Oregon could become 1st US state to decriminalize hard drugs

Some donate large amounts without asking for a damn thing in return. I specifically know one guy who has done it and didn't ask for anything in return. He may be an exception but your contention has been an absolute one
You mean an absolute like no one is every in jail for possession?

Sorry but I believe every politician past a certain level owes favors
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The drug legalization argument is always fun and revealing. It sorts out what people’s definition of a criminal is. IMO a criminal is someone who harms or explicitly threatens another person or their property. For instance, if my response to seeing someone ingest substances that I personally didn’t approve of was to get my gun and lock them in a cage, I would be rightly guilty of the crime of kidnapping. If you believe criminals are people who violate the edicts of wise and descent legislators, ignore this post. If you believe that “government” is a magic word that absolves immoral behavior by agents acting on its behalf, ignore this post.
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His obesity just happened to kill him at the exact same time that state revenue agents attempted to detain him for the heinous crime of selling loose cigarettes. May he rot in hell for his crimes.
His obesity just happened to kill him at the exact same time that state revenue agents attempted to detain him for the heinous crime of selling loose cigarettes. May he rot in hell for his crimes.

Such a petty thing to lose your life over. That’s what I would tell anyone trying to break in my home as well.
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ACLU? They are as much of a ****ing joke as the Southern poverty Law Center. Lmfao

Right, smear the source - disregard the data. Seems to be a go to play with folks like you, no need to audible.
His obesity just happened to kill him at the exact same time that state revenue agents attempted to detain him for the heinous crime of selling loose cigarettes. May he rot in hell for his crimes.
They detained him because he was involved in an earlier altercation in the area. Try harder
Well if you would post a credible source maybe people would pay a little more attention to it.

Grown ups understand how citations lend credibility to studies. That article had 100+ citations, but you whined about who aggregated the data instead of what was proven.

That makes you look smart. ;)
Grown ups understand how citations lend credibility to studies. That article had 100+ citations, but you whined about who aggregated the data instead of what was proven.

That makes you look smart. ;)

They are left leaning schill for the Democrat party.
His obesity just happened to kill him at the exact same time that state revenue agents attempted to detain him for the heinous crime of selling loose cigarettes. May he rot in hell for his crimes.

Remember, Ricky defends the police state at all costs - they will never do wrong in his eyes. Everyone has it coming in his worldview.
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This is why it's so hard to take you seriously. You pretend to have a background in law enforcement but then you go and make easily disproven, uneducated statements of fact.

It happens ALL.THE.TIME. mostly to black folks though.

A Tale of Two Countries: Racially Targeted Arrests in the Era of Marijuana Reform
You might want to check their flawed data. Being arrested doesn’t mean going to prison. And you aren’t taking into account that black people are three times more likely to be arrested for things like driving on suspended license or robbery or drug dealing in general thus their regular traffic stops are more likely to include a lesser charge like simple possession of marijuana within the charges
You might want to check their flawed data. Being arrested doesn’t mean going to prison. And you aren’t taking into account that black people are three times more likely to be arrested for things like driving on suspended license or robbery or drug dealing in general thus their regular traffic stops are more likely to include a lesser charge like simple possession of marijuana within the charges

Which part of the data is flawed? Specifically?

You're moving the goal posts with all of that driving, suspended licenses, robbery nonsense etc … gtfo out of here with your strawman.

You overtly stated "no one is arrested for simple marijuana possession", the data says you're talking out of your ass.
Which part of the data is flawed? Specifically?

You're moving the goal posts with all of that driving, suspended licenses, robbery nonsense etc … gtfo out of here with your strawman.

You overtly stated "no one is arrested for simple marijuana possession", the data says you're talking out of your ass.
Reading comprehension issue? I said no one goes to prison just for simple Marijuana possession. And they don’t.
Remember, Ricky defends the police state at all costs - they will never do wrong in his eyes. Everyone has it coming in his worldview.
I will criticize the police whenever they do something illegal or wrong. Unfortunately 95% of the incidents brought up here are legal, justified and in most cases not even controversial outside the BLM idiots

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