Oregon vs Virginia observations

Agree with this...I know it goes against our new 'fast-break' offensive philosophy, but against a team like this we need to slow it down and keep the ball as long as possible, IMO.
if they slow down it seems like that's going against what they're trying to coach. isn't it?
if they slow down it seems like that's going against what they're trying to coach. isn't it?

It is, but they have to control the ball. If that means coming to the line of scrimmage and standing there till the play clock rolls down, then so be it. The only time we should go fast is if we have Oregon's defense noticeably on their heels.
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if they slow down it seems like that's going against what they're trying to coach. isn't it?

It is totally going against what they coach...and their overall offensive philosophy. However, I just don't see how they can 'fast-break' against a team that wrote the book on the fast-break offense and has many more weapons. Oregon's D sees this offense everyday in practice, so they're not going to be surprised at an up-tempo style. We have to have slow, sustainable drives if we're going to be in this game...again, only my opinion.
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I know it goes against our new 'fast-break' offensive philosophy, but against a team like this we need to slow it down and keep the ball as long as possible, IMO.

I could not disagree more. Give OR a taste of their own medicine; dictate to the other team, do not change what you do in fear to their game plan. Impose your will & play to your strengths.

Butch wants Vols to get a play off every 15 seconds & are in first year of implementing that style of play. Ducks are even quicker to the line & have been doing it for a decade.

Do not expect ABC to have time for many replays this Sat. afternoon.
It is totally going against what they coach...and their overall offensive philosophy. However, I just don't see how they can 'fast-break' against a team that wrote the book on the fast-break offense and has many more weapons. Oregon's D sees this offense everyday in practice, so they're not going to be surprised at an up-tempo style. We have to have slow, sustainable drives if we're going to be in this game...again, only my opinion.

excellent post

I totally agree but I'm just curious about what coach will do. Since he is trying to bring that style of play to the program.
Since I may be one of the few vol fans that actually chose to watch the ducks play over USCjr and Georgia, I'll put my two cents in on some observations of mine.

1. Don't look at the points they score and think that Oregon physically dominates their opponents like bama, LSU, Georgia, etc. They are an offense COMPLETELY reliant on the big play. The big plays come by the defense being completely out of position and Oregon's speed making them pay. Good gap control will stop the big plays (see Stanford last year where they scored 14 and lost).

2. They suck between the tackles. Anything they get between the tackles is a result of linebackers over compensating and trying to get outside to stop Thomas. Thomas himself can't run between the tackles. He tried a few times against Virginia, once even running into his own blocker and getting blasted. If our corners can funnel Thomas back inside to our linebackers, he won't get outside, and won't hurt you.

3. Down and distance are huge. If you put Oregon in 3rd and long, it makes Mariota a pocket passer, which he is not good at. Guard against the screen, which they like to run on 3rd and long, and you can get them off of the field.

Having said all of this, Oregon is #2 for a reason. They make playing disciplined defense a priority. You don't have to have elite speed to stop them. You have to have a smart defense with good gap control. Virginia was completely out of position several times Saturday, which led to the highlight reel and the lopsided score. Our defense has done a good job of maintaining gap control through the first 2 games. If we have the discipline to do it in Eugene, a lot of people will be shocked at how unimpressive Oregon's offense can look.

Nice evaluations. I watched a good portion of the game and also saw that Oregon can't really run between the tackles at all....at least they couldn't against UVA.

Now here are some of my points and some counterpoints.

1. De'Anthony Thomas is one of the fastest football players I have ever seen in terms of acceleration and football quickness. You have to be so disciplined defending the run because if he has just a little bit of room then he will score 6.

2. Oregon has a pretty impressive pass defense and they will be leaps and bounds better than anything else we have seen. Ultimately I think this will be our undoing even if we can stop Oregon defensively.

3. To extrapolate on the previous point a bit more; I doubt it happens because of play calling, but if Worley is tasked with throwing the ball numerous times then you could see a performance that leads to a benching. His issues will generate turnovers against this level of defense. If not a benching then it will lead to a lot of discussion in the following week about a QB change.

4. Brent Brewer should never come off the field because he is probably our best pursuit LB and Oregon is very fast.
This coaching staff is totally different than the previous staffs. they will be ready. Another aspect, we are not use to yet is halftime adjustments. We looked really good in the 3rd quarter last saturday. Halftime adjustments are huge.
Nice evaluations. I watched a good portion of the game and also saw that Oregon can't really run between the tackles at all....at least they couldn't against UVA.

Now here are some of my points and some counterpoints.

1. De'Anthony Thomas is one of the fastest football players I have ever seen in terms of acceleration and football quickness. You have to be so disciplined defending the run because if he has just a little bit of room then he will score 6.

2. Oregon has a pretty impressive pass defense and they will be leaps and bounds better than anything else we have seen. Ultimately I think this will be our undoing even if we can stop Oregon defensively.

3. To extrapolate on the previous point a bit more; I doubt it happens because of play calling, but if Worley is tasked with throwing the ball numerous times then you could see a performance that leads to a benching. His issues will generate turnovers against this level of defense. If not a benching then it will lead to a lot of discussion in the following week about a QB change.

