Oregon Governor signs new law allowing students to graduate without proving they can read, write, or do math at a HS level

I agree with Boyle's rationale. The sooner you get kids out of the public school system, the better they will be and the more you've helped them.

Well, the counterpoint isn't all that bad. lol.
"This article is legitimately insane in a way that should be obvious to a 10-year-old"
"Here let me quote the article for you"

So what is your problem with the article, do you think it's racist? You stated that the article was tinged in some way and that it was biased towards making black people look bad. I quoted you a passage from the article that said why the action was biased in promoting non-whites.
it's funny how we are approaching this decision as if it is anything besides federal dollars tied to graduation quotas. My understanding is that school funding is tied to things like, enrollment percentages, absentee thresholds, and graduation rates. This decision simply keeps the number graduating on the strong side of that rate so the money keeps flowing in.
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one google search later: bold, italics, and underline by me.

Status of education in Oregon
For the 2012-2013 school year, Oregon spent $9,543 per student. The average across the United States was $10,700. In the United States, public schools reported graduation rates that averaged to about 81.4 percent. Oregon had the second lowest public school graduation rate, 68.7 percent, in the nation in 2013. The following groups had graduation rates lower than Oregon’s 68.7 percent average: American Indians and Alaskan Natives, blacks, Hispanics, limited-English students, children with disabilities, and low-income students.

Oregon State Funding for Dropout Prevention and College Readiness, Measure 98 (2016) - Ballotpedia
one google search later: bold, italics, and underline by me.

Status of education in Oregon
For the 2012-2013 school year, Oregon spent $9,543 per student. The average across the United States was $10,700. In the United States, public schools reported graduation rates that averaged to about 81.4 percent. Oregon had the second lowest public school graduation rate, 68.7 percent, in the nation in 2013. The following groups had graduation rates lower than Oregon’s 68.7 percent average: American Indians and Alaskan Natives, blacks, Hispanics, limited-English students, children with disabilities, and low-income students.

Oregon State Funding for Dropout Prevention and College Readiness, Measure 98 (2016) - Ballotpedia
So their schools has sucked for a number of years and now they're lowering the bar? Sounds like a great plan.
So what is your problem with the article, do you think it's racist? You stated that the article was tinged in some way and that it was biased towards making black people look bad. I quoted you a passage from the article that said why the action was biased in promoting non-whites.

If you can’t see the bias in the article in the OP and legitimately believe it’s straight down the middle or even remotely in that universe, I don’t think I can help you lol
Ironic thing is I had to fix the thread title because the OP didn't read the article

The thread title was cut and paste from the article but then again you seem to have a habit of changing thread tittles to satisfy your leftist views.
one google search later: bold, italics, and underline by me.

Status of education in Oregon
For the 2012-2013 school year, Oregon spent $9,543 per student. The average across the United States was $10,700. In the United States, public schools reported graduation rates that averaged to about 81.4 percent. Oregon had the second lowest public school graduation rate, 68.7 percent, in the nation in 2013. The following groups had graduation rates lower than Oregon’s 68.7 percent average: American Indians and Alaskan Natives, blacks, Hispanics, limited-English students, children with disabilities, and low-income students.

Oregon State Funding for Dropout Prevention and College Readiness, Measure 98 (2016) - Ballotpedia
So you're saying theses are the protesters from this past summer....explains a lot.......
The thread title was cut and paste from the article but then again you seem to have a habit of changing thread tittles to satisfy your leftist views.
That tends to happen when your tag title reads like it was written by an Oregon high schooler who flunked out. They are never changed to suit an agenda only to make them readable
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That tends to happen when your tag title reads like it was written by an Oregon high schooler who flunked out. [/B]They are never changed to suit an agenda only to make them readable

The whole article reads like it was written by an Oregon high school dropout. An example:

"Proponents said the state needed to pause Oregon’s high school graduation requirements. Since 2009 but suspended during the pandemic, until the class of 2024 graduates for leaders to reexamine its graduation requirements."

I changed nothing of that paragraph. And to believe it went through a site editor, too.
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As for a bunch of others... I'm at a rest stop in Pennsylvania (Moving Day #1! Yay!) so I'll be brief.

Standardized tests are a piss poor way of judging student ability. They are also a piss poor way to judge teacher effectiveness. A portfolio system with external graders is a much better way to gauge student progress both as a snapshot and over time, and also provides more accurate metrics for providing teacher and administrator feedback.

America's public schools are not where they could be because they are beholden to too many controlling organizations who all want different things from them. Top that off with total curriculum overhauls that happen before the one before has had time to show any effect and you've got a recipe for disaster.

I look forward to getting set up at the new place and updating my EdThread with the information behind this.
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The thread title was cut and paste from the article but then again you seem to have a habit of changing thread tittles to satisfy your leftist views.

I see no political leaning in the new thread title. It is succinct, informative, and clear.
Things like this is why it's important

So this is progressivism right? Lowering the standards for minorities. Thinking that somehow they are not as equally capable as white people. So by not testing as much and lowering the standards, the minorities will have a better shot at success.

Yet another prime example of the racist policies of liberals. They can’t use the internet, can’t figure out how to get an ID or vote at voting booths. They aren’t black enough if they don’t vote Democrat. Now they are too dumb to pass high school. Good grief.
So this is progressivism right? Lowering the standards for minorities. Thinking that somehow they are not as equally capable as white people. So by not testing as much and lowering the standards, the minorities will have a better shot at success.

Yet another prime example of the racist policies of liberals. They can’t use the internet, can’t figure out how to get an ID or vote at voting booths. They aren’t black enough if they don’t vote Democrat. Now they are too dumb to pass high school. Good grief.

If you make that the standard, then its easy to pass everyone

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