Penn State scandal (merged)

Look, I agree what Joe Paterno did was wrong. He deserved to be fired. He is a coward. All his hard work is gone. Wishing for his death to be a painful is low. And no i don't, but I have 4 siblings who are younger than me, and trust me, I don't want to say what I would do to a guy who did anything like that to them.

Fine, it's low. Sue me. But molesting children is about the worst thing you can do on this earth. And right behind that is enabling the acts, so I have zero sympathy for Joe Paterno and he deserves much worse than being fired from his job. Much much worse, IMO. Everyone involved, that knew and did nothing, does too.
And right behind that is enabling the acts, so I have zero sympathy for Joe Paterno and he deserves much worse than being fired from his job.

Haven't you heard the new angle, UTVOL? Joe simply forgot that his best friend rapes kids.
I was feeling sorry for Penn St students until I saw this.
This last few days, culminating tonight, is an embarrassment and scar of proportions that I haven't seen in 41 years. Beats Bill Clinton getting a bj, Mayor crackhead in DC, Michael Jackson. Beats any NCAA junk. Just sad and on the verge of crazy.
The reaction in Knoxville to kiffin skipping town overnight looks like a picnic compared to this.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

That was just a couple hundred drunk rednecks who were mad.

There are a couple thousand right now who are going mad.
I was feeling sorry for Penn St students until I saw this.
This last few days, culminating tonight, is an embarrassment and scar of proportions that I haven't seen in 41 years. Beats Bill Clinton getting a bj, Mayor crackhead in DC, Michael Jackson. Beats any NCAA junk. Just sad and on the verge of crazy.

WOW. That says something.
For me, hearsay does not provide enough of an obligation for conducting an action packaged with the consequences of the action of reporting Sandusky had the hearsay been false.

Paterno reports Sandusky and Sandusky's life is ruined; regardless of whether the allegations had any merit. Nobody walks away from pedophilia accusations. I think Paterno did the right thing in reporting this in house (while I think the GA did the wrong thing by not going to the police, since he actually witnessed the act) in the expectation that an investigation would be carried out internally.

From the Grand Jury report, it seems that Curley and Schultz ostensibly took the initial steps that would make both Paterno and the GA think that an investigation and inquiry was occurring. Paterno did not follow up. I do not see that as some terrible fault.

He certainly could have forgotten, could have become pre-occupied with his duties as the HFC, could have just assumed that they had investigated and found something suspicious but not malicious, which is why Sandusky was not to use the facilities (although that was unenforceable). Paterno certainly is not going to approach Sandusky and ask about the investigation and/or event in question once he has reported it (if there is an investigation, would this count as interfering in said investigation). Paterno could have asked Curley and Schultz, but maybe he assumed that since Sandusky was still around, that there was nothing to the allegations.

Ah, but Sandusky had already walked away from accusations of pedophilia once before. That's what makes their failure to report this so heinous. This had come up with this guy before.

Suggesting that Paterno might have "forgotten" or "become preoccupied" when there's Sandusky right there in the weight room is the most preposterous thing I've read about this all week. If you want to claim that Paterno isn't mentally competent enough to have any culpability, then that's one thing, but there's no way that anybody "forgets" that their longterm friend has been accused of raping a child.

There's a philosophically sound but morally bankrupt argument to be made that Paterno owed no duty toward a child that he'd never seen and, for all he knew, may not exist. That where you're coming from?
Those students need to be evacuated and explained to what happened so they know they are rioting for a child rape enabler.

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