Pedophilia just another sexual orientation?

Equal treatment is a bulls***t argument. If you really want equal treatment, then lobby your state representatives to grant those benefits under a civil union. However, the equality argument has always been a ruse. If you would've suggested gay marriage to a homosexual couple 30 years ago, they would've laughed in your face and then probably kicked your ass for suggesting something that silly. That's what moronic heterosexuals did (get married).

The so-called gay rights movement was hijacked by heterosexual liberals in order to destroy the family. By destroying the family you destroy a civilization. Now why are they intent on that? Well, when you destroy something you get to remake it in your own image -- and that has always been the goal of the radical Left. That's why the gay marriage movement is nothing more than an attempt to advance a Marxist agenda. One of the main tenets of Marxism is the destruction of the "bourgeoisie" institution of marriage -- something the radicals viewed as ownership of a wife and children. With the family you need less government; without the family you need MORE GOVERNMENT.

Why do you think liberals worked so hard to destroy the black family?

We are all entitled to our beliefs and opinions, and I respect that. With that said, it appears you are working very hard to try and legitimize/convince yourself that gay people are the big societal 'boogeyman' of the day.

Gay people are very much like everyone else in that we are contributing members of society who want the same rights and protections for our families. It really is as simple as that. I have no desire to destroy anyone else's family or harm them in any way. This type of conspiracy and demonizing rhetoric is where any potential harm resides.
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To be against gays and same sex marriage equality

and idk were you drinking moonshine rocking on a porch spitting on anyone that isn't a straight white male.
Stereotypes are fun aren't they?
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What do you mean "against gays"? Am I against heterosexuals because I oppose polygamy? Does that make me bigoted against heterosexuals?
We are all entitled to our beliefs and opinions, and I respect that. With that said, it appears you are working very hard to try and legitimize/convince yourself that gay people are the big societal 'boogeyman' of the day.
Gay people are very much like everyone else in that we are contributing members of society who want the same rights and protections for our families. It really is as simple as that. I have no desire to destroy anyone else's family or harm them in any way. This type of conspiracy and demonizing rhetoric is where zny potential harm resides.

No, I'm telling you you're being used like a street whore.
What do you mean "against gays"? Am I against heterosexuals because I oppose polygamy? Does that make me bigoted against heterosexuals?

Any person who is gay seems to disgust and offend you and I think the only threat to the united states is your "change Is the devil attitude"
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No, I'm telling you you're being used like a street whore.

Absolutely not. I want nothing more than access to the same protections for my family as you have for yours. If roles were reversed I very much expect you would want the same thing. No one is using me; it's common sense.
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Also Gannon I wonder what you intend to combat after gay marriage is legalized nationwide. We see people like you all over history and they always lose because they can't adapt to new ideas and changing times.
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Any person who is gay seems to disgust and offend you and I think the only threat to the united states is your "change Is the devil attitude"
Posted via VolNation Mobile

And all that feel-good change destroyed the black community because it destroyed the black family.

Answer my question: Am I bigoted against heterosexuals because I oppose polygamy and polyamory?
Also Gannon I wonder what you intend to combat after gay marriage is legalized nationwide. We see people like you all over history and they always lose because they can't adapt to new ideas and changing times.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

People like me understand where this leads. I'm on the right side of history. When a nation turns its back on what makes it great, it will begin its long, slow decline. Many of our citizens (children) have had their lives destroyed through no-fault divorce, broken homes, and disconnected families. In fact, it's our greatest social problem.

After gay marriage I'll oppose polygamy. After that's normalized, I'll moved on to pedophilia. I won't be ready to, as you say, adapt to those ideas and "changing times." After raping and sodomizing little girls and boys is America's new cultural fad -- the new frontier in sexual enlightenment -- I'm not quite sure what issue I'll address.
People like me understand where this leads. I'm on the right side of history. When a nation turns its back on what makes it great, it will begin its long, slow decline. Many of our citizens (children) have had their lives destroyed through no-fault divorce, broken homes, and disconnected families. In fact, it's our greatest social problem.

After gay marriage I'll oppose polygamy. After that's normalized, I'll moved on to pedophilia. I won't be ready to, as you say, adapt to those ideas and "changing times." After raping and sodomizing little girls and boys is America's new cultural fad -- the new frontier in sexual enlightenment -- I'm not quite sure what issue I'll address.

