So many fallacies and irrelevancies in your post. And so many that are so familiar. It's the same old mantra that is repeated by the Peyton haters. How could anyone who claims to be a Peyton supporter buy into such nonsense? It really is hard to believe.
Peyton has had a longer career. Montana played 15 seasons and Peyton is in his 16th season. So that gets held against Peyton? Never mind that his AVERAGE career QB stats are better than Montana's in just about every category. Why is it even worth mentioning that Peyton has played longer when it's already been pointed-out that he eclipsed Montana's numbers in fewer seasons than Montana played? Do you not get that? How else can I make it clear? Yes, he has thrown more. He's completed more, too. His career completion % is better than Montana's. His yards/completion % is better. His TD % is better and so is his career QB rating. And since you mentioned INTs, it may surprise you to know that Montana's career INT % was 2.6 -- identical to Peyton's.
Yes, Montana played a shorter career. I say Peyton has played longer because he's bigger, stronger and tougher than Montana. But so are all the players playing at all the other positions in the NFL nowadays, compared to Montana's era. Yeah, when Montana played, the game was so much tougher. That's why it took until now for the NFL to start changing all of the rules about hitting to protect the players. I guess if Peyton had played back then, he would have had even more than just four neck surgeries to overcome. A much easier time -- LOL! I'm old enough to remember Montana's career. Back then they actually called pass interference!
Peyton has never played on a dominant team. No one would say that he's played on the most dominant team of his era -- as Montana did. That distinction goes to Tom Brady. Peyton has never had a great defense that he could rely on. He's always had to take more risks than Montana did. He never had Jerry Rice to throw to. I can post more stats to back this up, but I realize they do get tedious after a while.
Peyton has a "long way to go" to be considered the GOAT? Really?! He's already considered to be among the GOAT by most knowledgeable people right now. How many more NFL QB records does he have to shatter to be in consideration in your mind? I've already dealt with Montana, whose SB rings are really the only thing he's got over Manning -- and it's already been established that those are TEAM achievements, not individual accomplishments. Name any QB you think is more deserving of GOAT and I can make an argument for why Peyton is better that would be very hard to dispute.
It took me a very long time to allow myself to accept Peyton's greatness among the all-time great QBs in NFL history. I was very aware of my own biases as a lifelong Tennessee fan and Peyton supporter. But the numbers don't lie.
Nice post. I see your points, but some points I politely disagree. Stats can be very misleading. Do we think Murray is the greatest SEC QB of all time because of his stats? Probably not. Why not, because he never won the big game. I think a lot of that applies to Manning. He has won 1 Super Bowl, but he will not be considered the GOAT unless he wins 1 more. Most people will not say Bradshaw is the greatest even though he won 4 Super Bowls. Your points on Montana are what I disagree with mostly. Please take some time and look at the stats of EVERY playoff game he ever played in. Those numbers are set in stone. Arguments about better players are not factually based. Many times the QB makes players around him better. Also, I would say at this point in time Brady is ahead of Manning.
Top QB's of all time:
1) Montana
Super Bowl Statistics
Super Bowls Comp Att Pct Yards TDs INTs Rate Result
XVI 14 22 63.6 157 1 0 100.0 W 26-21
XIX 24 35 68.6 331 3 0 127.2 W 38-16
XXIII 23 36 63.9 357 2 0 115.2 W 20-16
XXIV 22 29 75.9 297 5 0 147.6 W 55-10
Totals 83 122 68.0 1,142 11 0 127.8 W/L Record 4-0
2) Elway (5 Super Bowls)/ Brady
3) Manning/ Favre/ Unitas/ Marino
If Manning can get 1 more Super Bowl, I feel he moves into the 2nd spot alone if Brady stays at 3 Super Bowl wins. If Peyton can get to 3 victories, he has the top spot!!
Championships are 1 piece of the puzzle. When you get down to the GOAT, it plays an even more important role, IMO.
Same goes in the NBA. Bill Russell won 2 NCAA championships at Univ of San Fransisco, then 11 NBA championships. Jordan has 6, but most folks say Jordan is the greatest. Old timers though will usually enter the conversation with the question, "did you ever see Russell play?"
Anyway. I appreciate your opinions and I am sure you can post some valid points against my thoughts. Good stuff.