Oregon could become 1st US state to decriminalize hard drugs



May God have mercy for my enemies because I won't.
Oct 24, 2010
And here once again we arrive on that slippery slope that the leftist prog filth always tell us doesn’t exist.

In what would be a first in the U.S., possession of small amounts of heroin, cocaine, LSD and other hard drugs could be decriminalized in Oregon under a ballot measure that voters are deciding on in Tuesday’s election
Oregon could become 1st US state to decriminalize hard drugs
Yeah. This one doesn't make any sense to me.

I'm 100% for marijuana decriminalization. Because then, the government can tax it and American companies can produce it.

And most importantly, if those things happen, there will be zero market for criminal organizations to make money from it.

So what is the plan for hard drugs? Same thing? Are we going to sell heroin in Walgreens now? Are we gonna have Johnson and Johnson make it and market it? If not, what is the plan? If you decriminalize use, but you don't decriminalize production or distribution, what are you doing except incentivizing the use of heroin?
Just think of those bozos transporting it across state lines and getting busted. Or getting on a plane. Or leaving the country.

I'm in favor, but just because it'll eliminate or reduce organized crime which makes so much money from this and is responsible for a good amount of crime associated with drugs.
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You think people who become addicted to drugs, most of the time because their doctor prescribed them something and they got hooked, deserve to just die? Thats ****ed up.
It’s usually not bc of the doctor...... it’s bc the individual chooses to overtake his/her pain medication..... My best friend got hooked on pain pills after a neck surgery.....he stole from me.... his work..... his family.... he lied about being robbed when he actually spent his kids Christmas money on drugs.... in and out of rehab but still doing the same stuff.... I had the same prescription as him but took just enough to deaden the pain bc everyone knows the risks.
Yea I’m sure that’s how it is for the vast majority.
You think people just wake up one day and think to themselves, "hey, I think ill try some heroine today." It doesn't work that way. They get addicted to pills first, then can't get the pills so they turn to the dude on the corner.
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And here once again we arrive on that slippery slope that the leftist prog filth always tell us doesn’t exist.

In what would be a first in the U.S., possession of small amounts of heroin, cocaine, LSD and other hard drugs could be decriminalized in Oregon under a ballot measure that voters are deciding on in Tuesday’s election
Oregon could become 1st US state to decriminalize hard drugs
I’m cool with whatever someone does in the privacy of their own home.... I don’t want it to be allowed out in public.... dealing or using.
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You think people just wake up one day and think to themselves, "hey, I think ill try some heroine today." It doesn't work that way. They get addicted to pills first, then can't get the pills so they turn to the dude on the corner.
People that do drugs don’t follow any set pattern.... they most definitely can start with other drugs than pills.
It’s usually not bc of the doctor...... it’s bc the individual chooses to overtake his/her pain medication..... My best friend got hooked on pain pills after a neck surgery.....he stole from me.... his work..... his family.... he lied about being robbed when he actually spent his kids Christmas money on drugs.... in and out of rehab but still doing the same stuff.... I had the same prescription as him but took just enough to deaden the pain bc everyone knows the risks.
It IS because of the doctor. I had back surgery and had extremely mild pain, didn't even need anything stronger than ibuprofen (I was 23) and was prescribed 120 Lortab. I took about 10 of them and threw the rest out. Doctors prescribe WAY too many opiods at one time. Imo they should just give you 10-15 pills at a time.

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