Oregon vs Virginia observations

I only saw portions of Oregon's game against Stanford last year. But, IIRC, Stanford played aggressive, disciplined defense that followed a similar strategy as outlined by the OP. And they held the Ducks to 14 points, by far OR's lowest scoring game and only loss of 2012.

Now, I'm not saying UT is in the same category as Stanford's team last year. But, they it appears they created a good blueprint to follow.

From a pure talent standpoint, we aren't too far behind Stanford on defense. Their defense is extremely well coached, and they see Oregon every year so they know what to expect. This is where we're gonna find out exactly how much better our d is coached this year, where as last year, we were constantly out of position.
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Sapp looked really good this weekend too. The LB that needs to step up IMO is AJ. He blew several coverages on crossing routes and seems like he's reacting a little late. Maggitt needs to be 100% to play against Oregon, for sure.

We will have to be able to pass the ball and control the ball. Our defense won't be enough on its own, as evident by WKU getting some big points before half because our offense couldn't stay on the field.

There were some huge gaps in coverage a few times last game, that's gotta be fixed. Hopefully we keep it close and respectable until the fourth qrtr and maybe, just maybe we can pull out this win!

Go Vols

AJ was picked by route designs on most of those 'blown coverages.' Now I'm not saying he can't use work on his skills in that area, but to be fair he was picked a ton and having to fight through it just to get to his man. However, he did look later to respond to the shallow cross and get picked easier as a result.
If we can hold Oregon to around 28 points, I'll be happy with the effort.

Let the chips fall where they may..
Scott Frost, Nebraska qb with a title to his credit, had been the wide receiver coach up until the season.

Frost was a beast at Nebraska. I never thought they would replace Tommy Frazier, but frost stepped in and looked like Tebow running it when Tebow was a child. He's definitely done a good job teaching those guys how to block.
I heard their flight leaves around 5 on Friday eastern time, which concerns me. They would arrive later that night, maybe 7,8 or so Oregon time? Then will be up early for an early kickoff. I think getting there Thursday would be better but I know nothing about that stuff. JMO

Actually looks pretty good to me. They'll get to the hotel no later than 9pm, which is midnight their time. They won't need to get up too early since kick off isn't until 2:30, so if the coaches let them sleep in until 8am, that is 11am Knoxville time. What college kid doesn't like to go to sleep around midnight and wake up at 11?
Yeah, I didn't see that either. Most of the plays where I focused on him, he pushed one or even two blockers back into the backfield without giving up his gaps.

That said, I really like the way Saulsberry has played as well. And Hood's detractors??? Where did they go?

Even Couch has started to get into it.

Agreed. I think getting Smith back will really help. If our ends are a little faster, we are getting more sacks on pass rush. The inside looks great
Here's the reason I have a glimmer of hope.

Our coaching staff and the discipline they've brought. Only 2 penalties all year. They will coach the gap control concept well and I believe have a good game plan. I'm sure last year's Stanford game is the model. Oregon rushed for less than 200 yards and only had 14 points.

The players will still have to make the plays though.
I did not to watch the game live and had to watch it last night. Knowing the outcome, I watched differently and the things I wanted to see from this team are enthusiasm, all out effort for 60 minutes, "a host of Volunteers" heard often, and competing. All of these were evident Saturday. If we play hard, aggressive, disciplined football on both sides of the line of scrimmage - we have a chance. No one thought we would route Miami in the Sugar Bowl. No one thought we would be Auburn and Bo Jackson. The game is won in the trenches and we are solid there. I am not counting on a win, but I am not ruling it out either. They are not making the trip for sentimental purposes, they are going with the intent of winning.
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AJ was picked by route designs on most of those 'blown coverages.' Now I'm not saying he can't use work on his skills in that area, but to be fair he was picked a ton and having to fight through it just to get to his man. However, he did look later to respond to the shallow cross and get picked easier as a result.

Yea and those picks are designed that way, but there were other times when he dropped back to deep in a zone and they threw it under him. And fast and lean as he is, pass coverage should be better but to me, it appears that he's just a little apprehensive on his coverages
Actually looks pretty good to me. They'll get to the hotel no later than 9pm, which is midnight their time. They won't need to get up too early since kick off isn't until 2:30, so if the coaches let them sleep in until 8am, that is 11am Knoxville time. What college kid doesn't like to go to sleep around midnight and wake up at 11?

