Packing of Supreme Court

If you believe this, you don’t understand what a cult is. You’re just calling something you don’t like a cult.

If hating and being disgusted with Trump constitutes a cult, then almost the entire world is in a large cult.

A group of people that hates someone/something so much they would cut off their nose just to spite their face is a cult.

When the world hates our president that means he’s doing a good job.
A group of people that hates someone/something so much they would cut off their nose just to spite their face is a cult.
Except it's not, at all. That's just not what a cult is. And in any case, while many Biden voters don't actually care about Biden, they were absolutely doing what they thought was best for the country.
When the world hates our president that means he’s doing a good job.
This is the kind of thing a 17 year old would say to try to sound like an intellectual. In reality, it's nonsense.
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Except it's not, at all. That's just not what a cult is. And in any case, while many Biden voters don't actually care about Biden, they were absolutely doing what they thought was best for the country.

This is the kind of thing a 17 year old would say to try to sound like an intellectual. In reality, it's nonsense.

As I said, they cut off their nose to spite their face.

You need to understand that the world looks at us as their piggy bank, if we aren't sending aid or defending them they hate us. And when I say hate I'm talking about their leaders, in my travels I have found very very few people that hate us or the USA, its quite the opposite actually
As I said, they cut off their nose to spite their face.
That's not what the expression means. That's just you not agreeing with their decision. If they thought they were deliberately weakening America by voting Biden, then you would be correct to use that phrase.

You need to understand that the world looks at us as their piggy bank, if we aren't sending aid or defending them they hate us.
At best, this is an oversimplification, and at worst, it's just wrong. In any case, the idea that "if they don't like our president, it means he's doing a good job" is just silly. Diplomacy is not a zero sum game. It's not a good thing if the entire world thinks our president is a delusional assclown, and it's even worse if the only people who like him are right wing authoritarians.

And when I say hate I'm talking about their leaders, in my travels I have found very very few people that hate us or the USA, its quite the opposite actually
Both agree and disagree. I would argue it depends on what country and what government.
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It's not a good thing if the entire world thinks our president is a delusional assclown,

But if you really thought about it, you would know that statement is ludicrous. Hog is absolutely right. They didn't like Trump because he cut off their allowance. Europe was having to pay their fair share for their own defense. How horrible of Trump! I would think you leftists would love that since you are always harping on people paying their fair share...

They didn't think he was a delusional assclown. They were afraid of him And we need more of that, because then comes respect. Xiden is exactly the opposite, hence the celebrations that Trump was gone. We aren't respected anymore in the world. We are becoming a joke.
That's not what the expression means. That's just you not agreeing with their decision. If they thought they were deliberately weakening America by voting Biden, then you would be correct to use that phrase.

At best, this is an oversimplification, and at worst, it's just wrong. In any case, the idea that "if they don't like our president, it means he's doing a good job" is just silly. Diplomacy is not a zero sum game. It's not a good thing if the entire world thinks our president is a delusional assclown, and it's even worse if the only people who like him are right wing authoritarians.

Both agree and disagree. I would argue it depends on what country and what government.

Most of the world didn't think our president was a "delusional assclown" and if Trump was a right wing authoritarian he really sucked at it seeing he missed a golden opportunity to assume vast amounts of power. Hell even dems were criticizing him for NOT taking more authoritarian measures.

If you're talking about radical Islamic governments, yeah they hate everybody.
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That's not what the expression means. That's just you not agreeing with their decision. If they thought they were deliberately weakening America by voting Biden, then you would be correct to use that phrase.

They voted in a man with obvious mental issues and one who got smoked at the only fair debate that was had.

That's spite. Or stupidity if they actually believed what Biden said.
But if you really thought about it, you would know that statement is ludicrous. Hog is absolutely right. They didn't like Trump because he cut off their allowance. Europe was having to pay their fair share for their own defense. How horrible of Trump! I would think you leftists would love that since you are always harping on people paying their fair share...

They didn't think he was a delusional assclown. They were afraid of him And we need more of that, because then comes respect. Xiden is exactly the opposite, hence the celebrations that Trump was gone. We aren't respected anymore in the world. We are becoming a joke.

They voted in a man with obvious mental issues and one who got smoked at the only fair debate that was had.

That's spite. Or stupidity if they actually believed what Biden said.
I recognize that this is how it is presented in right wing media world. In reality, most Americans (and people around the world) just thought Trump was an unstable jackass and that Biden is an acceptable return to normalcy.
I recognize that this is how it is presented in right wing media world. In reality, most Americans (and people around the world) just thought Trump was an unstable jackass and that Biden is an acceptable return to normalcy.
Yeah, even the dead ones that voted for Biden thought so too
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Most of the world didn't think our president was a "delusional assclown" and if Trump was a right wing authoritarian he really sucked at it seeing he missed a golden opportunity to assume vast amounts of power. Hell even dems were criticizing him for NOT taking more authoritarian measures.

If you're talking about radical Islamic governments, yeah they hate everybody.

Yeah? What opportunities did he forego?
How is that a "golden opportunity"? What would he gain from that, especially since his base would be against it? Makes no sense.

Why didn't Biden lock us down?

I see that you are just wanting to have another nonsensical argument.

Every POTUS in my lifetime has jumped at the chance to expand executive branch power, covid was a golden opportunity for Trump to do that. At the beginning he could have ordered numerous nationwide actions, he didn't. Biden can't now because the irrational fear of the unknown has passed.
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I see that you are just wanting to have another nonsensical argument.

Every POTUS in my lifetime has jumped at the chance to expand executive branch power, covid was a golden opportunity for Trump to do that. At the beginning he could have ordered numerous nationwide actions, he didn't. Biden can't now because the irrational fear of the unknown has passed.

Sure, he could have tried to issue a lockdown but he gains nothing from it. He loses political power if he does this. The dems were trying to goad him into a mistake and his foregoing of this "golden opportunity" at best illustrates his political savviness, not an aversion to power.
Here is Trump usurping congressional power in the pandemic in a way he found politically beneficial. Weird that he didn't balk at this golden opportunity:

A president has the power to dictate terms and confer benefits only insofar as Congress has granted it by statute. Congress has not statutorily empowered presidents to pay unemployment compensation to people who have lost wages due to COVID-19 job losses. Consequently, President Trump’s unilateral executive action, directing the Department of Homeland Security to divert disaster-relief funding to pay $300 per week in lost-wages compensation (i.e., 75 percent federal underwriting of $400 payments, with the states making up the rest) is unlawful and unconstitutional.
Except it's not, at all. That's just not what a cult is. And in any case, while many Biden voters don't actually care about Biden, they were absolutely doing what they thought was best for the country.

This is the kind of thing a 17 year old would say to try to sound like an intellectual. In reality, it's nonsense.

What did Trump do that wasn’t in the best interest of our country?
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yeah trump's dummy trade war pretty much destroyed what little farming industry we had left, good example

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