Pedophilia just another sexual orientation?

No surprise at all. Now the push begins for pedophile rights.

They are just following the established pattern.

will never happen. First they'd have to expose themselves to make the push and next they would have to get minor protection overruled.
Ok whatever makes you sleep at night.

The next step is to prove at ? age children can consent. It's a gradual process but the roadmap has been printed.

age of consent already exists. It's not happening and is in no way comparable to homosexuals
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I hope you're laughing at exposed :)

consenting adults. There is no comparison

Nope. At your assertion.

Thinking acceptance of something will not shift on something simply because it is considered abhorrent at the present is preposterous.

It is already accepted 16 year olds have sex and we are ok with that as a society. So why not 15, 14, etc.

if 2 16 year olds can have sex, why not a 56 and a 16 year old. Then why not a 50 year old and a 14 year old. The push will come.
age of consent already exists. It's not happening and is in no way comparable to homosexuals

It will happen and we will just have to live with it.

In Rome, Greece and other ancient civilizations pedophilia was normal and accepted. It's just history repeating itself now that we are passing into an enlightened age.

Plus now they have science backing them up, it is no longer a sickness but a predisposition. They are born that way, why shouldn't they have the same rights as everyone else to consenting partners?
it simply won't happen. No politician wants to be known as the one who enabled child predators. No one will vote in favor if it ever gets on a ballot.

Most will likely end up killed by parents if it happens anyways
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For the sake of argument let's say it's true as far as a "natural" orientation is concerned.* That doesn't mean jack as far as allowing it to be legal in any way is concerned. If we are going to consider minors "protected" from sexual advances above a certain age then that would be that, nonwithstanding if wanting to engage in that activity was considered natural.

*Let's also make a distinction. There is a pretty large difference between what most of us think of as pedophilia victims and what may legally constitute a minor. A 9yo and a 17yo are worlds apart even though in many places the law doesn't necessarily view it that way.
Because they are an ever present danger to children, that's why. If you were a parent and had kids then you would probably understand and share the sentiment.

1) There are plenty of people who are attracted to young people but don't act on it.

2) There are treatments for pedophilia that target the specific brain biochemistry.

3) If the above two points don't work out, and they can't control their urges, society can wall them off.
Should beastiality be legal if it consists of a consenting adult and a willing animal?

unless you're climbing onto Mr Ed then no animal can consent. The speed to which every sexual discussion turns to bestiality is truly disturbing

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