You know, its funny. Yesterday I was switching through channels and found some religious channel and they were having a panel discussion about whether we were in the tribulation. And there were all these clergy for these little yokel local churches, and they were all going on and on about how they don't personally think that Obama is the anti-Christ, but gosh isn't amazing how many of his political supporters treat him like he's the "messiah."
That's the hidden message behind people using that mocking tone and the codes words with Obama -- that he's somehow demonic. Or at least really going to be purposefully harmful to the country.
I think that is what has people so upset about the code words being used by some of the far right wing and especially the religious conservatives, who see in Obama a chance for them to hitch themselves to the political magic carpet ride they think will propel them to the front of the conservative movement at the inevitable Obama backlash.
And that's the irony. They used this completely whipped up, andi-Muslim, irrational fear mongering that is going on out there about Obama and they are calling him the one who is the false God.
If you ask me, some of these folks need to take a good look in the mirror about whose ego is really at stake/threatened here and whether their personal effort to once again profit from the crazies out there in the Bible Belt is worth what they are doing to the crazies. And how the crazies are gobbling it all up.
Tribulation because Obama is president. Oh please.
Its disgusting, really.