Peace-loving and religiously tolerant Muslims in Egypt

You Go Now!

I don't get it when some try to equate Christianity and islam, those people are evidently ignorant of the teachings, actions and histroy of both.

Gates of Vienna: Speaking Out Against the Persecution of Christians

We are gathered here today, to speak with one voice. The Massacring of Christians in Iraq Egypt Pakistan Turkey North Korea Nigeria Somalia Indonesia Afghanistan Iran and other countries Must be brought to an end!

Stop giving money to states in which Christians are driven through the streets like animals for the slaughter.

No holidays where Christians are being murdered.

Don’t take vacations in countries where human rights are being trampled upon.

Dear newspaper editors, as you celebrate these supposedly “peaceful” revolutions our priests are having their throats cut, keeping inside monasteries protected by the Egyptian army.

Our churches are burned to the ground, our women abused and we Christians chased around like cattle for the slaughter!

But after the attacks in Alexandria the newspapers said: “He who simply speaks of ‘Christian persecution’ is not credible...”

The spokesman for the Socialist Party added: “to make a big show exclusively for Christians discriminates against other minorities.”

Whoever denounces the persecution of Christians is often told, even by his local church, that he is “disturbing the religious peace.”

To the people responsible of such statements I must say: Your “peace” comes with the smell of our decomposing dead!

Your “appeals” for peace are just earplugs to keep you from hearing the screams of all the people set on fire, mutilated and dismembered.

You are shutting your eyes to these horrors, because the shedding of our blood flies in the face of your holistic multicultural dream world.

Take a good look at this picture!

They tied this Aramaean woman to her bed, raped her, and cut out her heart while she was still alive Lastly, a crucifix was thrust down her throat as scorn Is this your “Peace”?

Is this the fruits of your “dialogues”?

A recent informative book on islam and the west:

“Allah is Dead. Why Islam is not a religion” by Rebecca Bynum.

Throughout Allah Is Dead, we are forced to face why the West appears so effete in confronting Islam, not to mention its own pathologies. Bynum makes a number of keen observations about the situation in which we find ourselves. Our perceptions of religion, spirituality, and politics are all critiqued.

In the political multicultural worldview, morality is represented through “anti-racist” and anti-religious-hatred legislation that often appear to be used or misused to attack the established culture and religion. Take, for example, the case of the Christian evangelists who were threatened for arrest for preaching from the Bible in a “Muslim area” in Britain.

“Many people”, Bynum says, “fear a resurgent Christianity as much or more than they fear a resurgent Islam” (p. 53). Apparently so.

The West is hollowing itself out from the inside, confusing politics with religion, and even belief with unbelief. Atheists, not Christian students, she observes, are the most likely group on campus to believe in the paranormal (the embrace of Islam by socialists is undoubtedly another example of this confusion).

The widespread belief that the “holy book” of one religion is, by virtue of being regarded as a holy book by its devotees, the equivalent of another, shows a profound dumbing-down of the intellect.

All in all, Allah Is Dead: Why Islam is not a Religion is a complex and challenging book, but one that tackles the crisis of the West and the Westward push of Islam thoughtfully and seriously.

? Brigitte Gabriel: Because They Hate | EuropeNews

The book takes a largely chronological approach to explaining what went on in southern Lebanon, primarily in those fateful years in the late 1970's. From 1975 onwards a strange kind of war took place, a war inadequately described as a "Civil war" in the West, but what was in reality an Islamic insurgency supported and sponsored by the Soviet Union.

This is something we in the West have been rather complacent about: Sure, there was a civil war going on. Sure, people were getting killed. But most certainly both parties to the war are equally to blame, and the Christians have weapons, too, Why should we in the West bother, not to mention get involved directly, or even take part?

This book provides an answer to that question. An answer not cut out in mathematical proof or hard, irrefutable fact, nor from lofty analysis from the finest universities we have. Rather, it is an answer given from the point of view of a 10-year old who has her bedroom blown to pieces by a Soviet-built rocket, fired by Islamists, seeking to uproot the ancient Christian culture of Lebanon.

What she was facing was, of course, the PLO. Lebanon had been friendly to the plight of the Palestinians after the 1967 war with Israel, permitting them to settle and tolerating the nascent Palestinian Liberation Movement, looking to restart the war against Israel. But what did happen in 1975 was catastrophically different – the multicultural society of Lebanon collapsed.
I still argue that for the actual people who are executing these plans, the "tip of the spear" so to speak, it is a socio-economic issue. The problem is not religion; it is ignorance.

I agree with this.

You're born dirt poor and the religious leader you respect tells you it's America's fault you're poor and useless.

Blow yourself up while killing a few Americans and you'll make your family proud.

Notice how quick our 'devout Christian' (as described by
Andrea Mitchel) president was to condemn these acts.

Of course we can't expect much from Hitlery over at
state, she's too busy channeling Elanor and praising
Gaia. (when she isn't too busy giving the muslim
brotherhood 50 more million $$ or building them new

Egyptian Army, Police Kill 35 Coptic Christian Protestors

For the second time in five days military and police
forces forcibly dispersed Coptic protesters.

35 Copts were killed today and over 300 injured.

The numbers could rise dramatically as many bodies
are still unidentified and disfigured beyond recognition.
The dead and injured have been transported to the
Coptic Hospital in Cairo. Bodies of 4 Copts were found
in buildings and taken to the public morgue, reported
al-Ahram Daily.

There were discrepancies between reports from the
official State-owned TV and independent TV stations.
Al-Hayat confirmed that army armored vehicles went
into Maspero "in a strange way" and ran over the

A video clip of the armored vehicles running amok through the 150,000 protesters was shown on
Al-Arabia TV.

Egyptian State-run TV said that Coptic protesters killed
3 soldiers and injured 20. They gave no numbers for the
fallen or injured Copts. They also said that the Copts
had weapons. This was refuted by Coptic priests and
activists. Nader Shoukry, Coptic activist and journalist,
said "We only had wooden crosses."

"They arranged a trap for us," said Father Filopateer.
"As soon as we arrived they surrounded us and
started shooting live ammunition randomly at us.
Then the armored vehicles arrived and ran over


"When we announced this peaceful rally we made it
understood that it will be from 5-8pm and no sit-in
and no blocking of traffic," said Ihab Aziz, Coptic-
American activist, who was one of the organizers.

BTW, where were the ACLU and the NAACP when
black Christians were being killed in Libya??

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