Oregon coach describes UT as "unbelievable"

Overall, as a program, yes we are unbelievable. Have we turned the corner this year to be a dominant team once again? That remains to be seen, but i think it's gonna be a great game whoever wins. UT has been in it's absolute worst years of it's programs history lately, but Oregon is at their very best. It's gonna be a great game either way the game goes. NEVER count UT out of any game. We know what it's like to win it all and win big.

Sure, we as fans know what it's like to win it all and win big. The problem is our players don't.
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The "Unbelievable" part is obviously just a reference to the OL (knowing that probably at least 4 of them will be playing on Sundays, this time next year) and the 7 turnovers.
A few years ago was helping my mom move and in cleaning out some old drawers found a news paper from mid sixties with the headline "Alabama's Bryant fears Chattnooga passing attack". We laughed ...I don't think the moccasins got the Bear that year.
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A few years ago was helping my mom move and in cleaning out some old drawers found a news paper from mid sixties with the headline "Alabama's Bryant fears Chattnooga passing attack". We laughed ...I don't think the moccasins got the Bear that year.

Couldn't have been from mid 60's Chattanooga never played them in 60's. Last time they played them before 1991 was like 1958 or 59.....and it is worth noting that they beat the Volunteers back then. So maybe they had cause for fear then....but they lost to Bama. The worst thing to ever happen to the Mocs was for Chattanooga to join the UT system. It has hurt them academically, financially, and sports wise...IMO.....any benefit they got from joining UT system has been more then made up for by crappy Nashville politics, and rules limiting what local donations for school can be used for. I love UT, and UTC but Chattanooga should have stayed independent.
I agree, the last 5 years have been Unbelievable, I still can't believe it, and no, seeing is not always believing?
Also, Wolfeman_Vol, just out of curiosity, where did you hear we have a tiny d-line?

They average 270 so not that small, but compared to our o-line at 312 they're small. Also noticed a bunch are listed at like 6'7-6'9...so I'm thinking some of their sizes are inflated. Either way, our o-line should be able to control the offensive line of scrimmage.
They average 270 so not that small, but compared to our o-line at 312 they're small. Also noticed a bunch are listed at like 6'7-6'9...so I'm thinking some of their sizes are inflated. Either way, our o-line should be able to control the offensive line of scrimmage.

Don't know what source you're looking at, but our starting 3 defensive lineman for our base 3-4 defense averages around 290. That was from weights listed by the Oregon beat writer prior to Fall practice. And the heights aren't inflated. Oregon recruits tall defensive linemen. Most of our players are over 6'5", and we have several over 6'7". We have, I heard during a game, the tallest defensive line in the country.

This is a strength on a strength. And it's going to be the most fascinating matchup and chess match in the game. Looking forward to it.
How do the players not know? They're around it every day.

Because they themselves have never really won anything? It really blows my mind how many people are stuck in the 90's on this website. These kids were toddlers the last time UT won a SEC championship/National title. How can you expect them to play like champions when they haven't even sniffed a division crown in years?

Butch Jones recognized that immediately when he took over the team. He inherited a group of undisciplined kids who didn't know how to win. It starts with changing the culture of the program and getting his players focused on doing the little things flawlessly and without hesitation. That will hopefully snowball into less mental errors, less penalties and more production. I've been somewhat encouraged by what I've seen so far.

You can sit here and say "We're Tennessee, we should be competing for championships!" until you're blue in the face. That doesn't change the fact that you have to have players that workout like champions, practice like champions, watch film and study the playbook like champions, and focus solely on one thing: playing football with flawless execution without thinking about it. How many players can you say we've had like that in the last decade? Not many if any at all.

