Oregon now on TV vs UVA. 21-7 UO 2nd qt. ABC/ESPN2 What Tenn can expect to see.

Out of curiosity, does USC, among fans of other PAC-12 schools, have a similar reputation for regularly getting such favorable spots?
To be honest, i have already, for 20 years had a soft spot for Tenn. You guys have my #1 favorite game song(rocky top). And even though I am only a fan of one team, mine, I always find myself singing along with your fans when I see your games on.... seriously.:)

Ah, but here's the question: do you "wooo!" after "good ole Rocky Top"?

Be careful; the wrong answer can get you killed around here. :)
Out of curiosity, does USC, among fans of other PAC-12 schools, have a similar reputation for regularly getting such favorable spots?
No. We are not known to be corrupt with our refs at all in any way except with a few issues. There was a ref who was found out to be a Zona booster who actually was calling zona games. He either got fired in time or moved to never cover their games anymore or something. But I dont remember him cheating per say, it just looked bad.

And then well, Okie fans will tell you that the PAC refs are the worse in the country. Why is because there was ONE GAME, a game with us, at Oregon where the refs gave Oregon a onside kick, where we did not deserve it. That play is actually very famous. And well, the head official went to high school with our head coach, Mike Bilotti. Granted it was not Oregon cheating but ya, the refs did cheat for us in that game on that play, which we ended up winning(very close game) and well, that game literally cost Okie to not play for the Natty. I actually feel bad for them and must of us ducks to this day feel terrible about it. And well, my conference at first tried to cover it up and make excuses. But with instance replays it was very clear. Okie got screwed by our refs, and the head ref was a old close friend of our head coach. And Okie threatended to never again play a PAC team again cause of it. And to this day, I dont think they ave. And to this day Okie hates our guts. And remember, we both are UO, OU schools and most fans get us mixed up. lol

But the PAC fired that offical after the game and I think his whole crew. But what our refs are known for(as they are not known for corruption, and have not been in many years now) is they are morons. And they call the most tacky pussy flags. They will pull the flag 8 times more then the SEC ones. Ours are pusification ones, way over call em, And they are known to be complete idiots. No team/ fan/coach has any respect for them. They are a great shame for us. They are worse then junior high refs.... and are a joke. That is why the NFL refuses to hire any PAC-12 refs, they know they suck. But they wont cheat. oh no, they will bend overbackwards to showboat and flag ya if you even look at a player wrong, or if while blocking a hang nail comes off the other player while doing so.

So if your SEC refs call our game. That actually would be a good thing as long as they do not favor you, and also if they do not slow down our Offense, spotting the ball quickly ect... for us. And if they make some corrupt calls, they will not get out of the stadium alive. Our mob will shred them to pieces. And our stadium is very hostile. It intimidates refs very much so there. Remember, unlike in the SEC, in the PAC all the fans can rush the field. And we always do, not cause we upset anybody, but because we always do, to join our team. SO those refs will be easy pickings, lol lol go warn your refs now about us. LOL
Ah, but here's the question: do you "wooo!" after "good ole Rocky Top"?

Be careful; the wrong answer can get you killed around here. :)
I do not know what you guys do, regarding that. But I am a honest guy so I have to be honest, even if it offends. When I hear your song, I think it is the most coolest song in CFB. However, with that wooo part it sounds too high pitch for my taste, too feminine. So I never sing that word, or that part. I do not know if you only have your ladies do that part, but you would never catch me doing a high pitch girly scream like that. Too feminine for my taste. Basically, whatever you think of liberal west coast type guys, I am the opposite. I am way more like a Southern Guy without the accent.

(now what i said, is this good or bad in your eyes. Do you guys sing the WOOo part? )
Fast-forward to roughly the 22:00 mark of this video clip (4-Florida2000 - YouTube) and you will see one of the sorest and sorriest officiating calls in Tennessee football history. It was made by Allama Mathews, a former Vanderbilt (instate rival) player. He was forbidden to officiate Tennessee games for a long time after that debacle.
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I do not know what you guys do, regarding that. But I am a honest guy so I have to be honest, even if it offends. When I hear your song, I think it is the most coolest song in CFB. However, with that wooo part it sounds too high pitch for my taste, too feminine. So I never sing that word, or that part. I do not know if you only have your ladies do that part, but you would never catch me doing a high pitch girly scream like that. Too feminine for my taste. Basically, whatever you think of liberal west coast type guys, I am the opposite. I am way more like a Southern Guy without the accent.

(now what i said, is this good or bad in your eyes. Do you guys sing the WOOo part? )

lul, great analysis!

IMO, the reason people do the wooo! is because there's a beat there in the meter that wants to have some noise. Otherwise, it's "Good / Ole / Rocky Top / ( ) ( ) / Rocky Top Tennessee." It's a gap that needs filling somehow.

The wooo! evolved to fill in a spot that's nicely covered by a banjo or mandolin in a bluegrass performance, but not so much in a football stadium.

The only alternative I can think of is for the tubas (sousaphones, whatever) to blast a couple of farts there to fill in the gap. :good!:
lul, great analysis!

IMO, the reason people do the wooo! is because there's a beat there in the meter that wants to have some noise. Otherwise, it's "Good / Ole / Rocky Top / ( ) ( ) / Rocky Top Tennessee." It's a gap that needs filling somehow.

The wooo! evolved to fill in a spot that's nicely covered by a banjo or mandolin in a bluegrass performance, but not so much in a football stadium.

