Oregon player comments

I wouldn't be too scared of us right now either. The facts are that TN is in the middle of it's worst run of Football. These are strange times that we are in.

NO need to be disrespectful and talk trash. I for one have never liked trash talk. It just puts more pressure on you.

When things get better for us, people will not dare say such disrespectful things. If they were getting ready to play South Carolina, Georgia, LSU, or Bama I promise he would not be making sarcastic remarks. He would not say ANYTHING...
I hope for a good game where no one gets hurt, sportsmanship is evident, and the Vols shock the nation and this guy in particular. GO VOLS

Wish we could have played them in 2006...the Vol team that spanked that overrated Cal team...which went on to spank Oregon by 30 that same season. It is all about when it happens and lucky for them it is the worse run of Tennessee Football in my 37 years on Earth.

When I hear their worthless quacks like that it just shows how much they really envy our history. They think beating such a bad Tennessee team will discredit all that winning tradition and championships.

Fact is they don't know to much about Oregon football except for the last 10 years. They don't realize Tennessee would have to quit playing football for 17 years and they would have to go undefeated that whole time to catch up to us in wins. They are simply new to winning and truth is barely a .500 franchise if you will :birgits_giggle:
I am 35 and I bet in 20 years or so I can tell my grandkids about our tradition. Oregon with the football ops center, Nike money, an eventual upgrade to Autzen, etc. isn't going away. We may slump a little bit but there is enough behind this program now to keep us in relevancy for perpetuity.

Personally, I see us winning it all soon. Who knows...maybe this year?
I am 35 and I bet in 20 years or so I can tell my grandkids about our tradition. Oregon with the football ops center, Nike money, an eventual upgrade to Autzen, etc. isn't going away. We may slump a little bit but there is enough behind this program now to keep us in relevancy for perpetuity.

Personally, I see us winning it all soon. Who knows...maybe this year?

Well you never know...you blew your one chance badly a few years ago huh? It has been a while for us too though you know...can you show us your last....wait you don't have even a shot of a National Championship trophy with a Duck in it huh? Well except for the disappointed players in the back ground perhaps walking off the field.

Here you go...here is what it looks like just so you can see it in all its glory with the feel of being a champion...the great thing is it at least happened in my life time while I attended U.T.

I didn't say only one quality team. No way. You have several quality teams. But 1-2 elite teams.

As far as losing to the best in the conference? Again, the preparation time before games favors a defensive team and not an offensive team. With a month to prepare, I would take Bama 7/10 times against Oregon. With 6 days to prepare? I would take Oregon 6/4 times. The offense simply poses too many problems to account for everything in a week. That's why an average team in aTm - a team that Oregon would wallop - beat Bama. If Saban prepare for aTm for a few weeks, they stand no chance, because layover and preparation always benefits the defensive teams. With 6 days to prepare for Oregon week in and week out, I think Oregon would cause all kinds of problems for any team. Would we win every game every year? No way. Would we do well? Hell yeah.

No sir, it's not why aTm beat BAMA last year!!! BAMA was just coming off of a stretch of 6 or 7 straight games--and the last game before aTm was LSU at LSU--a very hard-fought and physical football game. And talking about prep time sounds good until your team gets the HE.. slapped out of it by a more physical team--it's the reason this thread exists, the sarcasm of your players about the SEC teams being BIG AND BAD.

Well, the SEC has more players in the NFL, more championships, and more bowl wins than ANY OTHER LEAGUE, each and every year.

aTm caught BAMA at just the right time--but BAMA ouscored them 24-9 over the last 3 quarters of the game and had the ball 1st and goal from the 2 when their OC went stoopid and tried to throw the ball into the end zone! ANYONE who actually WATCHED that game KNOWS that BAMA should have one.

I'm not one of those bama-haters on here, and I pull for the SEC EVERY SINGLE TIME an SEC team plays someone out of conference.
I am 35 and I bet in 20 years or so I can tell my grandkids about our tradition. Oregon with the football ops center, Nike money, an eventual upgrade to Autzen, etc. isn't going away. We may slump a little bit but there is enough behind this program now to keep us in relevancy for perpetuity.

