Out of State Vols?

My first trip too. The tickets we bought includes "The Big Orange Tailgate Tour" tm :)

We bought tickets through the alumni association here in Dallas.
Cincinnati here. We usually just jump on I-75 and head on down to Knoxville for the home games....and a few times in the winter for the Lady Vols. If Pearl keeps it up we'll have to make a few more trips this winter.

About all we get in the local news here is Ohio State, Ohio State, etc. Boy, will I be glad when they finally get beat!
I left TN in 96 when I joined the Navy. After boot camp came to Washington, DC and have been here ever since. I can't tell you how ready I am to get back to the south! Making the trip tomorrow to be at the game on Saturday. GO VOLS!
I live in Indianapolis and have gotten hooked up with the local Alumni and friends group that gets together every week at Damons and watch the games. They have built a relationship with Damons management and we always have tables and a screen reserved. Check the link for a group in your area The University of Tennessee National Alumni Association

Plus its a lot more fun to get together with other UT fans to watch games and get a little rowdy with. I'm sure most chapters won't care if your alumni or not to watch games with them as long as your cheering for the Big Orange.
Thanks for the link. I was able to find a local group to watch the game with. :dance2:
I grew up in East Tennessee but live in FL now. This and next week are my favorites of the college football season because this week I get to hear all the local sports radio shows predict gator wins and next week I get to hear them make excuses for what went wrong.
How about a "Carolinians for Tennessee" club?

I'm gonna leave that to the Alumni Associations. I found one in the tri-angle that get together to watch all the games at a bar called Hi-5 in Raleigh. I think I might go watch a game with them maybe Marshall or Memphis.
I'm from Winston-Salem, NC...but I made the trek out to Knoxville for last week's game and you can bet your paycheck that I'll be tuning in this week!
I live in Delaware, Ohio!

Try dealing with Buckeye fans all day long......

I admit it was worse when I worked at Ohio State......
Moved and been in Louisville, Kentucky for the past 12 years. It sucks big time. We only get some of the games on tv, but we have good friends that tape the game and send them to us. The worst is puttin up with Louisville/Kentucky fans, especially now since UofL thinks they're hot ****, even though they don't play anybody. I've been to a few games, give me a break, don't even seat 40,000. Although, when tennessee is winning, its that much sweeter when you're out of state! But I do miss being around TN fans, and we still make time to go see a couple games a year.

You can take the boy out of TN, but you can't take TN out of the boy! Bleed orange, till i die.
I live in Delaware, Ohio!

Try dealing with Buckeye fans all day long......

I admit it was worse when I worked at Ohio State......

When are you moving back this way. I can't wait to ride from Lex to Knox in your State Trooper Car with the lights on, going 120, and talking a little politics and theology.
Moved and been in Louisville, Kentucky for the past 12 years. It sucks big time. We only get some of the games on tv, but we have good friends that tape the game and send them to us. The worst is puttin up with Louisville/Kentucky fans, especially now since UofL thinks they're hot ****, even though they don't play anybody. I've been to a few games, give me a break, don't even seat 40,000. Although, when tennessee is winning, its that much sweeter when you're out of state! But I do miss being around TN fans, and we still make time to go see a couple games a year.

You can take the boy out of TN, but you can't take TN out of the boy! Bleed orange, till i die.

I have also found my friends from Louisville to be much less tolerable since the football team improved.
When are you moving back this way. I can't wait to ride from Lex to Knox in your State Trooper Car with the lights on, going 120, and talking a little politics and theology.

If things go as planned, I will start next June!
I'm in Iliinois so I have to listen to the games over the internet that aren't nationally televised. I wish I could be at Neyland tonight but since it is an 8 hour drive from here, I will be watching from home.
GO VOLS!!!!!
Of course one thing you have to consider is that most of us have some kind of Tennessee connection. Born & raised in Nashville, TN. Joined the U. S. Air Force and moved to South Dakota. Went on educational leave to get my Master's (MBA) so I moved to Las Vegas. Just graduated and now I'm processing for Army OCS. I hope to be stationed at Fort Campbell, KY or Fort Bragg, NC so I can make some trips to Knoxville. Go Vols!
Try living in Austin, TX, where they consider runny cow manure to be the right shade of orange, and they think they have a monopoly on the letters "U" & "T!"

These folks have a "stadium" of a sorts, but their weather is ALL jacked up for football! :blink: There are NO seasons here!!

But you gotta respect the traditions and fire that the fans bring to the table.

I've been able to catch all the games so far, and for the most part, the locals are VERY respectful of our tradition, because they know that without Tennessee, there sure as HELL would not have been a Texas!!

GO VOLS!!!!!!
BTW - I'm from Oak Ridge, and graduated from UT.

All of my family is still living in "The Ridge," West Knoxville, and Anderson Co, so they can't wait to get me back home.

I can't wait to get there!!!!

To paraphrase Davy Crockett "You all can go to hell, I'm going back to TENNESSEE!!!!!!"

GO VOLS!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry about where you live. :lol: My mom's boyfriend lives in Kennewick... I've had to go out there. Tri-Cities/Pullman/Spokane is not my favorite area around.

And yeah, most Pac-10 fans are more casual for sure.

wow that is crazy. I live in Pasco, which is right in the try-cities next kennewick.
I recently moved from East TN to Eastern NC (near Greenville) about 1 year ago. The one thing that killed me the most was not being able to see the Channel 6, 8, or 10 news to stay updated with my Vols. I didn't used to be so internet savy but it's my only contact with the Vols anymore (I'm all about some blogs, and I just registered here) Also out here they show O's games on FSN, I never see my Braves.

Anyway who else is Out of State and how do you deal with it?
here is a link:
The University of Tennessee National Alumni Association
if you don't mind driving to Raleigh, you can see ALL the games.
the University sees to it that alumni chapters get the feed- no matter what.
hope this helps
Yeah, I live in Bammer land. There are few teams I despise more than Bammer and FL. I live about 50 milkes north of Tuscaloosa, so that's all you hear --bama smack, even when they stink worst than the chicken houses around me!

I got a chance to go to the five overtime win in Tuscaloosa a couple of years ago. My very first college football game and was it ever sweet! Go BIG ORANGE kick some revenge tail for me!!

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