Pedophilia just another sexual orientation?

If I could hear one legitimate reason why gays shouldn't marry that isn't a religious reason, I will redact my statement. So let's hear it.

Because marriage is what ties a mother and father to children. The literature supports the argument that single parent and gay parent households are damaging to the mentality of children. Therefore, when you legitimize gay marriage, you are sanctioning an institution that distorts the family unit. Man + woman + child = nature, biology, and a healthy society. That reality is mocked with gay marriage.
Because marriage is what ties a mother and father to children. The literature supports the argument that single parent and gay parent households are damaging to the mentality of children. Therefore, when you legitimize gay marriage, you are sanctioning an institution that distorts the family unit. Man + woman + child = nature, biology, and a healthy society. That reality is mocked with gay marriage.

Ha the nature argument you know that 100s perhaps 1000s of other species exhibit homosexuality.
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Hmm he is withering away...kinda symbolic cause the whole anti gay movement is as well
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Your parents must've really screwed you up. That's what happens when adults fail to instill values and cultural norms in their rotten, spoiled offspring.

Opposing gay marriage isn't an anti-gay movement. Your side has hijacked the courts and invented a marriage right. The criminal judges have warped the Constitution to the point that it's meaningless.
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Ha the nature argument you know that 100s perhaps 1000s of other species exhibit homosexuality.
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Your small mind doesn't understand what I'm saying. Can any of those species procreate engaging in homosexuality? Let's hear it Einstein.
Because marriage is what ties a mother and father to children. The literature supports the argument that single parent and gay parent households are damaging to the mentality of children. Therefore, when you legitimize gay marriage, you are sanctioning an institution that distorts the family unit. Man + woman + child = nature, biology, and a healthy society. That reality is mocked with gay marriage.

Man, you really want the government to control people's lives. I thought you were a conservative?
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Heaven forbid two consenting adults who are guilty of nothing more than loving and wanting the same protections for their families get equal treatment.
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Your parents must've really screwed you up. That's what happens when adults fail to instill values and cultural norms in their rotten, spoiled offspring.

Opposing gay marriage isn't an anti-gay movement. Your side has hijacked the courts and invented a marriage right. The criminal judges have warped the Constitution to the point that it's meaningless.

Sorry wrong again both my parents voted for bush and Romney and are social moderates in fact most of my extended family is conservative either fiscally and/or socially and im sorry that change toward equality is such a nightmare to you may I suggest fasting until you get your way :p
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Man, you really want the government to control people's lives. I thought you were a conservative?

I'm on record as saying I want the federal government out of marriage. At the state level, THE PEOPLE have decided that marriage in our state will be between one man and one woman. THE PEOPLE decided that we're not going to have polygamy, polyamory, or gay "marriage." Even in the deep, deviant blue state of California, THE PEOPLE voted down gay marriage before the black robe criminals intervened.

Really nice try on your part. You're not going to win this argument with me, so save your breath.
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I'm on record as saying I want the federal government out of marriage. At the state level, THE PEOPLE have decided that marriage in our state will be between one man and one woman. THE PEOPLE decided that we're not going to have polygamy, polyamory, or gay "marriage." Even in the deep, deviant blue state of California, THE PEOPLE voted down gay marriage before the black robe criminals intervened.

Really nice try on your part. You're not going to win this argument with me, so save your breath.

Hmm so by your logic the fact that the south had slavery was ok because most people in that state supported it hmm you sure are winning this argument /sarcasm
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I'm on record as saying I want the federal government out of marriage. At the state level, THE PEOPLE have decided that marriage in our state will be between one man and one woman. THE PEOPLE decided that we're not going to have polygamy, polyamory, or gay "marriage." Even in the deep, deviant blue state of California, THE PEOPLE voted down gay marriage before the black robe criminals intervened.

Really nice try on your part. You're not going to win this argument with me, so save your breath.

No skin off my back. We all see through your thinly veiled religious, anti-gay agenda. Your fear of homosexuality clouds your thought process.
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Heaven forbid two consenting adults who are guilty of nothing more than loving and wanting the same protections for their families get equal treatment.

What do you mean by protections? Government/financial benefits? If that's the case they need to just recognize each person when assessing anything. Taxes. Financing. Everything. Just do away with marriage altogether.
Heaven forbid two consenting adults who are guilty of nothing more than loving and wanting the same protections for their families get equal treatment.

Equal treatment is a bulls***t argument. If you really want equal treatment, then lobby your state representatives to grant those benefits under a civil union. However, the equality argument has always been a ruse. If you would've suggested gay marriage to a homosexual couple 30 years ago, they would've laughed in your face and then probably kicked your ass for suggesting something that silly. That's what moronic heterosexuals did (get married).

