So you do trust the government?
Running around with his head on a pike is barbaric. Ignoring an enemy's religious beliefs is not. You think Al Qaeda buried dead Mormon American soldiers in temple garments? This is war.
Have you seen the photos and video? Will you ever? I'm not out to catch government in the act. I'd be happy to have my concerns resolved. I'd love to see the footage.
Most of the time.
No I don't. You killed him. Respect his religious beliefs and move on.
You don't then we're no better than them.
it's stuff like this that make it hard to separate the radicals from the whole
it's also a clear indication of why Bush and Obama went out of their way to declare, repeatedly, that we are not at war with Islam, however, some people you just can't reach.
Well, actually there will never be 100% confidence. Even the most certain of DNA testing leaves .00000000005% doubt (made up number but you get the point). Performing the match with his sibling's DNA creates a little more room for doubt.
Why add extra insult to someone's death, regardless of who that individual was?
I'm just calling you out for trying to justify your opinion by comparing it to that of Al Qaeda. I do not see that as a reach.