OWH's Topic That Will Never Die XXIII

Evening peeps. Went to a new ENT today for my sinus pain after going to the first ENT twice and my general practice doctor with no improvement. He did an endoscopy and didn't really find much. He is going to out me back on steroids and antibotics. Will do another CT scan in April to compare with the first one to see if there are any changes.
Evening peeps. Went to a new ENT today for my sinus pain after going to the first ENT twice and my general practice doctor with no improvement. He did an endoscopy and didn't really find much. He is going to out me back on steroids and antibotics. Will do another CT scan in April to compare with the first one to see if there are any changes.
Dang. I this for you.
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Evening peeps. Went to a new ENT today for my sinus pain after going to the first ENT twice and my general practice doctor with no improvement. He did an endoscopy and didn't really find much. He is going to out me back on steroids and antibotics. Will do another CT scan in April to compare with the first one to see if there are any changes.
mrs av and i share your pain.
she began taking allergy shots after we moved from NC 40-plus years ago and often must turn to antibiotics

. Ive found myself getting steroid 9njections after rarely ever seeing an ENT. Her sleep problems have become very apparent since she got a a fit bit. Doubt that I will ever get one because i cant stand anything 0n my wrist,
mrs av and i share your pain.
she began taking allergy shots after we moved from NC 40-plus years ago and often must turn to antibiotics

. Ive found myself getting steroid 9njections after rarely ever seeing an ENT. Her sleep problems have become very apparent since she got a a fit bit. Doubt that I will ever get one because i cant stand anything 0n my wrist,
I haven't been tested for allergies since I was a kid, and usually one have issues as the seasons change. I'm seeing an allergist next if this leads to nothing too.

I still think this is a long term covid issue that they just don't have history on since I had zero sinus pain before it.
Evening peeps. Went to a new ENT today for my sinus pain after going to the first ENT twice and my general practice doctor with no improvement. He did an endoscopy and didn't really find much. He is going to out me back on steroids and antibotics. Will do another CT scan in April to compare with the first one to see if there are any changes.
Mine have been awful, my nose bleeding, and the pressure behind it/my eyes. I'm going to start doing a rinse tomorrow.
Spring is sprung on the Southern Piedmont. Bradford pears are in full bloom along with a few other blooming decorative trees. Maples are covered in red buds. Poplars are flush with new green. The robins have returned and joined the territorial choruses of the year ‘ round birds.
Just put a cheesecake in the oven for son's birthday dinner tomorrow. An hour and a half to cook. Then 45 minutes to cool in the water bath.

Not sure why hubby picked tonight to do our taxes, but I got them done.

Been a great day for the Vols! Tomorrow is gonna be great too!!
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