Personally, I see us winning it all soon. Who knows...maybe this year?

:eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: In 20 years you will be able to tell...proving my point you all have always been a bunch of losers until recently.....

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Wish we could have played them in 2006...the Vol team that spanked that overrated Cal team...which went on to spank Oregon by 30 that same season. It is all about when it happens and lucky for them it is the worse run of Tennessee Football in my 37 years on Earth.

When I hear their worthless quacks like that it just shows how much they really envy our history. They think beating such a bad Tennessee team will discredit all that winning tradition and championships.

Fact is they don't know to much about Oregon football except for the last 10 years. They don't realize Tennessee would have to quit playing football for 17 years and they would have to go undefeated that whole time to catch up to us in wins. They are simply new to winning and truth is barely a .500 franchise if you will :birgits_giggle:

You really underestimate the commitment of long time Oregon fans. Envy your history? I personally don't. I just respect it and study it. I'm a born and raised Dodger fan. That's one of the 5 most historically significant franchises in sports. It's Cy Youngs, MVPs, World Series Titles, Vin Scully, battles against the Bronx Bombers, Jackie Robinson. It's a history as rich as any in sports.

But guess what? I was born in 1985. The last Dodgers title was 1988. When I go to Dodger games and hear old timer Dodger fans wax poetically about Dodger tradition, guess how much it really means to me being a fan today? Not much. Because I have never actually witnessed a title. All I want is to field a good team again. The upstart Diamondbacks and Marlins have titles. Other teams like the Twins and Rays have had competitive teams for several years. My team's tradition didn't mean anything, and did nothing to assuage my frustration. When my Diamondback friend watched his team win the title, I didn't brag to him about Dodger tradition. Because I didn't personally see any of it. So it didn't mean ****. I had to angrily yet humbly except the fact that they were winners and we weren't.

Fortunately, my Dodgers have finally fielded a competitive team and I have high hopes for them. But our old tradition will be nothing but a cool story for old people until the Dodgers win something.

The reason I never use Dodger tradition to talk **** about the recent success of the Tampa Bay Rays, is the same reason I hate when fans - especially young fans. - use "But but but you're just jealous of our title 20 years ago" as a way to incite us or belittle our accomplishments. That reason? It's stupid.
You really underestimate the commitment of long time Oregon fans. Envy your history? I personally don't. I just respect it and study it. I'm a born and raised Dodger fan. That's one of the 5 most historically significant franchises in sports. It's Cy Youngs, MVPs, World Series Titles, Vin Scully, battles against the Bronx Bombers, Jackie Robinson. It's a history as rich as any in sports.

But guess what? I was born in 1985. The last Dodgers title was 1988. When I go to Dodger games and hear old timer Dodger fans wax poetically about Dodger tradition, guess how much it really means to me being a fan today? Not much. Because I have never actually witnessed a title. All I want is to field a good team again. The upstart Diamondbacks and Marlins have titles. Other teams like the Twins and Rays have had competitive teams for several years. My team's tradition didn't mean anything, and did nothing to assuage my frustration. When my Diamondback friend watched his team win the title, I didn't brag to him about Dodger tradition. Because I didn't personally see any of it. So it didn't mean ****. I had to angrily yet humbly except the fact that they were winners and we weren't.

Fortunately, my Dodgers have finally fielded a competitive team and I have high hopes for them. But our old tradition will be nothing but a cool story for old people until the Dodgers win something.

The reason I never use Dodger tradition to talk **** about the recent success of the Tampa Bay Rays, is the same reason I hate when fans - especially young fans. - use "But but but you're just jealous of our title 20 years ago" as a way to incite us or belittle our accomplishments. That reason? It's stupid.
But at the same time it sounds arrogant to boast about beating rebuilding SEC teams when you always lose to whoever the elite ones are at the time. It also sounds arrogant to talk **** about another schools tradition and title 15 yrs ago when the team you like has zero hardware, little tradition. Vol fans know Oregon has been good for a few years. But you're not winning anything either.
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But at the same time it sounds arrogant to boast about beating rebuilding SEC teams when you always lose to whoever the elite ones are at the time. It also sounds arrogant to talk **** about another schools tradition and title 15 yrs ago when the team you like has zero hardware, little tradition. Vol fans know Oregon has been good for a few years. But you're not winning anything either.

