Oregon player comments

I think you're statement is crazy. If you were Alabama or any other SEC school with National Titles I seriously doubt you be complaining all that much. But because Oregon hasn't won a title even with a chance too against Auburn you discredit the whole system! It can't be that the Ducks just aren't as good as the other SEC schools that have won titles.

It is statements like this that beg for jokes like Fisher's.

Winning a title doesn't make a team permanently good. Past titles are an accolade. Not an enduring quality.
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So what does it matter if the Dodgers win a world series? In two years it won't matter.

I disagree with my fellow Duck on this one. Of course it matters. It's what everyone is trying to do.

The problem is that some fans equate winning a title with being a permanently superior program. The idea is laughable.

Princeton won national championships back in the day too. Does it follow then to say that Tennessee is a joke compared to Princeton? "Talk to me when Tennessee has as many titles as Princeton!"
It is statements like this that beg for jokes like Fisher's.

Winning a title doesn't make a team permanently good. Past titles are an accolade. Not an enduring quality.

I didn't say that winning titles make them permanently good. What I meant to say was at the time those teams who have won titles were actually better.

My main point was that just because you don't like the way college football system works doesn't discredit what those NC teams did. ...and its typical of certain fan bases to blame the system rather then the faults of their own teams/conferences. I really don't think much will change with the new system as far as who will make the playoff cut and who won't. I'm glad that they'll have a playoff system because of the added competition, and because it will be a bit fairer, but most likely the same schools will continually be in the running every year, with some exceptions here and there. Not much will change.

Good luck today, by the way...
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After the camera turned off funny man jake whatshisname had this to add to his comedic repertoire.....

A man and his pet duck walk into a bar. It's about 5pm, but they're ready for a good night of drinking. They start off slowly, watching TV, drinking beer, eating peanuts. As the night goes on they move to mixed drinks, and then shooters, one after the other. Finally, the bartender says: "Last call." So, the man says, "One more for me... and one more for my duck." The bartender sets them up and they shoot them back. Suddenly, the duck falls over dead. The man throws some money on the bar, puts on his coat and starts to leave. The bartender, yells: "Hey buddy, you can't just leave that lyin' there." To which the man replies: "That's not a lion, that's a duck."

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While I just checked, I think he has a point your missing. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Is the SEC that f'n good, or do the voters ASSUME they are? Was Notre Dame the second best school in the nation last year or did the voters say they were? Could you name a half dozen schools that could have competed with Alabama better the the Irish or should we just accept what the voters tell is is the top 10? You see what I'm getting at?

And I didn't say that the BCS didn't have some inherent problems, but even with the new system things won't change that much. The same schools will be in the running every year with some exceptions because the playoff system will be limited. But I am glad for the add competition, it will make the game better. And yes the top excellence of the SEC was that freaking good...sometimes perception aligns with reality. Of course this is opinion and you're free to disagree.
get the BCS computer to give the PAC12 a free pass into the natty like the SEC gets every year and we'll win lots of crystal footballs.

a big reason you have some of those crystal footballs because the BCS computer is your girlfriend.

dont do the macarana for beating us if you didnt play us. i hear all kinds of horse manure in the media about what alabama would do to oregon if they played us. has oregon ever even played alabama? if so i cannot remember when.

one of the alabama linemen was quoted as saying "niobody wants to play 'em(oregon) really" nick saban has been known to whine about how the spread causes too many injuries. is this fear talk?

and if the game were played perhaps your conference WOULD prevail gloriously as you say. but are you truly a sportsman sir. wouldnt you rather see it tested on the gridiron than have your computer girlfriend keep steering away from it and then talk smack about it all day?

Stupid uninformed excuse. Explain how Auburn in 2004 was left out with an undefeated record and a Pac 10 team and a Big 12 team got in instead. Also it may have something to do with when an SEC team gets in the championship game they tend to win. 9 of the 15 BCS championships were won by SEC teams. Want to guess how many losses they had in those games?
I didn't say that winning titles make them permanently good. What I meant to say was at the time those teams who have won titles were actually better.

But that is only true if the system has given every team the exact same opportunity. And that isn't necessarily true. In fact, I think that most football fans would agree that it's not.

My main point was that just because you don't like the way college football system works doesn't discredit what those NC teams did...

Fair enough. But, the way that the system works could be a valid reason why some teams have had an easier path than others. I mean, there is a reason why there was overwhelming pressure to change the system.

I really don't think much will change with the new system as far as who will make the playoff cut and who won't. I'm glad that they'll have a playoff system because of the added competition, and because it will be a bit fairer, but most likely the same schools will continually be in the running every year, with some exceptions here and there. Not much will change.

I agree. A playoff is only the first step toward fixing the problems with the BCS. The second glaring issue is the voting system that decides rankings. Humans should not be part of that at all. It should be 100% derived from football based measurements (margin of victory and strength of schedule specifically).

From winning championships?

I don't believe that fans have won any championships.

Stupid uninformed excuse. Explain how Auburn in 2004 was left out with an undefeated record and a Pac 10 team and a Big 12 team got in instead. Also it may have something to do with when an SEC team gets in the championship game they tend to win. 9 of the 15 BCS championships were won by SEC teams. Want to guess how many losses they had in those games?

Isolated SEC match-ups are not a statistically sound way to measure the strength of the conference. Measurements for the entire conference, factoring in strength of schedule, etc. paint a different picture.

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