Slippery slope argument. Always entertaining.
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Because marriage is what ties a mother and father to children. The literature supports the argument that single parent and gay parent households are damaging to the mentality of children. Therefore, when you legitimize gay marriage, you are sanctioning an institution that distorts the family unit. Man + woman + child = nature, biology, and a healthy society. That reality is mocked with gay marriage.

Again, I will be okay with just one piece of literature that supports your theory that gay parents are damaging to a child's mental health, and again, this needs to be non-religious.
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You nailed it.

His kind have to deem you a religious lunatic and/or full of hatred simply because you have a different view. Love the fear card also.

I welcome any and all opinions. It's when your opinion tells someone what they can and can't do is when the problem comes.
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Be sure to spend time and actually go through the data. This is ALL peer-reviewed.

Have fun!

The best part was when they said "while no information was gathered for children raised by gay parents, it's hard to imagine the outcome being better than children raised by a mother and father".

Definitely some good research there.
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The best part was when they said "while no information was gathered for children raised by gay parents, it's hard to imagine the outcome being better than children raised by a mother and father".

Definitely some good research there.

That's from the previous research they were criticizing. The ridiculous claim that there's no difference in outcomes between intact families and those from single parents and gay and lesbian parents. This is the first large-scale study that looked at individuals between the ages of 18-39 who were raised in deviant households.

"Two peer-reviewed research articles in the social sciences, released June 10, 2012, challenge the claim made by same-sex parenting researchers over the last decade that parents engaged in same-sex relationships do just as well as other parents at raising children. This claim, that there are “no differences” in outcomes between the two kinds of parenting, is undermined by new evidence that these papers present."

"This problem is compounded when these studies compare data from the small convenience samples of gay parenting with data on heterosexual parenting from large, population-level samples. Although researchers usually note this limitation of their studies, the media almost always fail to transmit that limitation to the public at large, so the overall impression is that gay parents are doing just as well (or better) when compared to a large selection of heterosexual parents. By contrast, the NFSS drew a large, random sample from the general U.S. population of children from each family structure and compared these children using the same source data and methods so that comparisons are fair and representative."
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Also Gannon I wonder what you intend to combat after gay marriage is legalized nationwide. We see people like you all over history and they always lose because they can't adapt to new ideas and changing times.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Are you a homosexual?

Just curious.
Also Gannon I wonder what you intend to combat after gay marriage is legalized nationwide. We see people like you all over history and they always lose because they can't adapt to new ideas and changing times.
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Like the Romans?
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Why are black children born out of wedlock at a 73% rate when the black marriage rate was higher than the white marriage rate less than a century ago?

When they learned English & Grammar in school it was written in cursive. Comprehension of the word responsibility was never fully established. It's not their fault..the "System" failed them..
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I'm on record as saying I want the federal government out of marriage. At the state level, THE PEOPLE have decided that marriage in our state will be between one man and one woman. THE PEOPLE decided that we're not going to have polygamy, polyamory, or gay "marriage." Even in the deep, deviant blue state of California, THE PEOPLE voted down gay marriage before the black robe criminals intervened.

Really nice try on your part. You're not going to win this argument with me, so save your breath.

It's amazing the number of people that try to have this "big government" argument because they can't fathom states rights. It's all big brother to them. Federal welfare, federal protection for marriage, federal firearms laws, etc. The only exception is the federal laws they don't agree with.....then they just don't enforce them.
It's amazing the number of people that try to have this "big government" argument because they can't fathom states rights. It's all big brother to them. Federal welfare, federal protection for marriage, federal firearms laws, etc. The only exception is the federal laws they don't agree with.....then they just don't enforce them.

States rights are good but I personally don't see how they should even be involved in the marriage business. How about anyone can marry any consenting adult regardless of sex. You still collect marriage license fees.. Then they move into a bigger place, need more things, spend their savings, run up tons of credit card debt, fight, file for divorce, pay court costs, etc. You know, make the economy turn!
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States rights are good but I personally don't see how they should even be involved in the marriage business. How about anyone can marry any consenting adult regardless of sex. You still collect marriage license fees.. Then they move into a bigger place, need more things, spend their savings, run up tons of credit card debt, fight, file for divorce, pay court costs, etc. You know, make the economy turn!

Since we are a democratic republic, essentially everything that you do can be put up for a vote, even down to a household vote. How do you get from a democratic republic to a full on libertarian society without the populace voting to allow anyone to marry anyone? You basically are talking about doing away with any government. The Constitution was put in place for a reason. State vs Fed rights were put into place for a reason. The issue is that the fed has seized more and more states rights in the name of democracy while conveniently forgetting the republic part.

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