Oregon could become 1st US state to decriminalize hard drugs

As usually, you cock off half triggered without understanding simple conceptual thinking.

These people WEREN"T PUT IN PRISON FOR JUST SIMPLE POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA....they each have LONG CRIMINAL HISTORIES for a variety of criminal charges and got their probation and parole revoked for another charge.

Just like if you have a habitual felon on probation and he gets 15 years for shoplifting, he didn't get put in prison for 15 years just for a shoplifting charge.
I never said it was a hard drug, i said it is a gateway drug for those with addiction in their genes/family history.

I also said that it's a fantasy myth that prison is full of people who were just arrested for simple possession of marijuana
Yeah, there's no one in prison for simple possession of marijuana. Heck, I don't even see anyone getting arrested for it anymore when I peruse our local arrest report. Haven't seen it in several years. I know quite a few cops and none of them are going to take someone to jail for simple possession. The offender may get a DA ticket, but that's the extent of it. Most of the time, if someone is honest about having some in their possession, there isn't any action
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Actually everyone on here pretty much agreed that cigs and alcohol were the real gateway drugs.

Weird, studies show most alcoholics do not partake in other hardcore drugs, and the majority of smokers don't either.

However a large majority of meth/heroin users started with marijuana then moved to opioids
Weird, studies show most alcoholics do not partake in other hardcore drugs, and the majority of smokers don't either.

However a large majority of meth/heroin users started with marijuana then moved to opioids
Almost every pot smoker I've ever known smoked cigs and drank. This isn't about alcoholics it's about what it used first. The gateway drug argument is crap anyways and only used by those who want to continue the useless prohibition
Yeah, there's no one in prison for simple possession of marijuana. Heck, I don't even see anyone getting arrested for it anymore when I peruse our local arrest report. Haven't seen it in several years. I know quite a few cops and none of them are going to take someone to jail for simple possession. The offender may get a DA ticket, but that's the extent of it. Most of the time, if someone is honest about having some in their possession, there isn't any action
That's still parsing words. This should be about any possession but that argument falls flat so qualifiers keep being added
That's still parsing words. This should be about any possession but that argument falls flat so qualifiers keep being added
It's not parsing words to say people aren't getting arrested for it. I'm stating what the record reflects right now in almost every city and town in this country
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It's not parsing words to say people aren't getting arrested for it. I'm stating what the record reflects right now in almost every city and town in this country
They are still arrested and jailed for possession. Tagging it as "simple" is a deflection
They are still arrested and jailed for possession. Tagging it as "simple" is a misnomer
THey are arrested and jailed for selling large amounts of it as in being a drug dealer. It's not the same thing you are pretending it is as in a poor kid being thrown in prison for having a joint or a small baggie of weed which is not what's happening
THey are arrested and jailed for selling large amounts of it as in being a drug dealer. It's not the same thing you are pretending it is as in a poor kid being thrown in prison for having a joint or a small baggie of weed which is not what's happening
Still possession and still only because it's deemed illegal. There is little difference other than a weak attempt to make it palatable in suburbia
Selling alcohol or cigarettes to underage doesn't land a person in prison. Your menacing use of drug dealer has little effect. Much of what they do wouldn't be a crime if the substance was legal. But that would cut revenue so we know that isn't going to change.

The tax laws need to be revised before I care very much about what someone else pays.
Unless it’s loosies in which case the perpetrators should be executed.
Receiving money for influence? Pretty sure that's what I addressed. No one is finding campaigns out of the goodness of their heart
Some donate large amounts without asking for a damn thing in return. I specifically know one guy who has done it and didn't ask for anything in return. He may be an exception but your contention has been an absolute one
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