Palin for President

If you are not outraged by the fact that 4 Americans were murdered by pos zealot radicals (regardless of anything to do with the WH) then I don't know what to say.

No wait, I do. If you have not one bit of anger over this then FU. A big everlasting I hope the worse things in life happen to you and only you and all you care about.

But, I hope you do feel some anger,because you should, and at which point I hope and wish all the best for you and yours.

I feel as bad for those four as I do for any four Americans killed while serving. Get off your high horse. Some are so blinded by hatred their using the deaths of these four as a platform for partisan politics.

These "zealot radicals" are scum, no doubt. Yet another reason to thumb my nose at religion ...
I feel as bad for those four as I do for any four Americans killed while serving. Get off your high horse. Some are so blinded by hatred their using the deaths of these four as a platform for partisan politics.

These "zealot radicals" are scum, no doubt. Yet another reason to thumb my nose at religion ...

So using dead children in Connecticut is perfectly okay to do as long as it advances a political agenda?

Again, you avoid the central problem most have with Benghazi. People die, that's understood. People die in terrorist attacks. People understand that as well. People die from religious hatred. People can comprehend that.

But the people cannot comprehend why their government went to great lengths to cover up the motives and responsibility for it. And total inaction on their part in the aftermath as well as attempted rewards to the individuals that played key parts in trying to dismiss what happened.
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There is a huge difference in service members killed in combat in hot zones where it's expected rather than an American Ambassador, a representative of our nation, killed by a terrorist group and then the complete bungling of who was responsible and the resulting CYA done by this Administration.

I'd disagree, Americans are Americans no matter their title. And if you don't think that Libya is not chock full of anti-american extremists and a "hot zone" then you're kidding yourself.

They all knew the risks, it's only a continued headline because the Cons could foist the idea that was personally her fault. They need the dirt to make the mud they'll be slinging in 2016. Facts don't matter, manufactured dirt is just as muddy.
I'd disagree, Americans are Americans no matter their title. And if you don't think that Libya is not chock full of anti-american extremists and a "hot zone" then you're kidding yourself.

They all knew the risks, it's only a continued headline because the Cons could foist the idea that was personally her fault. They need the dirt to make the mud they'll be slinging in 2016. Facts don't matter, manufactured dirt is just as muddy.

no one died at Abu Grahib and the democrats wanted Bush impeached for it

before you criticize the right of overplaying their hand for political gain, take a long hard look at the tactics of the left
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I'd disagree, Americans are Americans no matter their title. And if you don't think that Libya is not chock full of anti-american extremists and a "hot zone" then you're kidding yourself.

They all knew the risks, it's only a continued headline because the Cons could foist the idea that was personally her fault. They need the dirt to make the mud they'll be slinging in 2016. Facts don't matter, manufactured dirt is just as muddy.

I personally didn't think we needed to be involved in Libya from the start. Much less sending an Ambassador into a known insurgent area with such a small security detail.

But otherwise, see my answer above. Look objectively at the situation and think what your reaction would be if one of the individuals murdered was your son, brother or father and the Administration cavalierly tried to whisk it away and blame it on a YouTube video instead of going in and leveling several city blocks to make sure we got the ones responsible.
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no one died at Abu Grahib and the democrats wanted Bush impeached for it

before you criticize the right of overplaying their hand for political gain, take a long hard look at the tactics of the left

I don't disagree with that at all, but the conversation is about Behngazi not Abu Grahib.
I personally didn't think we needed to be involved in Libya from the start. Much less sending an Ambassador into a known insurgent area with such a small security detail.

But otherwise, see my answer above. Look objectively at the situation and think what your reaction would be if one of the individuals murdered was your son, brother or father and the Administration cavalierly tried to whisk it away and blame it on a YouTube video instead of going in and leveling several city blocks to make sure we got the ones responsible.

I'd be devastated that I lost a child et. al. for any reason whether a bullet in Iraq or Behngazi.

Don't kid yourself, this isn't' a headlines years later because people died. It's still in the news because it's being used as a political weapon.
I'd be devastated that I lost a child et. al. for any reason whether a bullet in Iraq or Behngazi.

Don't kid yourself, this isn't' a headlines years later because people died. It's still in the news because it's being used as a political weapon.

It's still in the news because it's relevant. And just like the 9/11 Commission, Warren Commission or any other government investigation into a great travesty that befalls our nation, Benghazi should be investigated and the People have a right to know what happened and those responsible should face the music.

And by responsibility, I mean those that actively took a part in attempting to downplay the terror angle as well.
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I'd be devastated that I lost a child et. al. for any reason whether a bullet in Iraq or Behngazi.

Don't kid yourself, this isn't' a headlines years later because people died. It's still in the news because it's being used as a political weapon.

BS! It's still in the news because the administration refuses to give answers.
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Actually, it's AirVol that posted it...but who cares as long as you can get a poke in at the GOP at every opportunity.

And yes, you go to great lengths to point out the GOP in each of those posts instead of actually removing your partisan glasses for a change and seeing it passed with BOTH parties involvement.

So again, I implore, bottle your partisan acid and see that a travesty that transcended political affiliation was done to the men and women that had faithfully served their nation through war and peace. And I most certainly don't believe their entitlements ought to be on any Congressional chopping block, regardless of party.

Yeah it was me, It was a bipartisan decision but the Prez had the power to veto. He did not, so he's to blame.
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Here’s an idea: Instead of giving money to people who hate us like Al-Qaeda in Syria, the Palestinians and the Egyptians, why don’t we take care of our own troops instead? Don't take away benefits they rightfully earned.

This administration is handing out food stamps at lightning speed and has wasted how much on this catastrophic healthcare plan?

...and this---

This country gives billions in foreign aid, why? We have interest in their resources? What does Kenya have that we need? We already have a Kenyan Prez.
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Here’s an idea: Instead of giving money to people who hate us like Al-Qaeda in Syria, the Palestinians and the Egyptians, why don’t we take care of our own troops instead? Don't take away benefits they rightfully earned.

This administration is handing out food stamps at lightning speed and has wasted how much on this catastrophic healthcare plan?

...and this---

This country gives billions in foreign aid, why? We have interest in their resources? What does Kenya have that we need? We already have a Kenyan Prez.

The real birth certificate.
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