Petrino on the UT Game

Antonio Andrews is a name Vol fans will become very familiar with next Saturday.

I watched the whole WKU game last week and this guy is very good. He will be a second round pick next year- he is not overly fast, but he can make people miss and he has good power. I think that we will win the game, but we need to be ready for a tough game. Petrino will have much success against our less than veteran secondary. Hopefully we will be able to apply pressure to their QB- otherwise, things will get dicey in short order. Go Vols!
I watched the whole WKU game last week and this guy is very good. He will be a second round pick next year- he is not overly fast, but he can make people miss and he has good power. I think that we will win the game, but we need to be ready for a tough game. Petrino will have much success against our less than veteran secondary. Hopefully we will be able to apply pressure to their QB- otherwise, things will get dicey in short order. Go Vols!

Andrews is solid. Not anything special. Good all purpose back but for several seasons has had ball security issues. Good player though.
No. This is "fun" for me... not serious. It is actually a break from serious stuff that can be pretty stressful if you don't have a "fun" outlet. If I were going to "boast"... it wouldn't be over something like this. It would be something "real".

I'm the same way. This takes my mind off stuff and actually helps me refresh so I can think clearer on whatever it is I'm working on. I've backed off the site though cause some of the arguments get tiresome when u r just trying to put ur opinion out there. Food for thought type stuff. Just like u I want my opinion to be tested so I can make improve it and make it stronger. Sad that it's just not possible, so I backed off.

All of that plus the fact that this site isn't very good on my new blackberry, so gets annoying.

Anyway, with all that said u said earlier u think I don't think CBJ is elite. I frankly don't know. He is elite amongst the lower ranks but doesn't mean anything right now. He is stepping into the bigs now. Hope he becomes elite asap, but I agree with u that 7 wins is a solid sign for the future. It will not only give the fanbase a boost of confidence, but also the recruits. If we have 5 or less our class will be in trouble imo. Luckily we have a nice # of solid legacies and in state kids, but others could be poached with some easy negative recruiting by the best in the biz. Something Dooley had to live with all 3 yrs, and was still able to pull some solid talent.

At the end of day both of us, I think, can agree that CBJ came into a better situation plus is getting paid way more than Dooley. Therefore, he doesn't have much room to wiggle. UT needs to get this funk down right over with ASAP, and can't afford to "wait". Coaches are able to do well quick, so it's nothing new. The toughest schedule excuse can't be used, cause it's no harder than the last 3 yrs. Dooley had a Chip Kelly run OR,Bama,LSU, and a Petrino led AR team in his first year. So these players know what it's like to play tough games, and are due a few wins that are well fought. Honestly, the last 3 yrs competition is what gives me a bit of faith that they should be able to pull off 7-9. It's all going to be on the coaching schemes and gameplan, cause this team has experience in key areas. And something im really happy about is no drama. Something that has plagued this program for many yrs. People hate Dooley, but at least he took the grunt of all that crap, and it the stench isn't lingering around.

BTW- I read where u think Sumlin is elite or close to it. I think this yr will be a big test for him. Is a lot of the drama he is dealing with, and what commentators are saying remind u of the Dooley and bray situation some?? I think Sumlin may be taken down by manziel if he doesn't do something tough ASAP. Just imho that's all.
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No. This is "fun" for me... not serious. It is actually a break from serious stuff that can be pretty stressful if you don't have a "fun" outlet. If I were going to "boast"... it wouldn't be over something like this. It would be something "real".

The best thing WKY did was to beat KY. If THAT doesn't grab the players attention, nothing will.
If KY had beaten WKY, soundly, then I could see us looking ahead.
I figure UT 35 WKY 24.
That 49-7 beatdown Petrino put on us still aches.

I wish and hope that we score early, often, and late. If presented with the opportunity of blowing them out, I'd dearly like to see us seize that opportunity.

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