Our most embarrassing loss ever.

I would say not even close... These guys are the #2 team in the nation and we are rebuilding. Reality check please.

ahhh rebuilding...remember the days of RELOADING? yeah...Tennessee's been rebuilding now for what...10 years now?
or close to it?
On the road. With a young, inexperienced team playing lots of freshman. Against a team that has a very solid chance of winning the national championship this season. Yeah, worst loss ever. Good call man....
It was really bad... But not the worst ever. We just flat out aren't going to be successful with this offense until we get a qb that can run. It totally changes everything. I mean, we run a up tempo spread attack without a duel threat qb.
How many point underdog were we?

Worst loss was to Memphis
Anyone remember who our qb was?

This was expected.

This is what I was going to say til I saw you already posted it. I'll never forget Don Welch with that stuffed tiger on the news desk and an orange in his mouth. I have never been so mad, embarrassed, ashamed....
I remember being around midfield on a couple of 4th downs in a hostile environment this afternoon. That's pretty much throwing in the towel. Why don't you give me a break.

I will say I remember one time that would have been within reason. However, that is not our call. I think the coaches know better than all of us on a message board. Thats not throwing in the towel. You honestly think our coaches threw in the towel? You want a break, go get a kit kat tard.
I tend to agree with the OP. Pac 12...and we are getting abused. And our QB isn't helping things at all....he is HORRID!!!!

Who CARES if it's the Pac 12? On a given day, Oregon could beat any team in the SEC, period, dot. Heck, they almost beat Auburn in 2010 as it is.
I also don't think they quite. They just got steam rolled by a much, much better team. It hurt, but unlike the previous regime, I have confidence that this one will use it as a learning experience and improve the team.
Man I tell you these games getting blowed out has happened way to much in the last 5yrs. It is really getting old. I miss the days when we would show up and play hard and every now and then win some of these road games. But today was just down right embarrassing. I knew we would lose today but nothing like this
ahhh rebuilding...remember the days of RELOADING? yeah...Tennessee's been rebuilding now for what...10 years now?
or close to it?

Not even close. Try five going on six.

But I might not dignify anything Dooley did as "rebuilding" and IMO Kiffin greatly exagerated how bad a state the program was in. Had Fulmer made a better OC hire in 08 or had Cut stayed, we might not be having this unfortunate conversation.
Nuff said.

Please get over yourself. That Oregon team would take Bama to the woodshed! We're just not there yet. We weren't supposed to win and that's what happened. And by the way... the great and powerful Alabama gave up over 600 yds offense tonight. What matters now is how we respond and play out the rest of the season. I'm still very hopeful and excited about the possibilities....Florida-beatable, Bama-beatable, UGA-beatable, S. Carolina-beatable, Neidermeier-oh, got off topic
Butch has to deal with a bare cupboard left by Dooley - it will take 2-3 years to get some real talent to beat good teams
Worse than Kentucky or Wyoming or giving up 59 or 63 to UF? Dumb post, a real dumb post...keep up the good work tool.
Not even close. Try five going on six.

But I might not dignify anything Dooley did as "rebuilding" and IMO Kiffin greatly exagerated how bad a state the program was in. Had Fulmer made a better OC hire in 08 or had Cut stayed, we might not be having this unfortunate conversation.

Heck, imagine if Wilcox had stayed last year. Think about how many games we would have been in/won with an average or bad defense instead of an apocalyptically bad D. S.Car./UGA/UF/Mizz....that makes me sicker than anything about last year.
Heck, imagine if Wilcox had stayed last year. Think about how many games we would have been in/won with an average or bad defense instead of an apocalyptically bad D. S.Car./UGA/UF/Mizz....that makes me sicker than anything about last year.

They should have thrown so much money at Wilcox that he couldn't leave. With Wilcox last year would have been a ten win season,and all the idiots who constantly hate on bray would be talking about how great he was. Sal Sunseri killed our turn around,and now butch is literally rebuilding from the ground up.
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