Oregon Governor signs new law allowing students to graduate without proving they can read, write, or do math at a HS level

I would say only the posts he may disagree with?
I read ones that may be interesting. I also click some that seem to make claims that I doubt are completely true. Some posters spam so many of the second group that I never even look at their links anymore and doubt I'm alone
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I would say only the posts he may disagree with?
I think it more likely the ones he finds suspect or that interest him. He's pretty down the middle and equally critical of both sides.

Edit: didn't see his post above mine here but was I on the money or what?
I think it more likely the ones he finds suspect or that interest him. He's pretty down the middle and equally critical of both sides.

Edit: didn't see his post above mine here but was I on the money or what?
I prefer to say I detest both sides equally

I do like to read interesting things that may challenge the way I think or believe. I've changed my views a few times based on info I got here and researched more.
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So this is progressivism right? Lowering the standards for minorities. Thinking that somehow they are not as equally capable as white people. So by not testing as much and lowering the standards, the minorities will have a better shot at success.

Yet another prime example of the racist policies of liberals. They can’t use the internet, can’t figure out how to get an ID or vote at voting booths. They aren’t black enough if they don’t vote Democrat. Now they are too dumb to pass high school. Good grief.

That's a complete misunderstanding of the article and the rationale behind the decision.
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Sorry... I didn't realize that having an actual working understanding of the history and context of the issues made me "part of the problem."
Give me the cliff notes version of that article.
Give me the cliff notes version of that article.

Sure. In Oregon, course credits will determine graduation eligibility instead of a high stakes test. This will be in place while a new measure is developed that relies less on rote regurgitation and more on skills application.

Also, the author of the article is not a proficient writer.
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Sure. In Oregon, course credits will determine graduation eligibility instead of a high stakes test. This will be in place while a new measure is developed that relies less on rote regurgitation and more on skills application.

Also, the author of the article is not a proficient writer.
There are some possible issues with plan. For instance my daughter's course work for the year in many classes is open book. Only testing is closed book.

The testing is to gauge how much of the content they covered was grasped and retained. I understand students learn differently, hell I was one of them. And I don't have an issue with trying new ways to teach as long as they have success in imparting information to students and them retaining it.

I do however fail to see how the testing is an issue of race or ethnicity. There isn't any discernable difference in brain structure, capacity or potential.
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Sure. In Oregon, course credits will determine graduation eligibility instead of a high stakes test. This will be in place while a new measure is developed that relies less on rote regurgitation and more on skills application.

Also, the author of the article is not a proficient writer.

Course credits? Bwaaaaaaaa! It’s lowering the bar no matter how you spin it.
Sure. In Oregon, course credits will determine graduation eligibility instead of a high stakes test. This will be in place while a new measure is developed that relies less on rote regurgitation and more on skills application.

Also, the author of the article is not a proficient writer.
Kids today can't count change at the local fast food joint without the use of the register. How are they going to function if they can't do basic HS math? In other words, what good are course credits if the material is moot? Sit in class, get an A?
Kids today can't count change at the local fast food joint without the use of the register. How are they going to function if they can't do basic HS math? In other words, what good are course credits if the material is moot? Sit in class, get an A?

That conversation is outside the scope of the article, which my comments were limited to.

It is also an area where I happen to agree with you. I am all for instilling fundamentals until they're second nature and exercising them regularly. There's a place for all this new fangled math: after the fundamentals are set in stone.
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Kids today can't count change at the local fast food joint without the use of the register. How are they going to function if they can't do basic HS math? In other words, what good are course credits if the material is moot? Sit in class, get an A?

There’s no way to spin the fact they’re simply wanting to push morons through the system and not look like the failed state that they are when it comes to “education”.
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Would you like to have an actual reasonable and rational discussion about this?

The education system in this country is an complete and utter failure due to leftists taking over the system. That is a fact that can not be disputed.
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There’s no way to spin the fact they’re simply wanting to push morons through the system and not look like the failed state that they are when it comes to “education”.

Do you have evidence to back this up? Links, studies, etc?
The education system in this country is an complete and utter failure due to leftists taking over the system. That is a fact that can not be disputed.

I don't think you know how facts work.

You've made the claim, let's see you provide a compelling body of evidence that would pass the reasonable neutral observer standard.
Do you have evidence to back this up? Links, studies, etc?

Lol. The fact they scrap requirements for reading, writing, and doing basic math is the first thing that jumps out. They also tend to rank near the bottom in education every year. Even though you love worthless “studies” they aren’t required when the data is already right in front of you and then they double down on top of it with stupidity.
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Lol. The fact they scrap requirements for reading, writing, and doing basic math is the first thing that jumps out. They also tend to rank near the bottom in education every year. Even though you love worthless “studies” they aren’t required when the data is already right in front of you and then they double down on top of it with stupidity.

They didn't scrap the requirements. They scrapped the standardized testing measure. There is a difference.
That's a complete misunderstanding of the article and the rationale behind the decision.

Sure it is. Keep thinking that. You see what state this is happening in right? So I guess all this time minorities have had such a hard time graduation because the standards are too high huh? Please. Just stop with your faux down the middle rhetoric. It’s old. This bill is ridiculous on so many levels and it’s yet another liberal insult to minorities.
Didn’t you know? Standardized testing is racist and somehow more difficult for minorities only.

It’s ridiculous. There’s nothing wrong with standardized tests. Every high school student should have to pass bare minimum requirements in reading, writing, and math. I suppose placement tests, SAT/ACT, and having to be somewhat proficient at a job will be racist next.

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