Out of State Vols?

Im in big ten country, but i but gameplan for the day when ut is not on cbs, and then i use all ut websites.....but nothing like living in big oraage country, i was right in the heart too
Living in Norfolk/Virginia Beach, Va area now...just returned from 2 1/2 years in Guam (Navy). Last 15 years I've lived in SC/CA/GA(Athens)/CT/MD/VA/GU/VA. Met Vols fans in all of these places..........internet radio was my savior.
I'm in Beech Island SC, on the savannah river(about 15-20 miles from volman130)I know what you mean bro, I too am smothered by GA & SC fans. I caught hell last year at work. This year should be sweet!! Vol Nation and other UT sites are the only way I can stay caught up on a daily basis. Thank God for Vol Nation and GOOOO VOLS!!!!!
I'm stuck in Big XII land because of filthy lucre :)

I live in Colleyville, TX (Between Dallas and Ft. Worth)
i'm from northern indiana. i'm new to this board and i would like to say FINALLY i have a place to go to talk about tennessee football. i usually catch the nationally televised games but i recently found 730espn.com so at least i can listen to them now
Is there a radio station that broadcasts the Vols games that also has a live internet feed? I'm in Louisiana, and not all games are on down here. I tried watching the ESPN Gamecast on the internet for the Air Force game, but I was getting faster play by play on here. If there is a radio station, please let me know so I can catch the games that aren't on TV.

I subscribe to the Vol Network on yahoo for $4 and some change a month. You get all the games and Vol Calls on monday it's a pretty good deal. There's a link to it on UTsports.com.
Just east of Asheville NC here. We have a decent UT fanbase over here and get most of the football games on tv if you have satellite. Basketball coverage sucks. All you hear is UNC and Dook.
The local rag has started giving UT football good write-ups right in there with ACC and Southern conference teams. The stores are stocking more Vols souvenirs in spite of last years fiasco. Things are looking up in the mountains. I think we're starting to come around
I'm in SC as well! It's nice to see quite a few of us on here. I am on the border of SC/NC near charlotte, but since I'm still in SC and only an hour from columbia I get to see alot of gamecock fans.

I too would have gone to Tenn if it weren't for such high out of state fee's. It's too bad that tenn can't be like Auburn and if you've had family members go to the school, your tuition is lower!
I guess I'm pretty lucky as I live north of Atlanta. Get a lot of games on TV, but also found a UT Alum / Fan Bar (Jocks and Jills) that has every UT game each week. Went there Sat. night and there must have been 150-200 Vols fans watching the game...I would say check around on the internet and you may find a link to local bars that are "Vol Friendly", especially in larger metro areas.
I also live in Greenville, NC. The best way to get your Vol fix is to keep up with this board! I also subscribe to Yahoo's service to listen to Games and Volcalls. There's a Raleigh, NC fan club that meets to watch games, but a 1 1/2 hour drive is alot. The best place to watch TN games in Greenville, NC is Professor O'Cools on Greenville Blvd, Hooters is good backup:) .
I recently moved from East TN to Eastern NC (near Greenville) about 1 year ago. The one thing that killed me the most was not being able to see the Channel 6, 8, or 10 news to stay updated with my Vols. I didn't used to be so internet savy but it's my only contact with the Vols anymore (I'm all about some blogs, and I just registered here) Also out here they show O's games on FSN, I never see my Braves.

Anyway who else is Out of State and how do you deal with it?

I just moved to Birmingham recently, and luckily we have the Birmingham Big Orange Club down here. They arrange somewhere for us to watch every game. I would call the Alumni Association and see if there is a club over your way. I am sure they will take care of you.
Live in Abilene Texas. Theres a few VOLS fans here. THe local BWW shows the Texas games on no less than 4 HUGE screens, and the SEC fans get a small 20 inch TV.
I'm in Pakistan and I don't deal with it very well. Internet is the only thing at my disposal that allows me to keep up with anything.
Alright, finally got through the thread. :)

Moved away from Lenoir City in 1990 after just getting my appetite for UT Football (I passively rooted for the Razorbacks until the ARK/UT Cotton Bowl).

I moved a lot after that, bouncing from Missouri, Houston TX, and Harrisburg AR, before I joined the Navy in 1997. From there it was Great Lakes IL, Norfolk/Virginia Beach, San Diego, and finally back to Great Lakes IL. I thought that was the last place I'd be until I settled in Missouri (thanks only to my wife, or I'd be in Tennessee in a heart beat), but the Navy had other plans.

Sent out to South Carolina for weapons training in June and then on to Djibouti...where I guard this computer from the enemy for 8 hours a day.

Like the other sailor said, I've met Vol fans every place I've been (except Houston, the bunch of haters). In fact, I still keep in touch with a few of them. Had it not been for the UT connection, I probably would never had got to know them.

How do I cope? By wearing orange every chance I get and talking Tennessee football all the time. It doesn't matter to me if they know about the team or the game. I'm here to spread the gospel of Tennessee. :)

Seriously, though, the internet has been outstanding in helping this Vol fan keep his roots despite only being in Tennessee 3-4 times in the past 16 years.
You said it about Houston, I get so sick of hearing about "the real UT", I just tell 'em Tennessee was a university when texas was still Mexico, of course they point out last year and their Natl Champ win over USC and I sort of just walk away.......
i'm from lebanon, tn but i moved to bama on a bball scholarship, and graduated in may, but still live here n work for ibm who has a contract with nasa. its mostly bama n auburn crap down here. but living in huntsville, i do get see my vols more than i thought i would. i prolly check volnation like 50 times a day to find out new stuff.

From Lebanon? Small world...so am I.
I live in Indianapolis and have gotten hooked up with the local Alumni and friends group that gets together every week at Damons and watch the games. They have built a relationship with Damons management and we always have tables and a screen reserved. Check the link for a group in your area The University of Tennessee National Alumni Association

Plus its a lot more fun to get together with other UT fans to watch games and get a little rowdy with. I'm sure most chapters won't care if your alumni or not to watch games with them as long as your cheering for the Big Orange.
I live in Kansas and succede at seeing the Vols almost every game with ESPN, CBS or Game Plan. However, last year the local cable company blacked out two of the Vols games even though Kansas was not on the black out map. I had to purchase game plan on my computer at the last second to see the games, thus, paying for the games twice. I have already purchased tickets to the Arkansas game and look forward to seeing the vols in person for the first time since they last played in Memphis. If they come within in 500 miles I will go see them. Looking forward to the future dates with Oklahoma and Nebraska.

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