Pat McAfee Situation with ESPN

did you forget all the craziness going on about the vaccines during Covid? it 100% was going after his career.

There was a basketball player that wasn't allowed to play even if he tested negative. the tennis player who I still don't think some nations are allowing him to play without the vaccine.

you had the general public and public officials calling for the forced vaccinations, firing, taxing, and removal from society of those who weren't vaxxed.

he lost sponsors during that time for being publicly anti-vax. it absolutely hit his bottom line. just because society has conveniently forgotten that attitude doesn't mean it didn't exist and negatively impact many people, including Aaron Rodgers.

They faced consequences because they didn't follow the rules, not because they had unfavorable opinions that Kimmel publicly disagreed with. Gimme a break.

Forced vaccines and all that crap have nothing to do with what I was saying. Again, he outted himself as anti-covid vaccine. He lost sponsors because of what he chose to stand on, not because Kimmel disagreed with him. Kimmel did not threaten his career. Whatever threats to his $ were of his own creation.
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They faced consequences because they didn't follow the rules, not because they had unfavorable opinions that Kimmel publicly disagreed with. Gimme a break.

Forced vaccines and all that crap have nothing to do with what I was saying. Again, he outted himself as anti-covid vaccine. He lost sponsors because of what he chose to stand on, not because Kimmel disagreed with him. Kimmel did not threaten his career. Whatever threats to his $ were of his own creation.
Based on this logic… Kimmel injected himself in the Rodgers/Epstein conversation so whatever threats to his reputation or family (which I’d bet my next paycheck were made up) were his own creation right? He wanted to sling mud and now he’s throwing a hissy fit cause he getting dirty.
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I had to look it up for myself. All he did was make fun of Rodgers for not being vaccinated. Is there some other video where Kimmel's calling for his cancellation or something? I can't figure out why people think Kimmel came at him with the intent to ruin his career. How can you conclude that?

Based on this logic… Kimmel injected himself in the Rodgers/Epstein conversation so whatever threats to his reputation or family (which I’d bet my next paycheck were made up) were his own creation right? He wanted to sling mud and now he’s throwing a hissy fit cause he getting dirty.

What did Kimmel say?
I had to look it up for myself. All he did was make fun of Rodgers for not being vaccinated. Is there some other video where Kimmel's calling for his cancellation or something? I can't figure out why people think Kimmel came at him with the intent to ruin his career. How can you conclude that?

Jesus…He insinuated that Rodgers didn’t care if he killed his teammates. Are you high?
So what I'm gathering is that Aaron Rodgers thought the UFO stuff was meant to be a distraction from the Epstein list potentially getting released, Kimmel makes fun of him for being a tin-foil hatter, and that means Kimmel deserves to be associated with pedo island. It's not even an opinion about the Epstein list, it's a joke about why he thinks we were getting UFO stories.

Based on this logic… Kimmel injected himself in the Rodgers/Epstein conversation so whatever threats to his reputation or family (which I’d bet my next paycheck were made up) were his own creation right? He wanted to sling mud and now he’s throwing a hissy fit cause he getting dirty.
You never answered my question.

If I say X is gonna happen

You then without provocation condescendingly mock me (this being the 3rd or 4th time you’ve done so)

There’s reports that X is happening.

I then make a joke about the situation*

You’re telling me this is all my fault?

*I find it telling that all Kimmels comments are just jokes and shouldn’t be taken seriously but Rodgers responses horrible and show what an awful person he is.
Regardless of how much that hurts your butt, how can you conclude his intent was to ruin his career?
If you managed to miss the coordinated effort (of which Kimmel was participating in) from just about everybody to ruin the reputation (pretty important to a public figures career) of anybody who didn’t fall in line then I don’t know what to tell you.
You never answered my question.

If I say X is gonna happen

You then without provocation condescendingly mock me (this being the 3rd or 4th time you’ve done so)

There’s reports that X is happening.

I then make a joke about the situation*

You’re telling me this is all my fault?

*I find it telling that all Kimmels comments are just jokes and shouldn’t be taken seriously but Rodgers responses horrible and show what an awful person he is.

You talking to yourself? LOL. I assume this is for me.

Did I go too far with mockery? What did I say?

I can't follow most of this post and the point you're trying to make. I don't know what question I didn't answer. I think you're talking about Kimmel injecting himself into the Epstein conversation, which I don't think he has and that was my answer:

So what I'm gathering is that Aaron Rodgers thought the UFO stuff was meant to be a distraction from the Epstein list potentially getting released, Kimmel makes fun of him for being a tin-foil hatter, and that means Kimmel deserves to be associated with pedo island. It's not even an opinion about the Epstein list, it's a joke about why he thinks we were getting UFO stories.