I'm not boasting. And we haven't won anything, except 3 BCS bowl games.
And zero titles.

Haha. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're like a child. I don't care about your titles. Nor anyone else's titles. I played sports. I'm highly competitive. And I can't care enough about the championship game until a playoff system is implemented. Like every sport in every league in every country in the world. There are 120 teams vying for a chance to play in a game that a team usually makes based on popularity and media perception. Did I want to beat Auburn in 2010/2011? Yeah. But I wasn't ruined that we lost. No big deal. We'll make another bowl game and win that. And it'll still be fun.

I'll worry about it when there is a legitimate competition to crown a legitimate champion. No more Oregon in 2001, or Auburn in 2003, or whoever else has been left out of the game because it's a bull**** system. Until then, I'm happy winning Rose Bowls and Fiesta Bowls. Because fact is, it still feels good to win one of the big 4 bowls. And without a playoff to crown a real champion, all the game serves to do is be entertaining (sometimes) and make money.

But yeah. You have titles. Cool. I'm happy for you. I hope you win more.
you duck fans have to remember the SEC represents the south and if you look at our traditions in the south we are for the most part very courteous. Talking smack down here will get you in deep trouble. Look at that Missouri DT last year that talked all that smack about how the SEC plays old man football!!! The next coming game Georgia showed them what old man football is all about! The rest of the season did not go well for them.

And on the subject of Oregon not being able to play in the SEC let me point a few things out to you. Its not a matter of you winning against a few SEC teams in the past years. It is the fact that we have not just 1, 2 or 3 national caliber teams in our conference we have 6-8 Nationally Ranked teams every year. So just imagine having to play 3-6 of those teams every year. Tennessee goes through that gauntlet every year and it is not easy. As a matter of fact it makes you look like a losing team if you cannot beat at least 2 of those teams. And in addition, the mediocre teams in the SEC can beat you at anytime if you are not on your toes. So take your Green Glasses off and take a look at our schedule and then tell us how well you would do honestly every week in our conference? I am sure you would do well but the injuries would mount up after a while.

you do have a tough schedule i admit. still i wouldnt mind us playing it and still i dont think its that much tougher than the one we have now and still i think wed win em all.
And zero titles.

get the BCS computer to give the PAC12 a free pass into the natty like the SEC gets every year and we'll win lots of crystal footballs.

a big reason you have some of those crystal footballs because the BCS computer is your girlfriend.

dont do the macarana for beating us if you didnt play us. i hear all kinds of horse manure in the media about what alabama would do to oregon if they played us. has oregon ever even played alabama? if so i cannot remember when.

one of the alabama linemen was quoted as saying "niobody wants to play 'em(oregon) really" nick saban has been known to whine about how the spread causes too many injuries. is this fear talk?

and if the game were played perhaps your conference WOULD prevail gloriously as you say. but are you truly a sportsman sir. wouldnt you rather see it tested on the gridiron than have your computer girlfriend keep steering away from it and then talk smack about it all day?
Haha. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're like a child. I don't care about your titles. Nor anyone else's titles. I played sports. I'm highly competitive. And I can't care enough about the championship game until a playoff system is implemented. Like every sport in every league in every country in the world. There are 120 teams vying for a chance to play in a game that a team usually makes based on popularity and media perception. Did I want to beat Auburn in 2010/2011? Yeah. But I wasn't ruined that we lost. No big deal. We'll make another bowl game and win that. And it'll still be fun.

I'll worry about it when there is a legitimate competition to crown a legitimate champion. No more Oregon in 2001, or Auburn in 2003, or whoever else has been left out of the game because it's a bull**** system. Until then, I'm happy winning Rose Bowls and Fiesta Bowls. Because fact is, it still feels good to win one of the big 4 bowls. And without a playoff to crown a real champion, all the game serves to do is be entertaining (sometimes) and make money.

But yeah. You have titles. Cool. I'm happy for you. I hope you win more.

