Penn State scandal (merged)

Negative. Accessory is the assistance in the commission of a crime. Prove beyond a reasonable doubtthat Paterno assisted in the commission of any of these crimes.

Prove probable cause and indict his ass. That's what I'd like to see happen to all of them; then we'd learn the truth.
Yes, if you're the head coach of a major school, you're responsible for the facilities. He continued to allow the guy who was witnessed ass raping a kid access to the place anytime he wanted to after being told of the incident.

If you're trying to honestly tell me that they were worried that Sandusky's retirement package kept them from denying him access after he was caught raping a kid, then you're about 1/4 as smart as you think you are.

Must be darwins brother.
As bad as this is now, it could potentially become infinitely worse depending on just how much more crap comes out. Especially if the higher-ups knew more than is revealed right now.
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It is still not a cause. I also think many individuals are incorrectly using the word "know". Paterno did not "know"; he only knew of allegations. The person who did know was the GA.

Well if its an ALLEGATION then call the police and let them sort it out. If someone is shot,robbed, or you find a women raped in alley do you call your boss? No you call the police.
I feel that way towards the cowards who didn't report it, and Sandusky.

It's more than a little insulting to see so many people sitting in ivory towers on this issue.

I will proudly look down on anyone that condones any such behavior

My Ivory Tower is warm and cozy
"Hey guys, Sandusky was showering with a 10 year old. Alright, good talk"

I teach and if a student of mine came in battered and bruised, I wouldn't consider myself cleansed if I only told the school counselor. I'd like to make sure the info made it to the right place. That's just me.

Teachers are only obligated to tell a counselor, correct? My mom teaches, but I'm not sure on that one.
Negative. Accessory is the assistance in the commission of a crime. Prove beyond a reasonable doubtthat Paterno assisted in the commission of any of these crimes.

Define assisted please. Do you mean like assisted in giving him keys to facilities after he was aware of a 60 yr old, 10 yr old, and a shower? Is that assisted in any way, counsel?
It is still not a cause. I also think many individuals are incorrectly using the word "know". Paterno did not "know"; he only knew of allegations. The person who did know was the GA.

You're correct that a lot of assumptions are being made, but common sense says you don't work with someone for nearly 30 years without knowing about something like this. Jo Pa certainly had enough influence to prevent the emeritus status from being awarded in 99, but that was part of the package to oust the head coach in waiting. None of this is legally actionable, but he would not be retiring if he had done more in 02.
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Well if its an ALLEGATION then call the police and let them sort it out. If someone is shot,robbed, or you find a women raped in alley do you call your boss? No you call the police.

This is not analogous to the situation Paterno was in; this is, however, analogous to the situation the GA was in.
State employees are not necessarily required, it's professions in which one regularly works with children. JoePa did not.

Meant teachers and such when I said state employees, my bad. And he certainly falls under it.

Under Pennsylvania's Child Protective Services Law, certain individuals, including teachers and school administrators, have a legal obligation to immediately report suspected child abuse to child protective services or law enforcement, or to a "person in charge" (supervisor), who must then report the alleged abuse to the authorities. The reporting must be honest. When in writing, the reporting must also include known information about the nature and extent of the suspected abuse, along with other material details.
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Teachers are only obligated to tell a counselor, correct? My mom teaches, but I'm not sure on that one.

Legally, I guess. Morally, I would tell our local investigator. We are friends and that would also help me breathe a little easier, knowing that the info made it to the right authorities.
All state employees ate required, but him telling his boss fulfilled his legal obligation. samething with mcqueary.
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This theory of who has an obligation to report, when taken to its logical conclusion, would make the Governor the only one responsible to report child abuse. The GA to the head coach (fulfilling his obligation), Head coach to AD, AD to President, and then the President reports to the Board of Trustees, who reports to the Governor. I guess the only one obligated to report would be the Governor. The way I understand the law is that the GA's report to the head coach puts Joe Pa as the person who has the duty to report. The line of reasoning that says the only duty to report is the superior did not work to well in the Nuremberg trials.
Legally, yes. Morally, I would tell our local investigator. We are friends and that would also help me breathe a little easier, knowing that the info made it to the right authorities.

this moral stuff is such a load of crap it's ridiculous
"Hey guys, Sandusky was showering with a 10 year old. Alright, good talk"

I teach and if a student of mine came in battered and bruised, I wouldn't consider myself cleansed if I only told the school counselor. I'd like to make sure the info made it to the right place. That's just me.


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