I think it's OK for you to be mad about Kimmel's jokes at Rodgers. I think it's OK for Rodgers to be mad. Kimmel made jokes he knew would turn people off to him and he bears those consequences. What I'm saying is that he doesn't deserve to be associated with pedos because of that. Nothing he did merits Rodgers' insinuation that he's in with pedos. Kimmel is guilty of making fun of somebody's controversial, political position. He works in ****ing late night television as a comedian. This is what they do.
Regardless of how much that hurts your butt, how can you conclude his intent was to ruin his career?
And regardless of much you wanna downplay it (doubt you’d feel the same if it was said about you but whatever), that wasn’t comedy it was an unprovoked personal attack. When you do that you don’t then get to be the victim when they fire back.
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Based on this logic… Kimmel injected himself in the Rodgers/Epstein conversation so whatever threats to his reputation or family (which I’d bet my next paycheck were made up) were his own creation right? He wanted to sling mud and now he’s throwing a hissy fit cause he getting dirty.
In the middle of this post there was a question. That what ? at the end of a sentence means.
In the middle of this post there was a question. That what ? at the end of a sentence means.

So then I did answer the question, LOL.

Weren't you just crying about mockery and condescending posts? You even fkn started it with a post "LOL OK."

You got some nerve, bro.
Sigh. Rodgers vs Kimmel is either two guys who are full of themselves arguing OR two guys with good, sly PR guys.

I'll bet Rodgers shows up on Kimmel and they "bury the hatchet" in a show that gets good ratings for Kimmel.

Kimmel is the a-hole comedian that even Letterman had too much self respect to be on the air.

Rodgers is a great QB. I don't care if he takes a vaccine or odd hallucinogens or bangs famous women or whatever. He'd be "crazy Aaron, 3 houses down, yeah, that guy" if he didn't play football.

The PR machine fuels all this crap. Seriously. Who cares if those guys beef? "How's Rodgers' going to come back from that Achilles injury?" is my only question about him. His lifestyle being out there is ALL...... every bit....... PR.
I told my wife this very thing. This whole thing is being built up for some kind of appearance on Jimmy Kimmel's show.

Brittany Griner comes out and says she's against America and thinks it's evil.

Tim Allen makes fun of Brittany Griner's position and really blasts her for it.

Brittany Griner implies he's racist and in with a list of slave owners about to be released.

Do y'all feel the same about this as you do the Rodgers/Kimmel thing? (rhetorical)

Brittany Griner comes out and says she's against America and thinks it's evil.

Tim Allen makes fun of Brittany Griner's position and really blasts her for it.

Brittany Griner implies he's racist and in with a list of slave owners about to be released.

Do y'all feel the same about this as you do the Rodgers/Kimmel thing? (rhetorical)
That's the example you went with...really? LOLOLOLOLOL
Please put into words what's wrong with the comparison.
You didn’t ask me but I’ll answer. I don’t mind the slavery/racism comparison. I get you trying to make a comparison with something else really egregious so that actually makes sense. I just feel it was clearly favorable to Tim Allen and there so much history and complexity left out.

For instance you forgot to mention when Tim Allen joined in on a coordinated character assignation with the federal government, corporate press, entire entertainment industry, academia, sports, etc of anybody who not only hated America too but also those who didn’t pledge blind allegiance to it.

But in a perfect analogy my response would be the same. I may not be on Griner’s side but I would think Allen was being a little b**ch for now acting like the victim.
You didn’t ask me but I’ll answer. I don’t mind the slavery/racism comparison. I get you trying to make a comparison with something else really egregious so that actually makes sense. I just feel it was clearly favorable to Tim Allen and there so much history and complexity left out.

For instance you forgot to mention when Tim Allen joined in on a coordinated character assignation with the federal government, corporate press, entire entertainment industry, academia, sports, etc of anybody who not only hated America too but also those who didn’t pledge blind allegiance to it.

But in a perfect analogy my response would be the same. I may not be on Griner’s side but I would think Allen was being a little b**ch for now acting like the victim.

LOL at coordinated. You have no evidence that Kimel was involved in coordination.

You don't remember the anthem kneelers getting attacked by the right? Calling for cancellation of the NFL, etc. The right-wing media still crucifies them for it. The POTUS called them sons of bitches and brought it up all the time to rally people against them. Other conservatives were happy to join in. Come on, dude. I don't know anybody boycotting anti-vaxxers. I know people boycotting Subway because of Rapinoe. Nobody wanted Kapernick because of the **** storm surrounding it, despite him clearly being a top 25 QB in a league with 75+ QB's. Jerry Jones forbade his players from taking a stand. Rodgers' job, NFL $, or starting position has never actually been threatened. IDK why you think these things are qualitatively different.

So your problem is that Kimmel is upset about being called a pedo? None of the other actions bother you?
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They faced consequences because they didn't follow the rules, not because they had unfavorable opinions that Kimmel publicly disagreed with. Gimme a break.

Forced vaccines and all that crap have nothing to do with what I was saying. Again, he outted himself as anti-covid vaccine. He lost sponsors because of what he chose to stand on, not because Kimmel disagreed with him. Kimmel did not threaten his career. Whatever threats to his $ were of his own creation.
on the one hand you say they didn't face consequences based on their unfavorable opinions, then you go on to explain how their unfavorable opinions cost them money.
on the one hand you say they didn't face consequences based on their unfavorable opinions, then you go on to explain how their unfavorable opinions cost them money.
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