Chrome helmets with orange Power T, orange camo sleeves on the spandex undershirts, all black unis and on and on. Some will like being dragged dragged out of the stone age and some won't, but if the recruits like it and they are the ones wearing it and taking pride in their team and school then so be it. If it means getting some 5 star recruits who may have gone to another school then I'm for it. I'm a 60 year old conservative old fart and i've lived thru a bunch of frustration, and also good times in the football program, and I'm all in for giving CBJ free rein and let him try it his way. I'm the most excited I've ever been about the program so replace the checkerboard paint in the endzone with giant Nike swooshes if it brings in great recruits. No it doesn't matter what you wear if you win but gotta get the great players there first. Recruiting is the life blood of a program.