Packing of Supreme Court

I have just never understood the Trump worshipping statement. I don’t know anyone who worships Trump. I think those who make that statement are just mentally weak minded.

May not be worship, but you've got to admit there's some weird cultish Trump stuff out there. Just to name a few:

Trump's head superimposed on Rocky meme
Trumpy bear
Then there's the people who thought he was here to save the world from a ring of cannibal satanic pedos.
May not be worship, but you've got to admit there's some weird cultish Trump stuff out there. Just to name a few:

Trump's head superimposed on Rocky meme
Trumpy bear
View attachment 363016
Then there's the people who thought he was here to save the world from a ring of cannibal satanic pedos.

The cult is those that voted for Biden simply because he wasn’t Trump.
I'm not a fan of court-packing, but changing the rules isn't just a dem issue. Remember the "we can't confirm a new judge in an election year" argument?

Semantics. What if they just said "elections have consequences; we won; you aren't putting another lib on the court"? We've heard those words before, right - like just before the dems with both houses locked the republicans out and passed a couple of obammy whoppers. The only rational thing to do is eliminate simple majority rule in congress, and go back to something that requires bipartisan support. Looks like we're locked into bipolar government for now though - one giveth and the other taketh away, and overnight flip-flops depending on what mood some "in name only" wakes up in ... or who got slipped a nice fat check.
May not be worship, but you've got to admit there's some weird cultish Trump stuff out there. Just to name a few:

Trump's head superimposed on Rocky meme
Trumpy bear
View attachment 363016
Then there's the people who thought he was here to save the world from a ring of cannibal satanic pedos.
Trump is just one more in the cult of personality.
I guess you’ve forgotten the Obama as Jesus pictures.
It’s simply SSDD.
... Then there's the people who thought he was here to save the world from a ring of cannibal satanic pedos.

Some questions come to mind:

1) do you personally know people like you describe, or somewhere on the internet it says this, so for you it must be true.

2) if you do know people like this, where did you meet them?

3) when you met them and learned this about them, what were the circumstances? Inquiring minds want to know.
Some questions come to mind:

1) do you personally know people like you describe, or somewhere on the internet it says this, so for you it must be true.

2) if you do know people like this, where did you meet them?

3) when you met them and learned this about them, what were the circumstances? Inquiring minds want to know.

I talk to a lot of different people in the course of my job. You'd be surprised at what some people actually believe and are more than willing to bring up random crazy political stuff. I try to avoid politics at all costs,, because its bad for business. Obviously I'm not keeping a calendar of these events so I can satisfy your urge to defend all Trumpers. I can't say I've ever heard anybody say Q is hunting cannibals, but people have actually mentioned the pedo ring BS.
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Trump is just one more in the cult of personality.
I guess you’ve forgotten the Obama as Jesus pictures.
It’s simply SSDD.

That's a legitimate "But Obama!" I dont remember Obama Jesus, but the Hopey/Changey posters were kind of weird. For OP to pretend like the cult of personality/hero worship of Trump (or certain other politicians) doesn't exist is either disingenuous or ignoring what goes on.
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I talk to a lot of different people in the course of my job. You'd be surprised at what some people actually believe and are more than willing to bring up random crazy political stuff. I try to avoid politics at all costs,, because its bad for business. Obviously I'm not keeping a calendar of these events so I can satisfy your urge to defend all Trumpers. I can't say I've ever heard anybody say Q is hunting cannibals, but people have actually mentioned the pedo ring BS.

Actually, I am not surprised at what people believe. What I detest is people finding some fringe kook (s) and then painting a much larger group with that broad brush.

And I have no urge to defend all Trumpers. I have a strong urge to defend against hyperbole and lies.
Actually, I am not surprised at what people believe. What I detest is people finding some fringe kook (s) and then painting a much larger group with that broad brush.

And I have no urge to defend all Trumpers. I have a strong urge to defend against hyperbole and lies.

My original posts didn't say all Trumpers believe these things. Did it? It was in response to a poster who said there is no such thing as Trump worship. Obviously there is personality cult/hero worship tied to Trumps brand.

I find it odd that you ask me to prove that the Q types actually exist outside of the internet, then dismiss my comment as "hyperbole and lies" after I tell you I've talked to them.
My original posts didn't say all Trumpers believe these things. Did it? It was in response to a poster who said there is no such thing as Trump worship. Obviously there is personality cult/hero worship tied to Trumps brand.

I find it odd that you ask me to prove that the Q types actually exist outside of the internet, then dismiss my comment as "hyperbole and lies" after I tell you I've talked to them.

Check your ego. The only direct response was to your statement about a supposed urge to defend all Trumpers. The rest was stuff I would think we agree on.
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That's a legitimate "But Obama!" I dont remember Obama Jesus, but the Hopey/Changey posters were kind of weird. For OP to pretend like the cult of personality/hero worship of Trump (or certain other politicians) doesn't exist is either disingenuous or ignoring what goes on.
Yup. It really is SSDD
I probably should have gone with the GW engraved Guns. You will always have a segment that puts unrealistic hope in a political figure. El with her joe worship is just the start of the Biden worship that’s bound to happen.
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May not be worship, but you've got to admit there's some weird cultish Trump stuff out there. Just to name a few:

Trump's head superimposed on Rocky meme
Trumpy bear
View attachment 363016
Then there's the people who thought he was here to save the world from a ring of cannibal satanic pedos.

Gotta admit. I like it!
Shumer #28 and Hills on sideline "What Happened" sign.
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Gotta admit. I like it!
Shumer #28 and Hills on sideline "What Happened" sign.

I hadn't paid it that much attention, but you're right. On further inspection I also determined that the ref is completely out of position to be signaling a TD... Which proves that you can't escape bad officiating, even in Trump fever dream paintings.
I hadn't paid it that much attention, but you're right. On further inspection I also determined that the ref is completely out of position to be signaling a TD... Which proves that you can't escape bad officiating, even in Trump fever dream paintings.

He is not the ref. See if you can figure out why.
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The cult is those that voted for Biden simply because he wasn’t Trump.
If you believe this, you don’t understand what a cult is. You’re just calling something you don’t like a cult.

If hating and being disgusted with Trump constitutes a cult, then almost the entire world is in a large cult.
May not be worship, but you've got to admit there's some weird cultish Trump stuff out there. Just to name a few:

Trump's head superimposed on Rocky meme
Trumpy bear
View attachment 363016
Then there's the people who thought he was here to save the world from a ring of cannibal satanic pedos.
They never did this type of stuff with Obama.

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