4. Brent Brewer should never come off the field because he is probably our best pursuit LB and Oregon is very fast.

Thomas' speed is nuts. That's why gap control is so critical. I don't see him being effective at the next level because he is so tiny, but he is an outstanding collegiate player.

We can't rely on Worley's arm. If this game gets put on Worley and taken out of the hands of our running game, we're toast.
The big question to me is: how do we respond if/when the Oregon machine starts rolling? When Oregon reels off one or more "big plays," do we keep our heads in the fight?

I'll say this about WKU, despite their horrendous first 6 possessions on Saturday they kept battling and made the score respectable going into halftime. Oregon is going to get a big play or two, I dont think thats really in dispute. But if we keep getting back up after they knock us down and play disciplined football, then anything is possible.
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The most frustrating thing that could happen is our D have some success early and our offense unable to take advantage.
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First I totally agree the original poster of this thread. I gotta tell ya, I honestly believe the UT staff has been reigning back the OL in these first two games. I believe we will see the dogs of war unleashed in the trenches by our OL this weekend. I believe BJ will lay the fate of this game on those seniors on our OL and we will see them respond ...

I was astonished by their discipline on the play last week when wku defender jumped offsides and our entire OL stayed frozen in their stances to ensure we got the call. I don't remember ever seeing that before.
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Nobody wants to win more than I do but comparing how we played against AP and WK is nonsense.
If I recall correctly, wasn't it the disruption along the line of scrimmage caused primarily by Nick Fairley when Auburn beat them during Cam's Heisman year?

I'd spend a lot of time studying that film and the Stanford film from last year...
Nobody wants to win more than I do but comparing how we played against AP and WK is nonsense.

Not exactly. An undisciplined football team with bad fundamentals is that way no matter what the level of competition is (See the troy game last year). Oregon will definitely be the measuring stick of how far we've come, but to say you can't take anything away from seeing two live games is just ridiculous.
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Nobody wants to win more than I do but comparing how we played against AP and WK is nonsense.

I don't see anybody here saying that because we walloped AP and WKU, we will wallop OU.

I am seeing technical discussions noting strengths and weaknesses of our individual players and how those add up to be strengths and weaknesses of the O and D units on both teams.

An excellent thread. :good!:
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Thomas' speed is nuts. That's why gap control is so critical. I don't see him being effective at the next level because he is so tiny, but he is an outstanding collegiate player.

We can't rely on Worley's arm. If this game gets put on Worley and taken out of the hands of our running game, we're toast.

Agree. I said elsewhere that is Worley's attempts are > 25 we've almost certainly lost. If they are < 20 its probably a competitive ballgame.
If I recall correctly, wasn't it the disruption along the line of scrimmage caused primarily by Nick Fairley when Auburn beat them during Cam's Heisman year?

I'd spend a lot of time studying that film and the Stanford film from last year...

Seems to me studying Wilcox's Boise St. defense that beat them is relevant too.
oh yeah and Scott Frost is their OC. The QB from Nebraska that crushed us in Peyton's final game.
Since I may be one of the few vol fans that actually chose to watch the ducks play over USCjr and Georgia, I'll put my two cents in on some observations of mine.

1. Don't look at the points they score and think that Oregon physically dominates their opponents like bama, LSU, Georgia, etc. They are an offense COMPLETELY reliant on the big play. The big plays come by the defense being completely out of position and Oregon's speed making them pay. Good gap control will stop the big plays (see Stanford last year where they scored 14 and lost).

2. They suck between the tackles. Anything they get between the tackles is a result of linebackers over compensating and trying to get outside to stop Thomas. Thomas himself can't run between the tackles. He tried a few times against Virginia, once even running into his own blocker and getting blasted. If our corners can funnel Thomas back inside to our linebackers, he won't get outside, and won't hurt you.

3. Down and distance are huge. If you put Oregon in 3rd and long, it makes Mariota a pocket passer, which he is not good at. Guard against the screen, which they like to run on 3rd and long, and you can get them off of the field.

Having said all of this, Oregon is #2 for a reason. They make playing disciplined defense a priority. You don't have to have elite speed to stop them. You have to have a smart defense with good gap control. Virginia was completely out of position several times Saturday, which led to the highlight reel and the lopsided score. Our defense has done a good job of maintaining gap control through the first 2 games. If we have the discipline to do it in Eugene, a lot of people will be shocked at how unimpressive Oregon's offense can look.

The problem is UT is struggling with 3rd and long. Against WKU, there were a few times we had them in 3rd and long and they converted too many times. Got to get that fixed pronto.
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The problem is UT is struggling with 3rd and long. Against WKU, there were a few times we had them in 3rd and long and they converted too many times. Got to get that fixed pronto.

Doughty is a much better passer than mariota.
better have some trick plays and a few wrinkles. its gonna take everything they have to be in this game. been kinda surprised at the lack of screens, and lack different kinds of plays. Maybe thats because we havent needed to show our hand yet. i dont know

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