , but we have to keep up with the times also.

You want to keep up with the times by running out to a 23 year old AC/DC song?

And you realize that would be copying Kentucky of all teams, don't you?
Why does BAMA keep getting brought up? Their uniforms, SABAN/BRYANT, and record is theirs and has zero to do with Tennessee.

Simple, people keep saying "Gotta change the look, gotta go Nike, gotta go Oregon, that's how you get recruits".

Meanwhile, Alabama looks like they did in the 60s and they are laughing with their 3 NC titles from the last 4 seasons.
I can't wait to see what they've come up with for the Oregon game..(jersey wise)

I'm about to be a senior in highschool and I am friends with several freshman on the team and several recruits committed or be recruited by UT. You ask why am I starting a thread? I am starting a thread so you can see what I think about social media, new uniforms ETC.. Because I guarantee I have the same or close to the same interests as many of the current players and players we are recruiting.

First topic- new uniforms
I realize the traditionalist hate change what so ever but if you want to impress the kids of today you have to keep up with the times. What Butch is doing with our uniforms is great because he isn't going Oregon flashy but he is bringing a new style to them, which I can tell you first hand by talking to my friends who are on the team love it. I can also tell you there is more to come with the uniforms. You guys haven't seen anything yet.

Second topic- "Rocky Top"
To those of you who want "rocky top" gone.... go ahead and take your orange and give it away. I absolutely love Rocky Top and in my opinion it should never even be in question to get rid of it. There is nothing like hearing 100,000 + fans screaming such a great song.

Last Topic- Social Media
To the people thinking its weird and ripping other posters on here for following recruits on twitter because you think its creepy... just stop. We teens absolutely love the attention and I for one is very involved in Twitter, Instagram etc. So keep up the good work VOL fans because trust me every teen loves getting attention anywhere we can get it, and social media is a great tool for VOL fans to show who the best fan base is to these recruits. Like I said before, if we want to win we have to keep up with the times, and Coach Jones gets that as he makes sure his whole staff and himself are very involved with social media.

This tread was for just in case you wanted to know how the younger generation felt about some hot topics on this board. Because after all I am the same age and I think the same as most of these recruits. How do I know that? Because I have 3 friends currently freshman on the team and 2 friends committed and 1 friend getting recruited by UT.. But I will probably get ripped by some of you but I don't care, at least you know how the younger fans think. So with that I say GO VOLS!! Hopefully we can shock some people this year and build some momentum going into the year the 2014 class (my class) comes in! :hi:

Just curious, who are the friends on the team? Also, what recruits are you friends with?
You want to keep up with the times by running out to a 23 year old AC/DC song?

And you realize that would be copying Kentucky of all teams, don't you?

oh my

I didn't realize this would cause so much consternation.

I only put that in there as an example that I am not stuck on tradition on everything.

and since I am not current on the newest music I stated a song "something like" AC-DC and then said "or some kind of hard hitting music"

I have re-read it several times and I do not see whats so hard to understand. I never stated it had to be that song.
Im all for a new uni every once in a while but gameday tradition should never be messed. Rocky Top should always be played while running through the T. Thats like saying, "Eh, we just wont read the maxims or do the Vol Walk today."
oh my

I didn't realize this would cause so much consternation.

I only put that in there as an example that I am not stuck on tradition on everything.

and since I am not current on the newest music I stated a song "something like" AC-DC and then said "or some kind of hard hitting music"

I have re-read it several times and I do not see whats so hard to understand. I never stated it had to be that song.

UT's entrance is considered one of the best in college; I fail to see why any of it needs changing? Running through the T to some rock song? Seriously?
Im all for a new uni every once in a while but gameday tradition should never be messed. Rocky Top should always be played while running through the T. Thats like saying, "Eh, we just wont read the maxims or do the Vol Walk today."

Down the Field is played when the players 'Run Through the T'. Rocky Top is played during the pre-game march and 1,000,000 times during the game itself.
Down the Field is played when the players 'Run Through the T'. Rocky Top is played during the pre-game march and 1,000,000 times during the game itself.

Youre correct, my bad.....got ahead of my self.

With that Id still rather have Down The Field
Got no problem with tweeking unis but Vol look is part of their brand. You see that white helmet with the power T on the side everyone who watches college football knows who it is. Same with Bama's helmet, Notre Dame, Michigan, and several other traditional powerhouse programs. We ain't Maryland! Don't come out looking like a deck of cards or some Hollywood types idea of a uniform!

Rocky Top is not going away. Hey tweek the arrangement whatever, the song stays!

Tweeting social media are all well and good but use some common sense.

My point in all this is Oregon, Maryland never had a "Brand". They are trying to create one. Tennessee has a "Brand" . Part of the Brand is the uniforms, part the fight song, smokey, the Vol Navy, the walking horse...you don't throw that away to look like you escaped from a video game just because its trendy! Peace & Out!
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How am I wrong? I said I'm not against slight tweeks. But Bama still has their same old school look and recruiting is fine with them. Win and recruits will come. Flashy unis or dull unis. Winning....

Bama wore the same uniforms when they were down for many years as they are wearing now that they are winning.

Edit: meant to quote the post below yours...
VFL 24/7 - Would you share your impression of how much or little recruits read message boards such as volnation? If they do read these, how much does the constant negative talk from a vocal minority affect the recruits impression of UT? Thanks!
I would like to hear the response to this as well.

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