I think you're statement is crazy. If you were Alabama or any other SEC school with National Titles I seriously doubt you be complaining all that much. But because Oregon hasn't won a title even with a chance too against Auburn you discredit the whole system! It can't be that the Ducks just aren't as good as the other SEC schools that have won titles. You haven't won any NC with the current system so what makes you think that if the system was (and will be) different you'd have a better shot? you've convinced yourself that all the other NC don't really count, or aren't "legit" because of BS reasons. If Oregon wins the NC this year I seriously doubt you'll still have the same attitude. And if you still have the same attitude your dumber then you sound.

I honestly like the next system that will be implemented because there were some issues with the BCS but in way no do I or anyone else think that some how those NCs were illigetimate.
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I think you're statement is crazy. If you were Alabama or any other SEC school with National Titles I seriously doubt you be complaining all that much. But because Oregon hasn't won a title even with a chance too against Auburn you discredit the whole system! It can't be that the Ducks just aren't as good as the other SEC schools that have won titles. You haven't won any NC with the current system so what makes you think that if the system was (and will be) different you'd have a better shot? you've convinced yourself that all the other NC don't really count, or aren't "legit" because of BS reasons. If Oregon wins the NC this year I seriously doubt you'll still have the same attitude. And if you still have the same attitude your dumber then you sound.

I honestly like the next system that will be implemented because there were some issues with the BCS but in way no do I or anyone else think that some how those NCs were illigetimate.

I originally followed USC because I'm from Los Angeles (shudder). Honestly, Rose Bowls meant more than the titles. We're raised on the west coast to think that the Rose Bowl is the most important game. Because historically, it has been the most prestigious bowl game. I can't explain it. It's just THE game. The histoy, the pagentry, the teams, the players, the parade, the scenery.

I don't discredit college title winners. I just don't care as much. I want the Dodgers to win a World Series title so bad. As in, I would be ELATED if they brought a title back to the Boys of Summer. I've never actually witnessed one (I was 3 for the last one) But Oregon? I would only like them to win the title. I'm not judging each season based on whether or not they win the title. There's no reason to discredit anything Oregon has done because they've "only" won Rose Bowls and Fiestas Bowls and win 10 games a year. The point of the season is to make a BCS Bowl and win it. Being fortunate enough to make the title game is just icing on the cake.

When the playoff starts? That's when my excitement and desire for a nationaal title will increase and match my excitement and desire for the Dodgers and Lakers to win it.
I honestly like the next system that will be implemented because there were some issues with the BCS but in way no do I or anyone else think that some how those NCs were illigetimate.

Oh, and...

SOME problems with the BCS?!?! It's an abbomination - an insult to American sports and competition. How many great title games were we robbed of because of popularity contests?

How many great teams were screwed out of a chance of playing in title? Or screwed out of a BCS bowl in general? You couldnt even name them all, but:
Auburn, USC (twice), Oregon (thrice), Louisville, Boise State, Washington, Cal, Oklahoma State, a bunch of teams in 1998, damn near everyone in 2007.

It throws upon us stupid rematches (LSU-Alabama), or mismatches (Alabama-Notre Dame). Oregon or Stanford vs. Alabama last year would have been amazing.

And say what you want about Oregon, but they gave the SEC the closest title game in their recent run when they lost 22-19 to Auburn. It's about gettng the best teams into the big games to face each other, and the system fails to do that, and even screws a lot of good teams in the process.
I'm not trying to pile anything on. But I've noticed over the years, that the only teams/fans that say tradition/history doesn't matter are fans that don't have any.
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I think you're statement is crazy. If you were Alabama or any other SEC school with National Titles I seriously doubt you be complaining all that much. But because Oregon hasn't won a title even with a chance too against Auburn you discredit the whole system! It can't be that the Ducks just aren't as good as the other SEC schools that have won titles. You haven't won any NC with the current system so what makes you think that if the system was (and will be) different you'd have a better shot? you've convinced yourself that all the other NC don't really count, or aren't "legit" because of BS reasons. If Oregon wins the NC this year I seriously doubt you'll still have the same attitude. And if you still have the same attitude your dumber then you sound.

