Packing of Supreme Court

Trump is just one more in the cult of personality.
I guess you’ve forgotten the Obama as Jesus pictures.
It’s simply SSDD.

I gave you fortune
I gave you fame
I gave you power in your own gods name
I am every person you want to be
I am a cult of personality

Lyrics are some of the best ever for any song and are as true now as they were 1000 years ago or 1000 from now.
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Sure, he could have tried to issue a lockdown but he gains nothing from it. He loses political power if he does this. The dems were trying to goad him into a mistake and his foregoing of this "golden opportunity" at best illustrates his political savviness, not an aversion to power.

Sp did Trump have a "cult following" or not?

It's nice that you prefaced your own post that way.

Trump takes accountability for nothing with his cult followers.

If he did have a cult they would have supported him no matter what. He could have implemented some draconian measures during the initial stages of the pandemic and not lost any of his base.
Sp did Trump have a "cult following" or not?

If he did have a cult they would have supported him no matter what. He could have implemented some draconian measures during the initial stages of the pandemic and not lost any of his base.

This logic is flawed. He has a cult following but not all of his support comes from the cult. I wouldn't even say a majority of it comes from the cult.

The last sentence is your opinion. IDK what you're basing it off, but it seems ridiculous to talk in such absolute terms when we're talking bout tens of millions of people, and I know lots of people on the right for whom COVID mandates are absolute deal-breakers. Seems impossible that he wouldn't have lost significant support with a draconian lockdown.
This logic is flawed. He has a cult following but not all of his support comes from the cult. I wouldn't even say a majority of it comes from the cult.

The last sentence is your opinion. IDK what you're basing it off, but it seems ridiculous to talk in such absolute terms when we're talking bout tens of millions of people, and I know lots of people on the right for whom COVID mandates are absolute deal-breakers. Seems impossible that he wouldn't have lost significant support with a draconian lockdown.

So you're saying he would have lost a bunch of his soft support by taking more drastic measures but wouldn't have gained any from the "he should have done something crowd"?
So you're saying he would have lost a bunch of his soft support by taking more drastic measures but wouldn't have gained any from the "he should have done something crowd"?

I'm saying overall, he would lose votes on the net if he initiated draconian lockdowns. I'm not trying to say anything extreme, like he "wouldn't have gained any..." That is your move.

I do know one Trump supporter (a doctor) who turned on the Trump admin over COVID, so I know that exists.
yeah trump's dummy trade war pretty much destroyed what little farming industry we had left, good example

WHAT!!! You mean to tell me Iowa no longer grows corn!!! That soybeans are not be found in Mississippi and, around Deer Creek, the most fertile soil in North America now lies fallow because Trump has destroyed US Agriculture! He should be shot.

No oranges in Florida. Cotton in Georgia? Gone with the wind. Texas is nothing more than a barren radioactive wasteland crawling with illegal migrants scrounging for food scraps, trying to make their way to Kansas for some whole wheat bread crusts, but alas! There is no more wheat being grown in Kansas because of Trump!

Our last remaining hope is that maybe a few potatoes have survived in Idaho.

All because Trump destroyed the small amount of subsistence agriculture remaining in the United States.
Trade deals, tarrifs, Fauci, bailouts/stimulus
The China thing has been a long time coming, we've taken it up the rear door decades. I'll give him a pass on that one, had to try to do something. No problem with the rest of your list though.
WHAT!!! You mean to tell me Iowa no longer grows corn!!! That soybeans are not be found in Mississippi and, around Deer Creek, the most fertile soil in North America now lies fallow because Trump has destroyed US Agriculture! He should be shot.

No oranges in Florida. Cotton in Georgia? Gone with the wind. Texas is nothing more than a barren radioactive wasteland crawling with illegal migrants scrounging for food scraps, trying to make their way to Kansas for some whole wheat bread crusts, but alas! There is no more wheat being grown in Kansas because of Trump!

Our last remaining hope is that maybe a few potatoes have survived in Idaho.

All because Trump destroyed the small amount of subsistence agriculture remaining in the United States.

they still grow, they are just not lucrative. China was the soybean farming's largest market by a wide margin
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Well, I'm looking at a podcast where the idea of court packing is coming up by these butthurt liberals. So, going into November, look for something about this as a gimmick to drum up midterm support.

It's like we take one step forward and one step back...
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Well, I'm looking at a podcast where the idea of court packing is coming up by these butthurt liberals. So, going into November, look for something about this as a gimmick to drum up midterm support.

It's like we take one step forward and one step back...
I'm not liking sounds of this...

One Overlooked Democratic Plan That Could Have Catastrophic Consequences Before Mid-Terms | ZeroHedge

The left believes that the court has truly been implemented in its current form (which now includes 4 women and 3 people of color) to “twist the rule of law” and that because the constitution “offers no guidance about number of supreme court justices”, that it is fair game to just make the change.

This of course, puts the court on a slippery slope where each elected official will expand or contract the court to their base’s liking:
An extreme conservative majority holds absolute control over the court. They will likely hold this power for multiple generations. They intend to use it to impose a far-right vision that most Americans oppose, twisting the rule of law into whatever they say it is, depending on the ideological outcome they hope to achieve.​
It doesn’t have to be this way. The US constitution offers no guidance on the number of supreme court justices. While it has stood at nine for some time, it has not always, and need not for ever. If Republicans have hijacked the court to force a minoritarian agenda on the nation, the court must be expanded and reformed to counter a rightwing power play that threatens to remake American democracy and life itself.​
I'm not liking sounds of this...

One Overlooked Democratic Plan That Could Have Catastrophic Consequences Before Mid-Terms | ZeroHedge

The left believes that the court has truly been implemented in its current form (which now includes 4 women and 3 people of color) to “twist the rule of law” and that because the constitution “offers no guidance about number of supreme court justices”, that it is fair game to just make the change.

This of course, puts the court on a slippery slope where each elected official will expand or contract the court to their base’s liking:
An extreme conservative majority holds absolute control over the court. They will likely hold this power for multiple generations. They intend to use it to impose a far-right vision that most Americans oppose, twisting the rule of law into whatever they say it is, depending on the ideological outcome they hope to achieve.​
It doesn’t have to be this way. The US constitution offers no guidance on the number of supreme court justices. While it has stood at nine for some time, it has not always, and need not for ever. If Republicans have hijacked the court to force a minoritarian agenda on the nation, the court must be expanded and reformed to counter a rightwing power play that threatens to remake American democracy and life itself.​

Dems being Dems...destroying everything in their path.
Makes me wonder if there is no max number, what about reduction?
Impeach on bad behavior just as they are advocating as well.. This doesn't end well at all.

Can a Supreme Court justice be removed? Yes, and here’s how

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