The past is great. We can celebrate former players and great teams and championships. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, that's what makes UT such a great place. But when you start heaping these massive expectations on this team, this year, is when it becomes anti-productive. The SEC was completely different in the 90s. To change the culture Butch Jones has to make everyone realize that the 90s are gone and the coaches and players that made those teams great aren't suiting up anytime soon. And that's a hard thing to do. I hope he gets a chance to accomplish that.
Because they themselves have never really won anything? It really blows my mind how many people are stuck in the 90's on this website. These kids were toddlers the last time UT won a SEC championship/National title. How can you expect them to play like champions when they haven't even sniffed a division crown in years?

Butch Jones recognized that immediately when he took over the team. He inherited a group of undisciplined kids who didn't know how to win. It starts with changing the culture of the program and getting his players focused on doing the little things flawlessly and without hesitation. That will hopefully snowball into less mental errors, less penalties and more production. I've been somewhat encouraged by what I've seen so far.

You can sit here and say "We're Tennessee, we should be competing for championships!" until you're blue in the face. That doesn't change the fact that you have to have players that workout like champions, practice like champions, watch film and study the playbook like champions, and focus solely on one thing: playing football with flawless execution without thinking about it. How many players can you say we've had like that in the last decade? Not many if any at all.

The past is great. We can celebrate former players and great teams and championships. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, that's what makes UT such a great place. But when you start heaping these massive expectations on this team, this year, is when it becomes anti-productive. The SEC was completely different in the 90s. To change the culture Butch Jones has to make everyone realize that the 90s are gone and the coaches and players that made those teams great aren't suiting up anytime soon. And that's a hard thing to do. I hope he gets a chance to accomplish that.

You freaking nailed that. I touched on the small impact of tradition on the present earlier. Tennessee fans should rightly enjoy their rich history. Especially those that lived through it. But as you said, this current squad, albeit talented, hasn't won. A team thinking "We're Tennessee we have great tradition!" won't do crap for today. You have talent and you're recruiting even more. Butch has to get these guys - in the present, today - to believe in their OWN winning tradition to set up the future. I believe he's the coach who can do that. He's smart, disciplined, respected, and gets the Tennessee way. He'll get this team winning big again soon. But the Tennessee "tradition" won't have much effect on that change. It's going to be Butch, the kids on the squad, and the support of the fans. You guys will be back on top sooner than later. I can sense it.
You freaking nailed that. I touched on the small impact of tradition on the present earlier. Tennessee fans should rightly enjoy their rich history. Especially those that lived through it. But as you said, this current squad, albeit talented, hasn't won. A team thinking "We're Tennessee we have great tradition!" won't do crap for today. You have talent and you're recruiting even more. Butch has to get these guys - in the present, today - to believe in their OWN winning tradition to set up the future. I believe he's the coach who can do that. He's smart, disciplined, respected, and gets the Tennessee way. He'll get this team winning big again soon. But the Tennessee "tradition" won't have much effect on that change. It's going to be Butch, the kids on the squad, and the support of the fans. You guys will be back on top sooner than later. I can sense it.

I think tradition is overblown when trying to appeal to recruits now a days. Sure it's nice to point to a trophy case to show the history of the program. But if you aren't winning, why would most recruits be excited about an SEC championship from 15 years ago?
You freaking nailed that. I touched on the small impact of tradition on the present earlier. Tennessee fans should rightly enjoy their rich history. Especially those that lived through it. But as you said, this current squad, albeit talented, hasn't won. A team thinking "We're Tennessee we have great tradition!" won't do crap for today. You have talent and you're recruiting even more. Butch has to get these guys - in the present, today - to believe in their OWN winning tradition to set up the future. I believe he's the coach who can do that. He's smart, disciplined, respected, and gets the Tennessee way. He'll get this team winning big again soon. But the Tennessee "tradition" won't have much effect on that change. It's going to be Butch, the kids on the squad, and the support of the fans. You guys will be back on top sooner than later. I can sense it.

Me too. I honestly didn't get the feeling with Kiffin because he kept telling us to be patient blah blah. Dooley was a notch above life support from day one. Butch seems interested in turning the program around right now. It's obvious Oregon will make some big plays Saturday, it's the nature of their game. I'm interested as to how Tennessee will respond.

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