The only alternative I can think of is for the tubas (sousaphones, whatever) to blast a couple of farts there to fill in the gap. :good!:

But you never told me if you men also sing that part?
Fast-forward to roughly the 22:00 mark of this video clip (4-Florida2000 - YouTube) and you will see one of the sorest and sorriest officiating calls in Tennessee football history. It was made by Allama Mathews, a former Vanderbilt (instate rival) player. He was forbidden to officiate Tennessee games for a long time after that debacle.
ya, never seen this one before..thx
Well, I'm not a man, but I do see them wooo-ing. Some look a bit sheepish, and others just blast it out.
Sorry, one cannot tell ones sex on here. I see that kind of like pom poms, or shakers as some of you call them. I myself do not like to use them. But I do not think they are fem per say for a guy to shake in the stands for his team. My buddies have, I dont blink twice. But for me, it feels weird. That WOOoo, would be in a male falsetto voice. Some guys can pull it off when singing in it. I can, but I sure do not like to. It's just not me. When I sing your song along with your fans, I just pause at that point, me saying nothing, lol. To each his own. lol Though I have to say, it is not a major deal. It just sounds like women more get into it for that, at that point. But truly special song. If I were a 5* recruit, going back in time, I would very much consider Tenn just for that reason. I am not sure if it is band, the place, the people, the Stadium, but something has always drawn me to Tenn. Again, not a fan per say, as i am only a true fan of one. But a admirer if that makes sense. I really do hope you guys win the SEC East this year and win the SEC. And ya never know, the SEC East seems all up for grabs...
lul, great analysis!

IMO, the reason people do the wooo! is because there's a beat there in the meter that wants to have some noise. Otherwise, it's "Good / Ole / Rocky Top / ( ) ( ) / Rocky Top Tennessee." It's a gap that needs filling somehow.

The wooo! evolved to fill in a spot that's nicely covered by a banjo or mandolin in a bluegrass performance, but not so much in a football stadium.

The only alternative I can think of is for the tubas (sousaphones, whatever) to blast a couple of farts there to fill in the gap. :good!:
I can tell you know your music. And guess is you were either raised in Tenn or went to school there, cause you know your music/bluegrass ect... So if you don't mind me asking; what brought you out to Frisco? Two extremes don't ya think? And I see you are a 49ers fan. How is my boy LaMichael James holding up for ya? And the only pro baseball game I have been to was your team. I went in the early summer. You played your rival L.A. I froze my butt off cold and windy there. And a elderly guy sitting next to me said, "The coldest city in the winter I ever been to was San Francisco in the summer" - Mark Twain. lol And all this time I thought you were a Tenn person as I never looked. But you already know all about us silly. Now you have to rep the West Coast. We are your people now:) PAC-12 unite! :dance2:
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The Osbourne Brothers never "wooed" singing Rocky Top, therefore I shalt not woo ... ever.
Out of curiosity, does USC, among fans of other PAC-12 schools, have a similar reputation for regularly getting such favorable spots?
To a little deference to Duck since the query was his, I attended SC and have watched PAC10/12 football along with CIF-SS high school ball for the past 2 decades, I agree with his analysis. The PAC referees overall do a very good down the middle job, I've not ever seen some of the shenanigans you routinely see on behalf of Notre Dame or say during Paterno's independent Penn State days. Also and sadly unlike what occurs in the SEC, there are times you can almost hear the phone ringing down on the field from the commissioner indicating which way its supposed to go, especially if Bammer is involved. Isn't the SEC headquarters located in Bammer? Coincidence?
To a little deference to Duck since the query was his, I attended SC and have watched PAC10/12 football along with CIF-SS high school ball for the past 2 decades, I agree with his analysis. The PAC referees overall do a very good down the middle job, I've not ever seen some of the shenanigans you routinely see on behalf of Notre Dame or say during Paterno's independent Penn State days. Also and sadly unlike what occurs in the SEC, there are times you can almost hear the phone ringing down on the field from the commissioner indicating which way its supposed to go, especially if Bammer is involved. Isn't the SEC headquarters located in Bammer? Coincidence?
I do not hate Bama per say, as I have some respect for them. However I am sure that their "REC" does indeed own the SEC along with the SEC refs...
I can tell you know your music. And guess is you were either raised in Tenn or went to school there, cause you know your music/bluegrass ect... So if you don't mind me asking; what brought you out to Frisco? Two extremes don't ya think? And I see you are a 49ers fan. How is my boy LaMichael James holding up for ya? And the only pro baseball game I have been to was your team. I went in the early summer. You played your rival L.A. I froze my butt off cold and windy there. And a elderly guy sitting next to me said, "The coldest city in the winter I ever been to was San Francisco in the summer" - Mark Twain. lol And all this time I thought you were a Tenn person as I never looked. But you already know all about us silly. Now you have to rep the West Coast. We are your people now:) PAC-12 unite! :dance2:

I came out here to be with the surprise love of my life. We just celebrated our 2nd anniversary. My family is still back in Tennessee though, and there's some chance that we'll be moving back, partly for the fam and partly because it's too damn expensive out here. But I love it: the weather, the geography, the people. I actually like living and working in a place where people wearing feathers is not terribly surprising. So if we go back, it will be with mixed emotions. And my husband might well suffer terminal culture shock. I was actually a military kid, and for me living in multicultural societies was the norm, so I sometimes got a bit twitchy in the South. Still loved it though. Life ain't simple.

As for LaMarcus, I'm still stuck in baseball, watching the Giants battle for the cellar plus following the A's, even though I'm not much on the AL. I'll probably be more tuned into pro football once baseball is over.

I miss my freezing summer! No one has AC around here, and we're in a heat wave, and I'm dyin'. Bring back my ocean winds and fog, dammit!!

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