Pentagon Considering Ground Troops in Syria

Hezbollah false flag coming soon...

We haven't heard diddly squat from them lately, but look for the Deep State to resurrect these guys.
Isn't it amazing, what a clown show this presidency has been so far that something like this doesn't even register in the media, at least not yet?

Yet another poor decision in American foreign policy, which marks a good two decades now of bad decision-making.

Anyhow, godspeed and best wishes to our men on the ground.

how silly are you. your boy obama supported isis in syria, he's the one who's started this. Trump has to clean it up.

anyways, who are you go wish our troops well, your party hates the military. you have no right to support our troops. you hypocrites.
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Us getting involved is not going to speed anything up. Ras was ready for the Victory Parade in Red Square the moment Russia got involved. and it is still dragging on. we are just throwing more fuel on the fire.
how silly are you. your boy obama supported isis in syria, he's the one who's started this. Trump has to clean it up.

anyways, who are you go wish our troops well, your party hates the military. you have no right to support our troops. you hypocrites.

Do me a favor.

When it's finally the end-end to this all, and Dear Leader wants you to sip that Kool-Aid, please think of me wishing you a sweet journey.
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U.S. military likely to send as many as 1,000 more ground troops into Syria ahead of Raqqa offensive, officials say

Trump has spoken favorably about cooperating more with Russia in Syria on counterterrorism operations, although there is little indication that will soon become a reality. Russia’s air and ground forces are fighting a civil war on behalf of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The United States and NATO-ally Turkey back separate rebel forces in both the fight against Assad and the anti-Islamic State campaign.

Would be nice to get Russia to help and not obstruct.
would be nice to just completely get out of the picture.

That don't seem to be the new policy. Looking like a buildup of our presence in the region. Not sure if outing Assad is the end game in Syria but if it is, we have to do it right and make sure the country is stable and can stand on it's own before we withdraw.
That don't seem to be the new policy. Looking like a buildup of our presence in the region. Not sure if outing Assad is the end game in Syria but if it is, we have to do it right and make sure the country is stable and can stand on it's own before we withdraw.

this isn't a new policy. Obama did the same crap, it just wasn't publicized because he got a Nobel Peace Prize
At what point do we just cut our losses? Or is this a pride/ego/"Murica don't cut and run" mentality?

Are you back to selecting only a couple of words in posts again?

Look, I have no problem with this nation kicking someone's ass who deserves it. Especially if they attack us. I have no problems forming treaties and alliances with other nations around the world as we've done. Or even helping weaker countries against bully neighbors.

I do draw the line at long drawn out occupations in semi-hostile nations in the aftermath. Or using our own treasury to rebuild said nation. Providing assistance is one thing. Spending our own taxpayer money on third world ****holes where we will never recoup that money is another.

We go in, kick their ass and leave them to pick up the pieces.
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I think military action is a mistake given our recent past in the ME. But if it's going to happen, don't half-ass it like other Presidents have. Send in a massive assault, get the job done, and stop trying to build new govts. We suck at government building. If we're going to continue this "war on terror" in the ME, then it's time to sack up and take the fight to them, even if it means going into countries considered allies to take out targets. If they're harboring terrorists who mean harm to the U.S., then they're not much of a friend to us. I'm tired of American soldiers getting killed needlessly in fights we won't finish. It dishonors their sacrifice to this country, imo. These are brave men fighting for their country and they deserve better than us half-assing it.
I think military action is a mistake given our recent past in the ME. But if it's going to happen, don't half-ass it like other Presidents have. Send in a massive assault, get the job done, and stop trying to build new govts. We suck at government building. If we're going to continue this "war on terror" in the ME, then it's time to sack up and take the fight to them, even if it means going into countries considered allies to take out targets. If they're harboring terrorists who mean harm to the U.S., then they're not much of a friend to us. I'm tired of American soldiers getting killed needlessly in fights we won't finish. It dishonors their sacrifice to this country, imo. These are brave men fighting for their country and they deserve better than us half-assing it.

Very good post Weezer. Praying for you too bro. Only know you from the zone and here but I wish you the best.
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Interact how? Surely standard RoEs are in effect.

this is asking for a finger pointing game. "they shot at me" "I am sure it was the Russians" "The Americans opened fire on us"

this is why i never wanted us in there
this is asking for a finger pointing game. "they shot at me" "I am sure it was the Russians" "The Americans opened fire on us"

this is why i never wanted us in there

And yet, here we are.

This is the point where we have to put pride to the side and start negotiations with the Russians to achieve a common end goal. Give up this idea of overthrowing Bashar until we handle business with ISIS and even then, let the people decide under UN guidance.

There is no reason we should be working against the Russians in this matter. Only bad things will happen.
And yet, here we are.

This is the point where we have to put pride to the side and start negotiations with the Russians to achieve a common end goal. Give up this idea of overthrowing Bashar until we handle business with ISIS and even then, let the people decide under UN guidance.

There is no reason we should be working against the Russians in this matter. Only bad things will happen.

until that understanding is worked out we should stay the frick out. Russia and Syria dont want us there.
until that understanding is worked out we should stay the frick out. Russia and Syria dont want us there.

And the crazy thing is they are they ones fighting ISIS there. The US needs to focus on the ISIS supply lines coming from Turkey.

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