Good point. I was thinking more in terms of being tired from travel and getting used to the time, environment, etc. Like I said, I know nothing about what is best for the team, those guys know what they are doing.
Actually looks pretty good to me. They'll get to the hotel no later than 9pm, which is midnight their time. They won't need to get up too early since kick off isn't until 2:30, so if the coaches let them sleep in until 8am, that is 11am Knoxville time. What college kid doesn't like to go to sleep around midnight and wake up at 11?

isn't kickoff at 12:30 Oregon time? That is what I was thinking. Would mean an earlier wake up after a arriving late at night. I may be mistaken
great analysis, thanks for posting.

holding the quacks to under half a hundred, beating the spread, and limiting big plays along with continued progress by the UT O would be a great result, imo.
First I totally agree the original poster of this thread. I gotta tell ya, I honestly believe the UT staff has been reigning back the OL in these first two games. I believe we will see the dogs of war unleashed in the trenches by our OL this weekend. I believe BJ will lay the fate of this game on those seniors on our OL and we will see them respond by seeing ducks flapping off the field. BJ knows this will be a 4 quarter game. UO never feels like they are out of it due to their big play capability so NO lead will be comfortable. We are bigger than they are on both sides of the line, so to me I think UO may have their hands full. Don't get me wrong, they are #2 for a good reason, they are talented and well coached ... but so are we now ... we may not be deep but we'll find out how deep the heart is in #117 this coming weekend. GBO!
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I heard tim Irwin say on Sunday soundoff that he was hoping the Vols got there on Thursday to get acclimated to traveling that far. I feel he has good insight since he played in the league for a number of years. A little concerning that we are arriving Friday evening, but Jones knows the guys better than anybody else does.
I will probably get blasted for this but if Maggitt is healthy he needs to play middle backer this game. AJ plays his butt off and is a heck of a lb. but his foot speed will be a liability against this offense. I saw where Sapp played middle some Saturday on some passing sets. Not against a 4-2-5 defense most of the game we going to need all the speed we can get on field.
Actually looks pretty good to me. They'll get to the hotel no later than 9pm, which is midnight their time. They won't need to get up too early since kick off isn't until 2:30, so if the coaches let them sleep in until 8am, that is 11am Knoxville time. What college kid doesn't like to go to sleep around midnight and wake up at 11?

It would be 6 our time.
Agreed. I watched big chunks of it too and had many of the same observations. But prepare to be blasted because many here have already decided that any discussion of anything that does not begin, end, and consist of "we're going to be destroyed by Oregon" is offensive to their great "football intelligence".

UT has speed at OLB which should help if they'll play disciplined. Trust Jones with that one. As a group, Sapp, Brewer, and Maggitt will be among the fastest OLB's Oregon has seen.

IMO, the biggest thing is to flatten them out. Stretch plays out and let the pursuit catch up. They hit those big plays when they find lanes and cut up into them quickly. The DL has to dominate and force everything to go lateral. They have to keep back side contain when that happens and pursue to the ball under control.

It is almost like a kick return defense mentality. Don't give up your lane then go make the tackle.

The most impressive thing about Oregon's attack to me is their downfield blocking. Their WR's are great blockers. DB's have to get off blocks. LB's cannot be blocked by WR's.

I realize that AJ Johnson is the team's top returning tackler. However, would it be crazy to suggest that against UO, Butch utilizes Maggitt or Brewer at MLB to help cover Oregon's backs and TE's on passing plays? The Ducks don't seem to have a power inside running game (the one which AJ would be better suited towards). Tennessee needs to maximize its team speed at the second level.
I will probably get blasted for this but if Maggitt is healthy he needs to play middle backer this game. AJ plays his butt off and is a heck of a lb. but his foot speed will be a liability against this offense. I saw where Sapp played middle some Saturday on some passing sets. Not against a 4-2-5 defense most of the game we going to need all the speed we can get on field.

You beat me to it. I totally agree.
Actually looks pretty good to me. They'll get to the hotel no later than 9pm, which is midnight their time. They won't need to get up too early since kick off isn't until 2:30, so if the coaches let them sleep in until 8am, that is 11am Knoxville time. What college kid doesn't like to go to sleep around midnight and wake up at 11?

I think you're math is backwards on the arrival time.
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Yeah, I didn't see that either. Most of the plays where I focused on him, he pushed one or even two blockers back into the backfield without giving up his gaps.

That said, I really like the way Saulsberry has played as well. And Hood's detractors??? Where did they go?

Even Couch has started to get into it.

Hood got blown off the ball quite often they ran right at him last weekend. He wan't able to get any kind of push.
Can't score with Oregon. Ball control is what we need. If we try to score with Oregon, it will get ugly.

Agree with this...I know it goes against our new 'fast-break' offensive philosophy, but against a team like this we need to slow it down and keep the ball as long as possible, IMO.
Good op. The only other big key is AJ Johnson HAS GOT to be in better positions on the shallow drag routes.

noticed that a lot in the past 2 games. he's not nearly as fast as i hoped he'd be. but still one of our best players vs the run. he can tackle better than anyone in the country.

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