Palin for President

So you are implying you'd rather see her on camera for at least four years as POTUS rather than Hillary?


7/10 would bang.

I would be mean to her though and require she unload the dishwasher prior to her walk of shame.
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I couldn't vote for Christie,Jeb or Huckabee. Those three are too liberal for My taste. I definitely will be a 3rd party voter then. I think a large part of the conservatives in the GOP would vote 3rd party or not go to the polls at all if one of those three is the GOP candidate in 2016.

That is the divide in the Republican Party. The base has moved farther right. A far right candiate can win the nomination but would have a tough time winning the general. POTUS are generally won or lost by the moderate voters. Neither side has enough base to win the general.
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As a honorably discharged disabled vet with a stack of ribbons, your comment is not just insulting to me but to every American who's served.

We may have political differences, but that insinuation is particularly abhorrent even when made in jest.

I'm not butthurt over Dave's comment. Speak for yourself, not for others who have served. As a vet, you should be appalled that Obozo is trying to take away benefits from vets and the disabled vets. He blows a lot of smoke talking about the military, that's why the majority of active, guard and reserve forces don't like him.
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as a honorably discharged disabled vet with a stack of ribbons, your comment is not just insulting to me but to every american who's served.

We may have political differences, but that insinuation is particularly abhorrent even when made in jest.

As a honorably discharged disabled vet with a stack of ribbons, your comment is not just insulting to me but to every American who's served.

We may have political differences, but that insinuation is particularly abhorrent even when made in jest.

What do you call 9 rows of ribbons, a mountain? :p
I'm not butthurt over Dave's comment. Speak for yourself, not for others who have served. As a vet, you should be appalled that Obozo is trying to take away benefits from vets and the disabled vets. He blows a lot of smoke talking about the military, that's why the majority of active, guard and reserve forces don't like him.

If you can't see how it would be offensive to imply your military service was equated to being an Iraqi - then you may not be bright enough to understand the the insult or you don't take pride in your service, possibly both.

As for your second point, where did I say I wasn't appalled and mortified?
I'm not butthurt over Dave's comment. Speak for yourself, not for others who have served. As a vet, you should be appalled that Obozo is trying to take away benefits from vets and the disabled vets. He blows a lot of smoke talking about the military, that's why the majority of active, guard and reserve forces don't like him.

Um, the cuts were made by the GOP....
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If you can't see how it would be offensive to imply your military service was equated to being an Iraqi - then you may not be bright enough to understand the the insult or you don't take pride in your service, possibly both.

As for your second point, where did I say I wasn't appalled and mortified?

I've got 31 years of pride with the military, and still have pride.

Sorry you couldn't hack the Army, I'm sure they got a better replacement.

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I've got 31 years of pride with the military, and still have pride.

Sorry you couldn't hack the Army, I'm sure they got a better replacement.


So then you're not bright enough to understand the insult.


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