I honestly like the next system that will be implemented because there were some issues with the BCS but in way no do I or anyone else think that some how those NCs were illigetimate.

While I just checked, I think he has a point your missing. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Is the SEC that f'n good, or do the voters ASSUME they are? Was Notre Dame the second best school in the nation last year or did the voters say they were? Could you name a half dozen schools that could have competed with Alabama better the the Irish or should we just accept what the voters tell is is the top 10? You see what I'm getting at?
I'm not trying to pile anything on. But I've noticed over the years, that the only teams/fans that say tradition/history doesn't matter are fans that don't have any.

I'm a Dodgers and Lakers fan. Those are two of the 5-10 most historical and traditional franchises in all of American sports. Guess how often I use past championships and tradition to win an argument? Never. If the Portland Trailblazer or Phoenix Suns beat us in the playoffs and I blab about "2000 and Magic Johnson and MVPs" I'm just a huge wank. The Laker and Dodger tradition is cool, but I only care what my tam is doing now. Or has done in the last 5 years for me to project our future trajectory. In NBA and MLB, I have a million opportunities to blab to other fans about tradition. But I don't, because it sounds petty. I congratulated my Diamondback friend about their World Series Win. No need to say, "Whatever, you have no tradition" They had an awesome team with Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling and Louis Gonzalez and they played one of the greatest seasons and had one of the most entertaining playoff runs in recent memory. I cared not one bit to hang my hat on Dodgers tradition or belittle his team because they have no history, or say, a Cubs team because most of their history and tradition is one of losing. The Diamondbacks had a legitimately great team and an awesome season. I told my friend. Nobody likes a yeah-but-fifteen-years-ago-fan. Especially one like me, who is only 28.

And the Cubs and Browns and Bills don't win ****. It doesn't mean that they don't have awesome, committed, and loyal fan bases who follow a team with traditions all their own.
I'm a Dodgers and Lakers fan. Those are two of the 5-10 most historical and traditional franchises in all of American sports. Guess how often I use past championships and tradition to win an argument? Never. If the Portland Trailblazer or Phoenix Suns beat us in the playoffs and I blab about "2000 and Magic Johnson and MVPs" I'm just a huge wank. The Laker and Dodger tradition is cool, but I only care what my tam is doing now. Or has done in the last 5 years for me to project our future trajectory. In NBA and MLB, I have a million opportunities to blab to other fans about tradition. But I don't, because it sounds petty. I congratulated my Diamondback friend about their World Series Win. No need to say, "Whatever, you have no tradition" They had an awesome team with Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling and Louis Gonzalez and they played one of the greatest seasons and had one of the most entertaining playoff runs in recent memory. I cared not one bit to hang my hat on Dodgers tradition or belittle his team because they have no history, or say, a Cubs team because most of their history and tradition is one of losing. The Diamondbacks had a legitimately great team and an awesome season. I told my friend. Nobody likes a yeah-but-fifteen-years-ago-fan. Especially one like me, who is only 28.

And the Cubs and Browns and Bills don't win ****. It doesn't mean that they don't have awesome, committed, and loyal fan bases who follow a team with traditions all their own.

So what does it matter if the Dodgers win a world series? In two years it won't matter.
So what does it matter if the Dodgers win a world series? In two years it won't matter.

A title has more staying power than 2 years. But it's certainly not something I'm going to dig up during an argument or to belittle another franchise, or take away from another team winning in the present. I'll reminisce nostalgically, but that's it.

And the Lakers last won a title in 2010. It doesn't mean **** to me today. The Oklahoma City, Golden State Warriors, and Los Angeles Clippers - despite their lack of "tradition" and despite not having won a title - are way better than my team. I'm comfortable admitting it. I can even admit that they've been better teams to watch the last years.

Laker fans call ESPN radio and brag about all their titles and that it doesn't matter that the Clippers are really good because we have all these titles and blah blah blah. I hate that, and I'm a Laker fan. They're better than us. They're fun to watch. And they have cool playeers. I admdit it, plain and simple. No need to bring up some shadowy tradition just too make myself feel better. You know what would make me feel better? The Lakers winning again.

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