Pedophilia just another sexual orientation?

Soon, he will be lecturing us about our bigotry because we oppose “Minor attracted people”.
Watched a video the other day of a college professor saying we shouldn't call them pedophiles, because it's bad. Rather, call them minor attracted people, cause they're born that way. Sick freaking people teaching this in college. Anybody that does needs the same treatment as a pedophile, shot.
Watched a video the other day of a college professor saying we shouldn't call them pedophiles, because it's bad. Rather, call them minor attracted people, cause they're born that way. Sick freaking people teaching this in college. Anybody that does needs the same treatment as a pedophile, shot.
It's funny reading older arguments about it's not being a slippery slope, yet we are almost there less then 10 years later
So pedophilia is now widely accepted and legal..?

This slippery slope is not at a very steep incline apparently.
We are closer then ever before....7 years ago sexually explicit conversations didn't happen on the open like it does now

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