Path to 9/11 - the new Fahrenheit 911?

Sorry I was reading some stuff, and it reminded me of watchin Quite Frankly and I meant to say "they're idiots" talkin about the rapper, and other celebs
but the thing is, the scenes in FH911 are the actual people in the controversial scenes. There is no denying that these people are in that situation. In the ABC "drama" it is actors portraying people often in scenes that NEVER happened.
but the thing is, the scenes in FH911 are the actual people in the controversial scenes. There is no denying that these people are in that situation. In the ABC "drama" it is actors portraying people often in scenes that NEVER happened.

I would argue that FH911 is the worse offender because it uses careful editing to imply those real people feel a certain way or that things happened a certain way when that's not they way they felt or what actually happened. There are also many factual errors in FH911 that are well documented.

FH911 claims to be a documentary - this one at least admits its a dramatization.

Both should be viewed for what they are - entertainment rather than a source of facts.
Maybe it is a dramatization, but isn't it a little silly to pretend that the 9/11 plot was concocted beginning on Jan 20, 2001 when Bush took office
I would also be interested to find out where they got part of that 40million or whatever it took to make.
Is there really aNY ethical place for this kind of "entertainment?" ABC should pull this crap before it airs.

Did you feel the same way about FH911? How about the upcoming movie that bashes military contractors?
My plan is to handle this the way I did FH911 - avoid it.

There's enough fiction in politics already.
I never watched FH911, I had enough problems with the way that he used editing in Columbine.
I never watched FH911, I had enough problems with the way that he used editing in Columbine.

Like the bank that gives a gun away when you open an account and he edited in a scene where he walks out of the bank with a gun...:jpshakehead:

The South Park boys put him in Team America: World Police because of the way he edited their interview.

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