Patrick J. Buchanan

Oh c'mon, Pat... LOL
It is the United States whose National Endowment for Democracy and its subsidiaries, and government-backed NGOs, interfere incessantly in the internal affairs of other nations to extend our democratist ideology.
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Buchanan: Russia Is Not The Great Rival; China Is | ZeroHedge

Fact one: There is not now and never has been a vital U.S. interest in Ukraine to justify risking a war with Russia.

In the Cold War, President Dwight Eisenhower did not intervene militarily to save the Hungarian rebels who rose against Moscow in 1956. Nor did President John F. Kennedy act to stop the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961. Nor did President Lyndon B. Johnson intervene to prevent Moscow’s crushing of the “Prague Spring” in 1968. Nor did President Ronald Reagan act when Solidarity was crushed in Poland in 1981.

Historically, those presidents who refused to use force in Central or Eastern Europe, to avoid a war with Russia where U.S. vital interests were not imperiled, were proven right.

Time was on America’s side in the Cold War. And, with Russia, time is still on America’s side.

Our great challenge in the 21st century is not Russia.

Indeed, in the long term, we want Russia on our side in the long struggle between the U.S. and the West, and Communist China.
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Republic of Korea
Elimination of the PKI in 1965-66 was a major win - the last domino before Australia.
And we've successfully introduced friendlier governments in several places. Whether those are long term wins is probably TBC.
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NATO — Strategic Asset or Liability?

Is the territorial integrity of Ukraine a cause worth America’s fighting a war with Russia?

No, it is not. And this is why President Joe Biden has declared that the U.S. will not become militarily involved should Russia invade Ukraine.

Biden is saying that, no matter our sentiments, our vital interests dictate staying out of a Russia-Ukraine war.
We need to mind our own business at this point. We don't have a single foreign policy win since WWII.
I realize that this post that I'm replying to is over 6 years old, but it doesn't look like anyone ever challenged this assertion, and it's just too blatantly wrong for me to ignore it.

The Marshall Plan was definitely "a foreign policy win" for the United States, and it obviously did come in the aftermath of World War II.

Marshall Plan | Summary & Significance

The Marshall Plan: History's Most Successful Structural Adjustment Program

Milestones: 1945–1952 - Office of the Historian

Marshall Plan (1948)

The Marshall Plan: Design, Accomplishments, and Significance

Marshall Plan

History of the Marshall Plan - George C. Marshall

Overview - For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan | Exhibitions - Library of Congress


I was speaking in terms of our war escapades going from Korean War to now, but since it was an open ended comment, I will give you this point.

So you were able to come up with one win in 80+ years.
Whoa... too hot for TV. Very hot take right here.

Buchanan: Putin Wants His Own Monroe Doctrine | ZeroHedge

Russia has a second rate small military, a shell of the USSR. They have neither the manpower, military, financial or logistics to conduct anything but "close proximity" actions. Now if you want to really piss them off they can resort to world ending catastrophe.

Now the CCP...therein lies peer to peer issues.

This is nothing but a "Monroe Doctrine" lite. and Realpolitik.

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