Oregon could become 1st US state to decriminalize hard drugs

You think people just wake up one day and think to themselves, "hey, I think ill try some heroine today." It doesn't work that way. They get addicted to pills first, then can't get the pills so they turn to the dude on the corner.
There isnt one path to drug use and addiction. Some are adventurous and want to try harder stuff. Some work their way via other addictions.
It IS because of the doctor. I had back surgery and had extremely mild pain, didn't even need anything stronger than ibuprofen (I was 23) and was prescribed 120 Lortab. I took about 10 of them and threw the rest out. Doctors prescribe WAY too many opiods at one time. Imo they should just give you 10-15 pills at a time.
We need to quit blaming others for our own irresponsibilities..... McDonald’s makes ton of cheeseburgers and large sized orders but they don’t make me fat anymore than a doctor makes me an addict.
We need to quit blaming others for our own irresponsibilities..... McDonald’s makes ton of cheeseburgers and large sized orders but they don’t make me fat anymore than a doctor makes me an addict.
I agree to an extent but there is a reason the maker of oxy just got fined 3.5 billion. These things are EXTREMELY addictive and doctors give them out like candy. You and I might be able to risk the temptation but a lot of people can't, and those people certainly don't deserve to just die.
I agree to an extent but there is a reason the maker of oxy just got fined 3.5 billion. These things are EXTREMELY addictive and doctors give them out like candy. You and I might be able to risk the temptation but a lot of people can't, and those people certainly don't deserve to just die.

This has changed a lot recently. To the point that sometimes a person who could really use pain meds can’t get them.
Dumbest thing I’ve heard today. Why only antibiotics? Why not beta blockers, or calcium channel blockers, or anesthetics, or antiseizure meds, or statins?

Antibiotics are entirely way overprescribed and lead to resistant bugs. Which one day will wipe out humanity. It won’t be a virus, it will be a bacteria.

Everything else can be pretty well researched online and is only a danger to the user.
Antibiotics are entirely way overprescribed and lead to resistant bugs. Which one day will wipe out humanity. It won’t be a virus, it will be a bacteria.

Everything else can be pretty well researched online and is only a danger to the user.
So it’s your contention that people should self-diagnose and subsequently self-prescribe their own medications?
Yeah. They’re pretty much doing that now, if they weren’t why all the pharmaceutical commercials?
Come on dude, you can’t seriously believe that. The commercials are so you go to the doctor badger them about “that new drug you saw on TV”.

Patients have a right to self-determine their care, but diagnosing the source of your chronic fatigue or shortness of breath or new onset swelling or odd rash isn’t a venture that people should be taking upon themselves. There is an actual reason why medical schools and most nursing schools are so difficult.
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Come on dude, you can’t seriously believe that. The commercials are so you go to the doctor badger them about “that new drug you saw on TV”.

Patients have a right to self-determine their care, but diagnosing the source of your chronic fatigue or shortness of breath or new onset swelling or odd rash isn’t a venture that people should be taking upon themselves. There is an actual reason why medical schools and most nursing schools are so difficult.

You just agreed with me and don’t realize it.
Yeah. They’re pretty much doing that now, if they weren’t why all the pharmaceutical commercials?
Those commercials are certainly enticing me to buy their product. I went to the doctor to get the pills they advertise for Peyronie's disease. The doc said " but your pecker isn't curved". So, I said "one's pecker can't be too straight. I want some pills." I can use the sumbich for a straight edge now.
No I don’t, because I don’t believe that all drugs should be prescription free.

Yeah you did.

You’re absolutely correct that the commercials are designed to get you to go to your doctor and badger them into prescribing you the drug. Why, because you self diagnosed and are convinced it will work. Many will just go to another doctor if theirs won’t give them what they want so let’s cut out the middleman.
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Yeah you did.

You’re absolutely correct that the commercials are designed to get you to go to your doctor and badger them into prescribing you the drug. Why, because you self diagnosed and are convinced it will work. Many will just go to another doctor if theirs won’t give them what they want so let’s cut out the middleman.
Because if you think you have anxiety and need Xanax but the doctor thinks you have CAD then no doctor is going to give you the Xanax, they’re going to want to run diagnostics to determine the extent of your CAD. Rightfully so. That’s why.
Because if you think you have anxiety and need Xanax but the doctor thinks you have CAD then no doctor is going to give you the Xanax, they’re going to want to run diagnostics to determine the extent of your CAD. Rightfully so. That’s why.

Yep next doctor down the road will prescribe what you want. HTF do you think the opioid crisis began?
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Antibiotics are entirely way overprescribed and lead to resistant bugs. Which one day will wipe out humanity. It won’t be a virus, it will be a bacteria.

Everything else can be pretty well researched online and is only a danger to the user.
You can still pay for their expert opinion. Just like you can represent yourself in court.
If you remove the profit you remove the products. You think these companies will make those drugs out of the goodness of their hearts?
It’s not just the drug companies that profit in the US.

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