Pedophilia just another sexual orientation?

For the sake of argument let's say it's true as far as a "natural" orientation is concerned.* That doesn't mean jack as far as allowing it to be legal in any way is concerned. If we are going to consider minors "protected" from sexual advances above a certain age then that would be that, nonwithstanding if wanting to engage in that activity was considered natural.

*Let's also make a distinction. There is a pretty large difference between what most of us think of as pedophilia victims and what may legally constitute a minor. A 9yo and a 17yo are worlds apart even though in many places the law doesn't necessarily view it that way.
In TN, sex with anyone 12 and under is rape of a child. There are varying degrees of statutory rape. They depend on the ages of the suspect and victim.
it simply won't happen. No politician wants to be known as the one who enabled child predators. No one will vote in favor if it ever gets on a ballot.

Most will likely end up killed by parents if it happens anyways

50 years ago, hell 20 years no politician would have wanted to be know for supporting gay rights.

Same could be said about gay marriage on the ballots.
1) There are plenty of people who are attracted to young people but don't act on it.

2) There are treatments for pedophilia that target the specific brain biochemistry.

3) If the above two points don't work out, and they can't control their urges, society can wall them off.

I said those that are convicted of it should be put to death. Not acting in impulses doesn't seen to be a crime.
The difference is that a homosexual's mate chooses to do so whereas a little kid can't choose. I suppose we get into the debate of when do they reach the age where they can make an informed choice. The law, understandably, has to draw the line somewhat arbitrarily at a specific age. It would be unworkable to have a law that said a person could consent when they were "mature enough," or "understood the consequences" or some such vague criteria.
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50 years ago, hell 20 years no politician would have wanted to be know for supporting gay rights.

Same could be said about gay marriage on the ballots.

lots of politicians were for staying out of the private lives of consenting adults
unless you're climbing onto Mr Ed then no animal can consent. The speed to which every sexual discussion turns to bestiality is truly disturbing

I think it goes to that extreme quickly because we see that is the direction we are headed in as a society, where the abnormal is normal and anyone that speaks out against it is in the wrong.
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1) There are plenty of people who are attracted to young people but don't act on it.

2) There are treatments for pedophilia that target the specific brain biochemistry.

3) If the above two points don't work out, and they can't control their urges, society can wall them off.

Weren't there not treatments for homosexuality targeting the same? Then science proved they are born that way?

We used to lock up homosexuals, that turned out to be a mistake.
I think it goes to that extreme quickly because we see that is the direction we are headed in as a society, where the abnormal is normal and anyone that speaks out against it is in the wrong.

it goes to that extreme because you think it makes a relevant point. It does not and never has

there's nothing abnormal about allowing Adam and Steve to live a life free of discrimination based on a private life they both consent to
lots of politicians were for staying out of the private lives of consenting adults

No my young friend, they were not 50 years ago. Don't kid yourself. Sodomy and homosexual sex was widely illegal across the US and it wasn't until an UNELECTED court struck down those laws, that it changed.
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Weren't there not treatments for homosexuality targeting the same? Then science proved they are born that way?

We used to lock up homosexuals, that turned out to be a mistake.

To my knowledge nothing has ever proved to 'cure' homosexuality, though much has been attempted.

Also, there is no conclusive scientific evidence in regard to the cause of homosexuality, though current research indicates a combination of certain genetic markers and environmental exposure in the womb (hormonal exposure).
No my young friend, they were not 50 years ago. Don't kid yourself. Sodomy and homosexual sex was widely illegal across the US and it wasn't until an UNELECTED court struck down those laws, that it changed.

there weren't as many but they existed. Find a current one who believes a 50yo man should be allowed to have sex with a 5yo

also 50yrs ago the politicians allowed separate water fountains and attacked minorities with dogs and hoses. Ah the good old days
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Nope. At your assertion.

Thinking acceptance of something will not shift on something simply because it is considered abhorrent at the present is preposterous.

It is already accepted 16 year olds have sex and we are ok with that as a society. So why not 15, 14, etc.

if 2 16 year olds can have sex, why not a 56 and a 16 year old. Then why not a 50 year old and a 14 year old. The push will come.

Dude, my aunt and uncle got married at 14 and 17 respectively. They have been married for over 65 years.
To my knowledge nothing has ever proved to 'cure' homosexuality, though much has been attempted.

Also, there is no conclusive scientific evidence in regard to the cause of homosexuality, though current research indicates a combination of certain genetic markers and environmental exposure in the womb (hormonal exposure).

Exactly, there has never been a cure although back in the day and even today some believe and believed it could be cured because they thought it was a sickness.

Now science has shown and it's widely accepted that homosexuality is genetic or natural in other words.
it goes to that extreme because you think it makes a relevant point. It does not and never has

there's nothing abnormal about allowing Adam and Steve to live a life free of discrimination based on a private life they both consent to

And if a person wants to have sex with an animal, that should be fine as well if it is done privately. Right?
Some of you apparently spend a lot of time worrying/arguing about some weird stuff that doesn't affect 99% of the population.
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there weren't as many but they existed. Find a current one who believes a 50yo man should be allowed to have sex with a 5yo

also 50yrs ago the politicians allowed separate water fountains and attacked minorities with dogs and hoses. Ah the good old days

Exactly, societal norms evolve over time.
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And if a person wants to have sex with an animal, that should be fine as well if it is done privately. Right?

seriously? You seem to be confused as to what 'consent' means

you should also quit trying to equate homosexuality to bestiality. It's embarrassing
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seriously? You seem to be confused as to what 'consent' means

you should also quit trying to equate homosexuality to bestiality. It's embarrassing

Animals don't consent to going to the vet, therefor it should be illegal to subject them to shots using your logic.
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Weren't there not treatments for homosexuality targeting the same? Then science proved they are born that way?

We used to lock up homosexuals, that turned out to be a mistake.

Being born a certain way doesn't mean that such impulses can't be meditated with treatment. I know there have been attempts to cure homosexuality. I don't believe there were very successful.

The pedophilia treatment basically destroyed the sexual urge of the pedophile. It is not surprising that such treatment tends to have to be forced (court order) to work.
Animals don't consent to going to the vet, therefor it should be illegal to subject them to shots using your logic.

yeah keeping a dog healthy and sexually abusing it are clearly equal actions. Well done, you got me

and since my 2yo son can't consent to shots either then you've got me there. Well played
for adults. I am confident in saying that pedophilia will never have a serious push for legitimacy in my lifetime or my children's lifetime

I'm sure my grandparents thought the same. My last grandparent died this January at 98, I wonder what the general consensus was in regards to homosexuality in 1915?
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Being born a certain way doesn't mean that such impulses can't be meditated with treatment. I know there have been attempts to cure homosexuality. I don't believe there were very successful.

The pedophilia treatment basically destroyed the sexual urge of the pedophile. It is not surprising that such treatment tends to have to be forced (court order) to work.

Chemical castration and electroshock therapy were at one time thought to cure the urge for homosexual intercourse.
I'm sure my grandparents thought the same. My last grandparent died this January at 98, I wonder what the general consensus was in regards to homosexuality in 1915?

what did they think about interracial marriage? What was the consensus about adults having more freedom in general? The movement to allow more freedoms for adult citizens is not a negative. It also relates in no way to allowing creepy old men to abuse children

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