Well its moves like this that prove whats wrong with our modern, i want it and i want it now, attitude on life. Theres probably 40 schools that have fans that expect, realistically, to win a national title most years. 90% of those schools don't have the talent to do it but regardless the fans will ignore that coaches are able to produce a quality product with subpar talent.
Now as more players decide they want to go where other talented players are going as opposed to the schools they grew up watching or are closer to home, or better known as the "whats hot now" mindset, it will be harder and harder for schools like Nebraska to compete. But the fans still wont care, they will say but we are school X and we are suppose to be winning national titles. So the school will eventually fire the good coach with visions of greatess for their future, but in the end they will simply doom their once great school to be forever mediocre, or worse.
Sure Pelini did put himself in a bad spot with all those recorded comments about the fans, but the AD should know better than to give into fan drama, or at least until the coach starts losing more. But with a coach that has won at least 9 games every year he's been there, especially when he's working with less and less blue chips, its just stupid to fire him because he said something about your fans a few years ago.
Nebraska needed to support him and also learn how to sell their brand in this modern age, Now they just fired the coach that kept them at least decent and instead of finding a way to get their name out there more to help him pull in more talent, they just put their name out there in the worst way possible to recruits with little to no chance of hiring a coach that will bring in anything better. They also really can't afford to fall off for a few years because once they do they will have no chance to come back up playing in a weak B1G while having a campus in a part of the country known for having nothing but cornfields near it.
I think this firing has signaled the end of Nebraska as anything more than a middle of the road, 5-7 to 7-5 type team. I think it also signals the beginning as the SEC being the only conference that matters in the East and the Pac in the West. Now all the talent, players and coaches, will all migrate to those 2 conferences, including all those from the middle of the country. The B1G, 12 and ACC will become nothing more than stepping stone jobs for coaches and an occasional annoyance for the 2 power conferences.