Penn State scandal (merged)

Yea, that's exactly what I said. We're discussing people's criminal culpability here. Is that better? Thus, your philosophical nonsense isn't relevant. So, you can continue staring at your computer and asking yourself "is this computer actually here in front of me, or is it just a construct of my imagination."

That is exactly what we philosophers do; never mind the fact that I am working towards an Area of Specialty in Applied Military Ethics so that I can maybe keep some individuals from facing the hells that I have faced in my life; but, you are right, it is a fantasyland that I live in.

The entire thread swung back and forth between criminal culpability and moral culpability. I could care less about the criminal justice system in America; it is broken. I study morals and ethics. From my vantage point and everything I understand morality, ethics, virtue, knowledge, truth, and duty to entail, I do not hold Paterno morally culpable.

Keep throwing stones, though. It makes you look morally superior to everyone.
I guess you didn't know that some of their alumni actuall did burn their diplomas.

Volstyle, I'm actually not just picking on you. If any institution is forced to fire their entire administration over their handling of child rapes that went on during their watch, it absolutely tarnishes their reputation. It doesn't matter if it's Harvard or Pellissippi State.

Exactly. But also a lot of students went to PSU because of Joepa and the influence of the program being classy. They have neither right now.
This is probably the most torn I've been on something like this. Part of me wanted Paterno to finish out the season, but part of me definitely wanted him gone immediately. This is just crazy
Too much pressure for them to keep him. I think they know more information than the general public knows.
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It implactes him of being part of a cover up or senile one way or another. Ive read the entire 23 page indictment, and it's just as disgusting as your defence of him. I've also read where Mcquary himself said that he reported exactally what he saw to all involved. Paterno Curly and the other scumbag. Mcquary's GJT says he heard rhythmic slapping sounds believing the sounds to be sexual. Walked into the shower to see a 10 yr old boys hands against the wall and being subjected to anal intercorse. Paterno's GJT says he was told of fondling or doing something of a sexual nature. Now are you really so dense as to think that Mcquary only reported fondling or somthing of a sexual nature to Paterno,and not exactlly what he saw like he did to the grand jury. If so I think it is you who are not quite up to speed. Further more fondling or somthing of a sexual nature with a 10 yr old boy is plenty for good old Joepa to make sure somthing was done about it. Not turn a blind eye, and do nothing to stop this from happing further. enabling it to happen more which is absolutly deplorable again much like your defence of him!

The only thing I'm defending is his right to due process, so get off your high horse, and go buy a dictionary.

I have been saying that it would be in the best interest of PSU that Paterno should resign. I'm not defending the guy, just reporting what I know to be fact. You on the other hand are acting on emotion, you need to calm down, you guys will get your piece of flesh in due time.

Now, I am aware of the inconsistencies in the testimony by McQuaery and Paterno. If neither witness lied, did Paterno intentionally misrepresent what McQueary had told him in order to discourage Curley from aggressively investigating the matter or alerting the police? If so, did Paterno conceal the severity of the evidence or delay the onset of a criminal investigation to such an extent that he obstructed justice?

I'm listening to the press conference and the PSU guy says they dont have any more information than the public has right now, Paterno was let go in the best interest of the school. I'm trying to be objective, you;re not. Some of you guys are acting like a bunch of little girls.
I bet Paterno is dead in 2 years.
Football was his life.

It won't even be that. He'll die within six months. Not only has his life been taken away, he has been disgraced publically and will have to live with the fact all his hard work is gone that he worked for 60 years.
It won't even be that. He'll die within six months. Not only has his life been taken away, he has been disgraced publically and will have to live with the fact all his hard work is gone that he worked for 60 years.

I agree.
That was his life.
Man, I thought the Lane Kiffin fiasco was crazy, the reporters/media have gone bezerk.
Exactly. But also a lot of students went to PSU because of Joepa and the influence of the program being classy. They have neither right now.

It's not just that. This whole thing could possibly mean unthinkable damage to the university, possibly even the federal government literally gutting PSU.
That is exactly what we philosophers do; never mind the fact that I am working towards an Area of Specialty in Applied Military Ethics so that I can maybe keep some individuals from facing the hells that I have faced in my life; but, you are right, it is a fantasyland that I live in.

The entire thread swung back and forth between criminal culpability and moral culpability. I could care less about the criminal justice system in America; it is broken. I study morals and ethics. From my vantage point and everything I understand morality, ethics, virtue, knowledge, truth, and duty to entail, I do not hold Paterno morally culpable.

Keep throwing stones, though. It makes you look morally superior to everyone.

Who in their right mind would say they have vast knowledge of morals, ethics, knowledge, truth, etc and not hold Paterno morally culpable? That's insane.
It won't even be that. He'll die within six months. Not only has his life been taken away, he has been disgraced publically and will have to live with the fact all his hard work is gone that he worked for 60 years.

If he would have given that child a second thought he wouldn't be in this position. He was in a position to do something and he turned his back on that kid. He deserves every bit of disgrace he is receiving.
That is exactly what we philosophers do; never mind the fact that I am working towards an Area of Specialty in Applied Military Ethics so that I can maybe keep some individuals from facing the hells that I have faced in my life; but, you are right, it is a fantasyland that I live in.

The entire thread swung back and forth between criminal culpability and moral culpability. I could care less about the criminal justice system in America; it is broken. I study morals and ethics. From my vantage point and everything I understand morality, ethics, virtue, knowledge, truth, and duty to entail, I do not hold Paterno morally culpable.

Keep throwing stones, though. It makes you look morally superior to everyone.

If you don't find Paterno morally culpable when the attorney general explicitly said he was and he himself admits he was, then I'm afraid you're going to struggle attaining the goal you're striving for.

I think you're a smart person, and I think your cause is admirable; however, I think you are completely, 100% wrong on this issue.
Bear Bryant was 15 years younger and lasted all of about 2 months.

Not too mention he was disgraced internationally and fired from the school he spent 60 years of his life.

And whoever the media is needs to STFU.

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