Patrick J. Buchanan



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
In a crowd of candidates like this that we have in the GOP, I wonder where PJB would rank if he ran against this group? I actually think the average Trump voter is really a potential Buchanan supporter.
Yes, I'd even take Pat over the current liter of developmentally deficient kittens.
In a crowd of candidates like this that we have in the GOP, I wonder where PJB would rank if he ran against this group? I actually think the average Trump voter is really a potential Buchanan supporter.

I always liked Pat, and even though I think of myself as a libertarian, I don't think the US can be an isolationist needs us to intervene sometimes..stop the "little Hiters" before they gain power and millions are killed
I always liked Pat, and even though I think of myself as a libertarian, I don't think the US can be an isolationist needs us to intervene sometimes..stop the "little Hiters" before they gain power and millions are killed

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Got a headache there dude? We aren't Switzerland..being a superpower comes with certain obligations..if we aren't going to do those..then defund the military and spend it on domestic spending

We need to mind our own business at this point. We don't have a single foreign policy win since WWII.
I've got my reasons for voting for her that I've been over before.

It's complicated.

I just didn't know if you were serious or if some of the guys were just poking fun at you.

I'm not going to hassle you over it. Who and why a man votes for someone is their own business and shouldn't be subject to public shaming IMO.

I'm liberal but to be honest I'm not sure what it would take for me to cast my vote in favor of Clinton.

I'm surprised you would considering your distaste for crony capitalism.
Was always a Buchanan fan, I think he would do well today. The GOP voter base isn't a bunch of easily herded boobs anymore, like WFB and the other elites did for years.
Was always a Buchanan fan, I think he would do well today. The GOP voter base isn't a bunch of easily herded boobs anymore, like WFB and the other elites did for years.

It would have been interesting to see how he would have stacked up against this field.

The GOP had lost a significant number of libertarians after the GWB years and they still trotted out the same ole neo-con/Beltway insiders in 2008 & 2012.
I don't think you can say for sure. It's easy to look at these things in a vacuum, but if it were the reality, I'm sure people would find a reason to not like him as well.
He's anti-establishment. Its obvious people on both sides are thirsty for something different.

Yes, but you don't seem to understand my point. It's easy to "what if", but if he were really running, the rosy picture people are having wouldn't be rosy because he'd be dragged through the mud.

Kind of like how in 2000, McCain was pretty respected by the media and the left because they saw him as a different type of Republican. 8 years later because he was actually the R nomination, he got destroyed. Many of the same that would say they'd love Buchanan now, would find a reason to not like him if he were actually running.
He's anti-establishment. Its obvious people on both sides are thirsty for something different.

I'll agree to this, but for the opposite reason of what TP stated. They are hungry for something different and someone who doesn't sound like a politician. Which is why he and Carson (originally at least) jumped out to leads in the race.

But TP is incorrect that saying the GOP isn't easily herded these days. Trump is doing a marvelous (dare I say great) job in herding in the masses with catchy soundbites and slogans. And instead of looking deeper into them as some have, he's leading them around like the Pied Piper by continuing to appear to be "anti-establishment" and saying what they want to hear as opposed to giving them any details.

But make no mistake about it. As soon as Trump got into the race, he became a politician. Just one that spoke his mind and said what the people wanted to hear. Much like PB did years ago. It was just a different GOP back then and people weren't as angry as they are now after seven years of Obama.
In a crowd of candidates like this that we have in the GOP, I wonder where PJB would rank if he ran against this group? I actually think the average Trump voter is really a potential Buchanan supporter.

I would vote for some ways I think he's an idiot (for example, his trade policies) but he's so much more conservative than any of these guys.
I always liked Pat, and even though I think of myself as a libertarian, I don't think the US can be an isolationist needs us to intervene sometimes..stop the "little Hiters" before they gain power and millions are killed

The problem there is it seems we create more Hitlers than we might be stopping.
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I'll agree to this, but for the opposite reason of what TP stated. They are hungry for something different and someone who doesn't sound like a politician. Which is why he and Carson (originally at least) jumped out to leads in the race.

But TP is incorrect that saying the GOP isn't easily herded these days. Trump is doing a marvelous (dare I say great) job in herding in the masses with catchy soundbites and slogans. And instead of looking deeper into them as some have, he's leading them around like the Pied Piper by continuing to appear to be "anti-establishment" and saying what they want to hear as opposed to giving them any details.

But make no mistake about it. As soon as Trump got into the race, he became a politician. Just one that spoke his mind and said what the people wanted to hear. Much like PB did years ago. It was just a different GOP back then and people weren't as angry as they are now after seven years of Obama.

You are correct in your statement about them being pulled easily in one direction or the other. But I think what we are saying is that the winning message today is far different than it was in 1992-2008. I think that is the real story. The rhetoric of the past 20 years has run out of gas and run its course. I rehash like Pat Buchanan coming with a message that would have gotten him bounced 20 years ago might have some traction right now. And, don't sell PJB on "charisma" for lack of a better term, either. Trump is just the obvious winner in regards to charisma just based on the competition. But Pat could easily get the same type of radical, fervent followers with an alternative message.

Again, "charisma" isn't the right word I'm looking for, but PJB would have that "it" that could draw crowds similar to a Bernie Sanders or Ron Paul.
You are correct in your statement about them being pulled easily in one direction or the other. But I think what we are saying is that the winning message today is far different than it was in 1992-2008. I think that is the real story. The rhetoric of the past 20 years has run out of gas and run its course. I rehash like Pat Buchanan coming with a message that would have gotten him bounced 20 years ago might have some traction right now. And, don't sell PJB on "charisma" for lack of a better term, either. Trump is just the obvious winner in regards to charisma just based on the competition. But Pat could easily get the same type of radical, fervent followers with an alternative message.

Again, "charisma" isn't the right word I'm looking for, but PJB would have that "it" that could draw crowds similar to a Bernie Sanders or Ron Paul.

No, I think charisma is the correct word to use in regards to any candidate out there, whether that's Ron Paul, Trump or Buchanan. Each has charismatic traits that bring in the followers. But what RP followers consider charismatic, others find repulsive. It's in the eye of the beholder.

I do think you are correct in the assumption the political paradigm has changed from where it was and would allow a candidate like PB a chance to excel today. Some of that is technology based though as the message he would have put out 20 years ago that would have been ignored by the media is now picked up by bloggers and out on Twitter without ever having to capture the nightly news. And I think that's why you see the rise of candidates that likely would have been ignored a couple of decades ago. Bernie Sanders for example would have never made it this far if not for social media and modern reporting by small time bloggers. In my opinion at least.

But the second part of that is the polarization of the political spectrum in which Buchanan would fit in better today. It's really hard to find a Blue Dog Democrat these days. Just like it's hard to find a moderate Reagan Republican. The entire spectrum has shifted left and right with very little middle ground save the occasional third party like the Libertarians or Green Party. And even then they tend to be portions of the far Left/Right political thinking. There really are very few centrists left out there these days to be swayed one way or another.
I always liked Pat, and even though I think of myself as a libertarian, I don't think the US can be an isolationist needs us to intervene sometimes..stop the "little Hiters" before they gain power and millions are killed

Did it once. Can do it again.

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