Penn State scandal (merged)

The man has lost all my respect since Monday night. Everyday something else comes out. It wouldnt surprise me if we learn alot more about Penn St. from the 80s and 90's.Paterno saying we do it right and better was a load of crap. We may find out there was even more corruption and wrong doing going on while he was preaching at all of us.

Part of the legend is how tightly controlled things are around the football program and how quickly arrests, duis, bar fights, etc would disappear, especially in the 80s (pre-internet days).
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My question would be why did they meet at the house? If Jo Pa was a clueless old man, then why not just make a phone call on Saturday? No, he knew it was a bad deal and they worked up a plan to cover the universities reputation. The GA got a nice job, the rapist kept his office and no one was the wiser. Unfortunately, Sandusky didn't stop and found a pool of potential victims at a localhigh-school and continued his attacks for another 6 years. Had Jo Pa, McCreery, Curly (or the janitor in 2000) or anyone else called the police in March 2002, who knows how many crimes could have been prevented.
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Dont know why they met at Paterno's house. I don't know that I buy the blackmail theory, but you could be right. Who knows, thats the problem, we don't know....yet.

Yes, a lot of harm could have been prevented if this had been reported to the cops in 02, but how do you know the cops would have done anything with it, they didn't in 99 and the DA brought no charges. Of course this suggests a conspiracy of silence, I just want to know what Paterno knew or didn't know before I call for him to be guillotined.
It is still not a cause. I also think many individuals are incorrectly using the word "know". Paterno did not "know"; he only knew of allegations. The person who did know was the GA.

You honestly think Paterno didn't know this was happening?
Way to go, man. You're doing a terrific job of defending him. You're right, he didn't rape the kids himself. He just sat back and provided the rapist access to the place where he raped kids. But, at least he told the AD who he knew would do nothing about it. What a stand up guy, that Paterno.

Whats that thing called, um, if you know someone murdered but failed to tell anyone, accessory maybe? Why can't these people understand that?
Part of the legend is how tightly controlled things are around the football program and how quickly arrests, duis, bar fights, etc would disappear, especially in the 80s (pre-internet days).
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That's ever major football program
I've always kind of felt this was kind of little crap. I wouldn't even bother with this if I was prosecuting this case. I think you look at hammering these people with conspiracy charges. As I've said several times on here, they could absolutely sustain conspiracy indictments on all of these guys, but they simply don't have the balls to do it.

I think there are a few here, including JoePa, who they probably don't have the grounds from which to prosecute. He only had a 2nd hand report and was not required by law to report. Ethics aside, this is likely why he is legally in the clear.
He provided the rapist a place? Paterno was the one who gave Sandusky emeritus status and negotiated Sandusky's retirement?

"Paterno runs Penn State"--right, I forgot.
If it was just one incident you'd have a point, since there is a long history of incidents not so much.
He provided the rapist a place? Paterno was the one who gave Sandusky emeritus status and negotiated Sandusky's retirement?

Yes, if you're the head coach of a major school, you're responsible for the facilities. He continued to allow the guy who was witnessed ass raping a kid access to the place anytime he wanted to after being told of the incident.

If you're trying to honestly tell me that they were worried that Sandusky's retirement package kept them from denying him access after he was caught raping a kid, then you're about 1/4 as smart as you think you are.
Part of the legend is how tightly controlled things are around the football program and how quickly arrests, duis, bar fights, etc would disappear, especially in the 80s (pre-internet days).
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It seems like a cult.
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I think there are a few here, including JoePa, who they probably don't have the grounds from which to prosecute. He only had a 2nd hand report and was not required by law to report. Ethics aside, this is likely why he is legally in the clear.

I think ethics is really what everyone is fuming over, not the law.
All state employees ate required, but him telling his boss fulfilled his legal obligation. samething with mcqueary.
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State employees are not necessarily required, it's professions in which one regularly works with children. JoePa did not.
An older woman chasing young boys is called a cougar, a man chasing young boys is called a Nittany Lion.

I heard this for the first time at lunch on Wednesday. And, it was a business department lunch, so I didn't expect to hear a joke like this and have it repeated at the table.
Whats that thing called, um, if you know someone murdered but failed to tell anyone, accessory maybe? Why can't these people understand that?

Negative. Accessory is the assistance in the commission of a crime. Prove beyond a reasonable doubtthat Paterno assisted in the commission of any of these crimes.
No. There are thousands of people living with, married to or related to people doing disgusting things under their noses.

I sincerely hope you are never on a jury.

My bad. I didn't realize that child raping was going on so many places and that the people aware of it shouldn't be held accountable. Holy ****
I think there are a few here, including JoePa, who they probably don't have the grounds from which to prosecute. He only had a 2nd hand report and was not required by law to report. Ethics aside, this is likely why he is legally in the clear.

Oh, I think you could. You couldn't convict on the current evidence. I think you could establish probable cause that Paterno knew that the AD would do nothing about it when he reported it. I also think you could establish probable cause that they actively covered up while knowing exactly what his goal was, which of course was raping kids.

In Pennsylvania, and Tennessee for that matter, you can establish the existence of a conspiracy from the context of the circumstances. Here, they knew what Sandusky was doing, and all of them allowed him to continue and actually helped him by covering it up and continuing to allow him access.
And then Paterno told his bosses the next day. Why is that hard to understand

"Hey guys, Sandusky was showering with a 10 year old. Alright, good talk"

I teach and if a student of mine came in battered and bruised, I wouldn't consider myself cleansed if I only told the school counselor. I'd like to make sure the info made it to the right place. That's just me.
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