Our most embarrassing loss ever.

They are the number 2 team in the country, it was suppose to happen. The most embarrassing loss is either Kentucky 2011 or last yr against Missouri, hell I'm more embarrassed about the Troy game last yr then this one and we won that one lol.
hope BJ can keeps recruits from flipping once the shard hits the fan.
it will take 2 recruiting classes to fill the gaps.

This is very true. I am concerned but I think Coach Jones takes a different approach in recruiting. I think the kids that are committed will stay committed. We may lose a few, but hopefully not our main targets.
I thought the 7 straight TDs we gave up to FL in 1995 to turn a 31-14 lead into a 62-37 loss was pretty embarrassing. We were supposed to be good and they kept getting fast TDs every possession. It was just as bad to watch as yesterday. Actually, worse.
Nuff said.

I'm a long time lurker on here. In 6 years of being a member on here, I've posted about 5 times. However, when I read this thread.. I can't imagine why some idiot would start a thread like this. Seriously? Of course its a bad loss, but get your head out of your ass and live in reality. TN isnt very good right now, we played the number 2 team in the country in their house. College football is cyclical. TN will be back under our new coach, it will just take time.

Could one of the site administrators not put like a 5k post limit before anyone has the ability to start a thread? To block guys like the OP from posting crap like this that just makes everyone else's job finding interesting reads harder to do?

95% of the time the only stuff that's worth reading is the threads started by the OG's who have thousands and upon thousands of posts. This kinda garbage that people post only takes away from this site and makes our fan base look retarded.
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