The so-called gay rights movement was hijacked by heterosexual liberals in order to destroy the family. By destroying the family you destroy a civilization. Now why are they intent on that? Well, when you destroy something you get to remake it in your own image -- and that has always been the goal of the radical Left. That's why the gay marriage movement is nothing more than an attempt to advance a Marxist agenda. One of the main tenets of Marxism is the destruction of the "bourgeoisie" institution of marriage -- something the radicals viewed as ownership of a wife and children. With the family you need less government; without the family you need MORE GOVERNMENT.

Why do you think liberals worked so hard to destroy the black family?
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Equal treatment is a bulls***t argument. If you really want equal treatment, then lobby your state representatives to grant those benefits under a civil union. However, the equality argument has always been a ruse. If you would've suggested gay marriage to a homosexual couple 30 years ago, they would've laughed in your face and then probably kicked your ass for suggesting something that silly. That's what moronic heterosexuals did (get married).

The so-called gay rights movement was hijacked by heterosexual liberals in order to destroy the family. By destroying the family you destroy a civilization. Now why are they intent on that? Well, when you destroy something you get to remake it in your own image -- and that has always been the goal of the radical Left. That's why the gay marriage movement is nothing more than an attempt to advance a Marxist agenda. One of the main tenets of Marxism is the destruction of the "bourgeoisie" institution of marriage -- something the radicals viewed as ownership of a wife and children. With the family you need less government; without the family you need MORE GOVERNMENT.

Why do you think liberals worked so hard to destroy the black family?

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No skin off my back. We all see through your thinly veiled religious, anti-gay agenda. Your fear of homosexuality clouds your thought process.

Take a look VN. This is what happens when you lose an argument. You didn't address my points at all. Instead, it all has to do with religion and hatred. Even funnier, you're claiming I'm fearful of homosexuals. A relative of mine thinks you're funny.
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Take a look VN. This is what happens when you lose an argument. You didn't address my points at all. Instead, it all has to do with religion and hatred. Even funnier, you're claiming I'm fearful of homosexuals. A relative of mine thinks you're funny.

Paranoid and afraid. :eek:lol:
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Hmm so by your logic the fact that the south had slavery was ok because most people in that state supported it hmm you sure are winning this argument /sarcasm
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Slavery is prohibited by the Constitution. Marriage is not mentioned in the Constitution.

Your I.Q. tests must be off the charts!
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Take a look VN. This is what happens when you lose an argument. You didn't address my points at all. Instead, it all has to do with religion and hatred. Even funnier, you're claiming I'm fearful of homosexuals. A relative of mine thinks you're funny.

You nailed it.

His kind have to deem you a religious lunatic and/or full of hatred simply because you have a different view. Love the fear card also.
Equal treatment is a bulls***t argument. If you really want equal treatment, then lobby your state representatives to grant those benefits under a civil union. However, the equality argument has always been a ruse. If you would've suggested gay marriage to a homosexual couple 30 years ago, they would've laughed in your face and then probably kicked your ass for suggesting something that silly. That's what moronic heterosexuals did (get married).

The so-called gay rights movement was hijacked by heterosexual liberals in order to destroy the family. By destroying the family you destroy a civilization. Now why are they intent on that? Well, when you destroy something you get to remake it in your own image -- and that has always been the goal of the radical Left. That's why the gay marriage movement is nothing more than an attempt to advance a Marxist agenda. One of the main tenets of Marxism is the destruction of the "bourgeoisie" institution of marriage -- something the radicals viewed as ownership of a wife and children. With the family you need less government; without the family you need MORE GOVERNMENT.

Why do you think liberals worked so hard to destroy the black family?

At one time it was ridiculous to want to rebel against Britain, at one time it was ridiculous to be against slavery at one time it was crazy to be for a woman's right to vote.

In other words people dont always get things right if you want there are a number of thriving anti gay countries like Uganda go there.... Seriously
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What do you mean by protections? Government/financial benefits? If that's the case they need to just recognize each person when assessing anything. Taxes. Financing. Everything. Just do away with marriage altogether.

I would be 100% good if the government was out of the marriage business altogether OR moved to a civil union structure to allocate protections for all citizens, and leave holy matrimony as a ceremonial component of religious institutions. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen -at least not anytime soon.

Protections are more than just money - my partner and I will actually end up with less if/when we file as a married couple. The biggest protections for me are PNOK and estate/retirement taxation/benefits - those can be a very big deal for gay people.
At one time it was ridiculous to want to rebel against Britain, at one time it was ridiculous to be against slavery at one time it was crazy to be for a woman's right to vote.

In other words people dont always get things right if you want there are a number of thriving anti gay countries like Uganda go there.... Seriously
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What does it mean to be "anti-gay"?

Your ending sentence was a cute touch. "I mean, why don't you just go there." Were you twirling your hair and blowing a bubble as you typed that?
What does it mean to be "anti-gay"?

Your ending sentence was a cute touch. "I mean, why don't you just go there." Were you twirling your hair and blowing a bubble as you typed that?

To be against gays and same sex marriage equality

and idk were you drinking moonshine rocking on a porch spitting on anyone that isn't a straight white male.
Stereotypes are fun aren't they?
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