Alright, finally got through the thread.
Moved away from Lenoir City in 1990 after just getting my appetite for UT Football (I passively rooted for the Razorbacks until the ARK/UT Cotton Bowl).
I moved a lot after that, bouncing from Missouri, Houston TX, and Harrisburg AR, before I joined the Navy in 1997. From there it was Great Lakes IL, Norfolk/Virginia Beach, San Diego, and finally back to Great Lakes IL. I thought that was the last place I'd be until I settled in Missouri (thanks only to my wife, or I'd be in Tennessee in a heart beat), but the Navy had other plans.
Sent out to South Carolina for weapons training in June and then on to Djibouti...where I guard this computer from the enemy for 8 hours a day.
Like the other sailor said, I've met Vol fans every place I've been (except Houston, the bunch of haters). In fact, I still keep in touch with a few of them. Had it not been for the UT connection, I probably would never had got to know them.
How do I cope? By wearing orange every chance I get and talking Tennessee football all the time. It doesn't matter to me if they know about the team or the game. I'm here to spread the gospel of Tennessee.
Seriously, though, the internet has been outstanding in helping this Vol fan keep his roots despite only being in Tennessee 3-4 times in the past 16 years.